republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In a bizarre spectacle that took many low-level establishment-minded
analysts by surprise, brutal Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping was crowned the king of globalism this week
by embattled Western globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in
Davos. Blasting “excessive pursuit of profits,” Xi (shown) offered a
“vigorous defense” of globalism and pseudo-“free trade” schemes in his
keynote speech at the event. He also suggested that his brutal regime
was ready to step in to a leadership role in the emerging new world
order as the United States changes direction. However, as the globalist
alliance with savage communist tyranny comes out of the closet, Western
voters are likely to become even more hostile to the extreme agenda of
their would-be overlords.
Without a trace of irony, the brutal dictator claimed to be working
for “the people” while promoting “liberalization” and “openness,” as if
his communist regime believed in either of those values. Bizarrely, Xi
even echoed the Gettysburg address by former U.S. President Abraham
Lincoln. “China is pursuing development of the people, by the people,
and for the people,” claimed Xi, as if the blood-drenched communist
oppression of the largest nation in the world were actually intended to
benefit its victims. “Globalism certainly creates some problems that we
all need to solve together. But what should really scare us is any
[leader] not willing to live up to the challenge.”
Xi then continued shilling for more of the globalist status quo in
which the American economy gets hollowed out, Americans lose their jobs
and industries, and the U.S. government breaks the back of American
taxpayers with trillions in odious debt to Beijing and other nefarious
forces. “It is true that economic globalization has created new
problems, but this is no justification to write off economic
globalization altogether,” the tyrant said through a translator. “We
must remain committed to developing free trade and investment, promoting
liberalization and facilitation through opening up, and saying no to
protectionism.... We should say no to protectionism. Saying yes to
protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. Wind and rain may
be kept outside, but so is light and air. No one will emerge as a winner
in a trade war.”
Ironically, the regime in Beijing imposes massive trade barriers on
Western firms seeking to operate in China. In addition to its massive
economic espionage apparatus, which steals technology and trade secrets
from Western companies like they were Chinese serfs, Beijing imposes
strict rules on companies hoping to do business in China. It also uses
tariffs to protect domestic industry, subsidies to help crush foreign
competition, currency manipulation to boost exports, and widespread
dirty tricks to hamper its competitors. The Chinese economy, meanwhile,
rather than the free-market utopia imagined by dishonest and naive
analysts, is dominated by ruthless state-owned enterprises that exploit
the equivalent of slave labor across China. The regime also
abuses taxpayers worldwide by using the United Nations to subsidize its exports and shipping.
Xi also took repeated and obvious shots at U.S. President-elect
Donald Trump, who, unlike Xi, was actually elected — all without ever
saying Trump's name. In fact, more than a few analysts painted the
entire speech as a heroic pro-globalism diatribe against Trump and the
fed up American voters who put him into office. “When encountering
difficulties, we should not complain about ourselves, blame others, lose
confidence or run away from responsibilities,” Xi continued in his
speech to fawning establishment globalists and hangers-on representing
government, business, banking, academia, and beyond. “Instead we should
join hands and rise to the challenge.”
As history shows, though, joining hands with communist dictators
basically always results in tragedy — oftentimes even for their
ostensible allies. Communist revolutionary Leon Trotsky, for example,
ended up with an ice pick in his head after a falling out with his
murderous comrades. And the regime in China has already shown that it
has no qualms about killing — in fact, the Communist Chinese Party state
murdered more innocent people than any other government in human
history. It continues to murder and torture dissidents, even harvesting
organs from members of proscribed religious minorities. The regime
also continues to use coercive abortions to enforce its barbaric
population-control policies as it engages in what experts call the
“cultural genocide” of Tibet.
A senior economic adviser for Trump responded to Xi's comments and
insinuations, saying the incoming administration was merely seeking
fairness in trade policy. “If you want to send your goods to us and if
you want to buy our debt, then we just want an equal paying field,” said
Trump adviser Tom Barrack. “Intellectual property, the enforcement of
trademark rights and the ability to have a true bilateral negotiation is
what it’s about. And it’s simply a negotiation. We now outsource our
trade policy to third party entities. It’s not going to happen anymore.”
Among other third party entities
that purport to set trade policy for America
that benefits the Communist Chinese dictatorship at the expense of
American workers is the World Trade Organization (WTO). But that is just
the tip of the iceberg.
Perhaps rubbing in the fact that his regime has
already stolen the military, trade, and economic secrets of most of the WEF's attendees and the institutions they represent,
Xi claimed that it was “not possible” any longer to stop the flow of
technology and people across borders. Aside from Trump, the remark was
widely interpreted as a swipe at British voters, who recently voted to
exit the European Union super-state in a “Brexit,” partly out of concern
for the mass-migration brought about by open borders. However, the
remark was ironic considering that Switzerland, which hosts the WEF and
is considered among most successful nations on Earth, is not an EU
member and recently voted to cut off the mass immigration.
The Chinese dictator, the first to attend the WEF, also defended the globalist United Nations “Paris Agreement,” an
illegal pseudo-treaty on “climate change” signed by Obama but never ratified by the U.S. Senate as required by the Constitution. The controversial UN climate regime purports to
require the imposition of devastating economic pain on the American
people, all while boosting the brutal dictatorship ruling China and
fleecing American taxpayers to prop up oppressive Third World
dictatorships and kleptocrats via “climate finance” reparations. Trump
declared on the campaign trail that he would “cancel” the UN scheme and
stop sending U.S. tax dollars to advance the agenda. Before that, Trump
highlighted the role played by Beijing in advancing what he called the
man-made global-warming “hoax.” Unsurprisingly, Xi wants governments to
“stick to it instead of walking away from it.”
