The United States respectfully asks the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to work cooperatively with us in our efforts to help U.S. citizens Robert Levinson, Amir Hekmati, and Saeed Abedini to return to their families after lengthy detentions.
Mr. Levinson went missing from Kish Island, Iran, in March 2007. Mr. Levinson is not only a husband, but a caring father to seven children. His family has endured with courage and quiet dignity the pain of spending so many important family milestones without him there. They shouldn’t have to endure additional worry about his whereabouts and well being. We call again on the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to uphold its offer to help find Mr. Levinson and return him safely to his family.
The United States is also deeply concerned about the fate of dual U.S. citizens Amir Hekmati and Saeed Abedini. Tomorrow marks the two-year anniversary of Mr. Hekmati’s detention in Iran on false espionage charges. On September 26, Mr. Abedini will have spent a year in detention in Iran. He was sentenced to eight years in prison on charges related to his religious beliefs.
President Rouhani has shared in his speeches and interviews over the past few months his hope and vision to improve the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s relationship with the world.
We urge the Iranian Government to release Mr. Hekmati and Mr. Abedini and to help us locate Mr. Levinson so that they may be reunited with their families as safely and as soon as possible.
These men belong at home with those who love them and miss them.
Meanwhile the White House spokesperson is flippant when asked about Christians in Egypt being held in prison and tortured or killed, as seen in this YouTube video:
White House Spokesman on Obama "Red Line in Egypt" on Attacks on Christians: "I Didn't Bring My Red Pen":
Excerpt of press conference from:

"Question (from reporter): So applying the same -- and Jim got at this a bit about the rhetoric in many of these cases -- be shifted to Egypt with people being killed, Christians in particular being targeted, churches being destroyed. What's the President's red line in Egypt?
MR. EARNEST: Well, I didn't bring my red pen out with me today. But I can tell you that we have condemned in unambiguous terms all the violence that's been perpetrated there in Egypt. We have been concerned and condemn the violence that was perpetrated by the government against peaceful protestors. And we're just as outraged and just as concerned about reports that Christian churches have been targeted. The violence in Egypt should come to an end. It needs to stop. And that is the way that we're going to facilitate the kind of reconciliation that will allow the interim government to make good on their promise to transition back to a democratically elected, civilian government. We need to see an inclusive process get started there, and that’s something that we are encouraging the interim government to undertake."
Again, no moral outrage or condemnation here,
thanks to Obama