John 8:44 - Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
1 John 4:1
- Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they
are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Timothy 3:13 - But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/06/christian-minister-james-white-has-kindred-spirit-in-jihadi-imam-yasir-qadhi;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This “dialogue” event between evangelical minister James White and
jihadi imam Yasir Qadhi took place in the appropriately named Olive
Branch, Mississippi last January, and while we don’t ordinarily write
about archival material, this is such a spectacular example of the
pitfalls of “interfaith dialogue,” and of going into discussions with
Muslim spokesmen without being sufficiently educated about Islamic
teaching, that it warrants particular attention.The event purported to highlight and discuss “agreements and differences” between Christians and Muslims:

White’s high regard for Qadhi is strange, given Qadhi’s open avowal that
Christians are “filthy,” and that Muslims can seize their property and
take their lives in jihad:
But White thinks he knows all about that, and that it is no big deal. This is an excerpt from a very lengthy, windy segment on White’s show:
White also claims that Jews, Christians, and Muslims would all agree that idolaters are filthy in God’s sight, and shows no awareness of the fact that the idea that unbelievers are unclean is a live concept among some Muslims, notably Shi’ites. The renowned Ayatollah Sistani classifies unbelievers as unclean, along with pigs, dogs, dead bodies, etc. What Jews or Christians do that?
Regarding Qadhi’s statements about jihad, White notes that Qadhi argues that only a legitimate caliph can declare jihad, and that most Muslims reject the Islamic State’s caliphate. White shows no awareness whatsoever of the fact that in Islamic law, jihad is fard kifaya, a communal obligation from which one individual is free if it is being discharged by others, but it becomes fard ayn, obligatory upon every believer, when a Muslim land is attacked (cf. Umdat al-Salik o9.1-o9.3).
Nor does White appear particularly disturbed by the fact that Qadhi even allows in principle for the seizure of the property of non-Muslims, and the killing of non-Muslims, under some circumstances. White is much more exercised about my supposedly misrepresenting Qadhi by reporting on his words. Apparently, it’s all my fault: in this video (starting at 7:27), White sits next to Qadhi as Qadhi says that “the far right targeted” him, “you know, Spencer and Pamela Geller.” He claims that Geller and I produced a “fabricated audio clip,” referring to the one above of his remarks on jihad; he says that we selectively edited his remarks to — you guessed it — take him “out of context” and make it appear as if he is endorsing jihad against non-Muslims (this is not the same as the audio above, it just has the same cover photo):
It’s ironic: White, in this lengthy video, scolds people for supposedly not being fair to Qadhi, falsely claims that my intention was to portray Qadhi’s words inaccurately, and self-righteously admonishes Christians that they have to be fair to Muslims even in disagreement. Then he sits by sympathetically as Qadhi lies about Pamela Geller and me, as well as about his own words. I wrote White about this several months ago; he responded contemptuously and refused to correct the record.
In light of White’s manifest credulity in the face of Qadhi’s distortions and outright lies, it is no surprise that he is led around by the nose in Olive Branch, Mississippi. White praises himself, saying that Muslims have come up to him and thanked him for attempting to portray their faith accurately:
Let’s see. In this segment, Qadhi claims that the Islamic State (ISIS) is a wholly new thing, a phenomenon never before seen in the history of Islam: “I mean, burning people alive in cages?”
The lies continue in this segment:
Qadhi also claims that no non-Muslim has ever been killed for trying to enter Mecca. In fact, as recently as 2007, some French non-Muslims were killed on the way to Mecca.
Finally, in this video, White claims that there are powerful forces trying to make sure that Muslims and Christians don’t talk to each other. These nameless nefarious forces, according to White, have no regard for the truth, and are using someone White considers an adversary, someone who called him a “Useful Idiot.” These forces supposedly, according to White, supplied this man with his talking points against White and his noble endeavors at Muslim/Christian dialogue. These forces, White says, have political and financial motives — he echoes Islamic supremacists in suggesting that critics of Islam are just in this wonderful life-threatening, reputation-ruining business for the money (what money?). How he professes to know the motives of these unnamed people, he does not bother to explain.
Whoever White has in mind as these nefarious forces (and I think I know, and I think you do, too), they are absolutely right: White is a Useful Idiot par excellence, in his credulity, naivete, and ignorance of Islamic theology, law and history allowing himself to be used by the deceptive jihadist Qadhi. I am all for genuine discussion between Christians and Muslims, but that means that the Christians are informed participants, not gullible fools having their pockets picked by jihadist sharpies. James White is a living, walking object lesson in the dangers of Muslim/Christian “dialogue” when pursued by uninformed and naive Christians, and particularly when pursued by uninformed and naive Christians with a fatuous confidence in their own knowledge and righteousness.
(Thanks to Worldview Weekend.)
"The second example comes to us from evangelical minister James White who publicly states he learned everything he knows about Islam from Muslim Brother Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, leader of the Memphis (TN) Islamic Center. The New York Times calls Qadhi “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.” By “conservative” they must mean “jihadi-like.”"
"Qadhi is a sharia scholar and works inside the Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement calling for the implementation of sharia and an Islamic state here in America.
Specifically, Qadhi is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA). Qadhi is also the Dean of Academic Affairs and an instructor at the al Maghrib Institute, which has produced a large number of jihadis over the years including Tarek Mehanna, Ramy Zam Zam – the leader of the “Virginia 5,” Daniel Maldonado, Nuradin Abdi (founder of the Al Maghrib’s Ohio Chapter), and others.
Yasir Qadhi has been the keynote speaker at numerous prominent Muslim Brotherhood organizations (eg ICNA), works closely with terrorist organizations like Hamas and its leaders and has a long track record of publicly defending known terrorists such as: convicted terrorist leader Sami al Aria, convicted terrorist Ali al-Timimi, American Taliban fighter John Walker Lindh, convicted Al Qaeda terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, Tarek Mehanna, and others.
Yasir Qadhi was a trustee at the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas’ Islamic Society of Boston founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi. This is the same ISB which nurtured the Boston Marathon bombers.
Yet, James White publicly stands with Qadhi and lashes out at anyone who brings these facts to light. It appears Mr. White has not read MB doctrine…"
James White's Compromise and Defense of Islam
Published on Jun 13, 2017
White has allowed a Muslim Shariah-loving Imam named Yasir Qadhi to
preach error to a church unchallenged thereby misleading the saints.2) White claims it is an error to say Islam is a religion of terror and offensive jihad even though that is not an error.
3) White defends Muhammad’s paedophilic rape of the 9 year old child Aisha.