Communist Chinese minions echoed their Dear Leader's phony narrative.
“It shows China is not underestimating the danger of a trade war
breaking out,” claimed He Weiwen, deputy director of the Beijing-based
Center for China and Globalization and a former “business attache” for
the regime in the United States. “China used to be a mere supporter of
the U.S.-led global economic order. Now, as the incoming U.S. presidency
shows signs of retreating, China is stepping up to take a leading
role.” Of course, that development was hardly organic, and was brought
about by the very same globalist establishment hobnobbing in the Swiss
Alps. To understand how instrumental Western globalists have been in
installing and then building up Communist China and the so-called “New
World Order” Beijing is now championing, see the articles below this
Unsurprisingly, the establishment and its propagandists in the media
put an easily debunked spin on the developments. The fake-news narrative
pushed by Beijing's propaganda organs and the Western establishment
media goes like this: Silly American voters surrendered their nation's
lead role in promoting globalism by electing Trump, and now, the benign
Communist Chinese regime is stepping in to fill the void and maintain
sanity. In the real world, though, this magazine has been
the fact that senior globalist schemers — billionaire Rothschild
protégé George Soros, the Rockefeller dynasty, Henry Kissinger, the
Council on Foreign Relations, and more — have long been grooming the
ruthless Chinese dictatorship to take a lead role in their totalitarian
“New World Order.” The day may have just come sooner than some globalist planners imagined.
As if on cue, Western globalists and their lackeys provided plenty of
quotes fawning over the mass-murdering dictator to help drive the media
narrative. “In a world marked by great uncertainty and volatility the
world is looking to China,” claimed World Economic Forum boss Klaus
Schwab before welcoming Xi to the stage, confusing extremist Western
globalists with “the world,” as if the two were interchangeable. Former
Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt, a Bilderberg meeting attendee
embroiled in endless scandals, echoed the bogus narrative: “There is a
vacuum when it comes to global economic leadership, and Xi Jinping is
clearly aiming to fill it. With some success.” Eurasia Group boss Ian
Bremmer, meanwhile, was widely quoted claiming that the reaction of
Davos globalists to Xi's speech was “success on all counts.”
At the summit in Davos, the outgoing Obama administration, perhaps
the most openly globalist in U.S. history, sent Secretary of State John
Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden, both of whom fit right in among the
Big Government-loving cronies and globalist schemers imagining
themselves as the “global elite.” Trump did send an adviser, Anthony
Scaramucci, who said that if the Chinese “really believe in globalism,
and they really believe in the words of Lincoln, they have to reach now
towards us and allow us to create this symmetry.” The “path to globalism
in the world is through the American worker and the American middle
class,” he claimed in a somewhat confusing statement, adding that “we
want to have a phenomenal relationship with the Chinese.” His boss,
Trump, has accused Communist China of devaluing its currency and ripping
off America with help from domestic globalist stooges.
No matter what propaganda and platitudes the globalists in Davos pump
out about “responsive” and “inclusive” rule over humanity, popular
outrage is expected to continue growing against the establishment and
its globalism, attacks on liberty, and other outrages perpetrated
against everyday citizens. The developments in Davos are yet more
evidence that the globalist-communist axis is circling the wagons
against humanity. But with supposedly “liberal” and "capitalist"
globalists getting in bed with a ruthless Communist Party mass-murderer
infamous for savage political persecution, censorship, and oppression,
the mask is coming off — and that is good news for mankind. “Here, we
have the global elite embracing Xi as the anti-Trump,” King’s College of
London War Studies Emeritus Professor Lawrence Freedman was quoted as
saying in the
Wall street Journal. In other words, globalists
are finally coming out of the closet as ruthless totalitarians, dropping
any pretense of “democracy” and “human rights.”
With American and British voters obviously fed up with the
establishment's agenda for what top globalists and Chinese Communists
regularly tout as the “New World Order” — basically totalitarian global
rule by a tiny self-appointed elite — the schemers are undoubtedly
plotting their next move. That means this is a very dangerous situation
for America and the world. But now that the globalist alliance with
Beijing is beyond dispute and globalists are openly identifying
themselves as co-conspirators with the murderous totalitarians enslaving
the people of China, the American people and their elected officials
must act accordingly. The upcoming swamp draining should focus on all of
the globalists in Davos willing to spit on American voters and join
forces with the ruthless Chinese tyrant.
Related articles:
China: Staking Claim in the New World Order
Communist Chinese Dictator to Push Globalism at World Economic Forum
Chinese Tyranny 2.0
With Obama Out, Communist China Takes Lead on UN “Climate” Scam
UN Internet Summit Run by Beijing Pushes “Global Governance”
World Economic Forum Pushes Global Controls
CFR Globalist: End U.S. States, Build China-style Regional Gov't
Davos’ Theme of “Resilient Dynamism” Hides Real Agenda
Robots Transforming China, Causing Heartburn at World Economic Forum
Communist Chinese Agent Takes Over Interpol, Global Policing
Communist China Unveils Most Orwellian Scheme Ever
Globalist Henry Kissinger Outlines “New World Order”
China, G77 Tyrants, and UN Boss Demand “New World Order”
Chinese Spying in the United States