republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Apprising Ministries is doing what we can to warn you of a growing apostasy that I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams. With it has come a growing syncretism as the Gospel shifts from repentance and forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ Name to let’s all work together to make the world a better place.
Since the beginning of this year 2012, bolstered by the ill-advised Elephant Room conferences of curator James MacDonald and his partner in spiritual crime Mark Driscoll, we’ve even seen nefarious Word Faith heretic T.D. Jakes come to be embraced by mainstream evangelicals.
The 2014 Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference, June 8-9, immediately followed by the Southern Baptist Convention, June 10-11, will be held in Baltimore, at the Baltimore Conference Center right on Inner Harbor. The theme of the conference represents a deep soul-cry of “Show us Your glory”.
The Conference President, Dr. Bruce Frank of Biltmore Baptist Church in Arden, NC and his team have been working, praying and planning to create a meeting where the presence of God is experienced in a life changing powerful way. (source, click About)
So all of this contemplative sounding language concerning the upcoming PC14, in order to experience “the presence of God” they hope “in a life changing powerful way,” tells us it’s actually the precursor to set the table for this year’s annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. I would offer this is quite significant.
PC14 featuring the trio of a sinful ecumenicist like Rick Warren, Francis Chan, who’s declared his love for NAR heretic Mike Bickle, and James MacDonald, a leading figure in a self-appointed Evangelical Ecumenical Magisterium of multisite megachurch pastors, gives us plenty of cause for concern in regard to the SBC.
Among the other speakers at PC14 we find Dr. Ronnie Floyd. His PC14 bio informs us he’s:
served as Senior Pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas for 26+ years. Cross Church is a four-campus, multi-site fellowship of believers and was just recognized by Outreach Magazine for being the 57th Largest Church in America in Weekly Attendance…
Arkansas pastor Ronnie Floyd will be nominated for president of the Southern Baptist Convention at the SBC annual meeting this June, seminary president R. Albert Mohler Jr. announced today (Feb. 20).
Floyd has “unparalleled experience as a leader among us, an unquestioned commitment to the Great Commission, and he has demonstrated an unstinting urgency to unite Southern Baptists around our shared beliefs, mission, and programs,” Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., wrote in an open letter to Southern Baptists stating his intention to nominate Floyd at the SBC annual meeting in June.
During the 27 years Floyd has led Cross Church in northwest Arkansas, it has become “one of the most evangelistic, visible and innovative congregations in our convention,” Mohler wrote. (source)
It’s what kind of innovation we are seeing on the part of Ronnie Floyd which forms the basis of my article here. Specifically, Floyd’s 1/26/14 sermon entitled Chained-Investing in the Now, which as of this writing, you can still catch on the Cross Church Vimeo channel. My point being, he obviously stands by it.
As you’ll see, during the sermon Floyd touts the WF mythology of Robert Morris, pastor of Gateway Church (GC), who’s gained most of his growing notoriety within megachurch circles for his book The Blessed Life (TBL), which arose out of a sermon series he did. It’s now also the title of:
a half-hour program featuring insightful teaching from Robert Morris, the Founding Senior Pastor of Gateway Church,… (source)
More on the teaching of Robert Morris in a minute. First, when we consider the September 9, 2013 postTuning in Regularly by Ronnie Floyd at his personal blog. I think we should be a bit alarmed at the number of EEM megachurch pastors Floyd is being influenced by. He tells us that:
Each week I do all that I can to grow personally… I listen to a long list of Christian leaders… Here is a list of various people I listen to along the way,,,,
James MacDonald, Harvest Bible Chapel, Chicago, Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Community, Chicago, Robert Morris, Gateway Church, Dallas, Jack Graham, Prestonwood Baptist, Dallas…
Mark Batterson, National Community, Washington D.C., Andy Stanley, North Point Church, Atlanta, Craig Groeshel, Life Church, Oklahoma City,,, Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, Southern California,
If you’re a regular reader of Apprising Ministries you’ll recognize most of those names as being part of those “vision casting” EEM prophet-pastors I cover on a regular basis. So, we shouldn’t be surprised to find Ronnie Floyd promoting the WF work of Robert Morris; after-all, Floyd’s just told us he listens to Morris regularly.
The introduction of Floyd’s 1/26/14 sermon in question purports, in jargon typical of Word Faith preachers a la T.D. Jakes, to be helpful for us to “break free financially in 2014.” Perhaps this is a reason Floyd draws from a WF preacher like Robert Morris; and he’s far from the only multi-site megachurch pastor who’s done so with Morris.
He’s really made the rounds to many EEM churches with his TBL mythology; including Saddleback Church of Rick Warren, as well as Perry Noble’s Newspring Church. In fact, Morris even has enough clout within Church Growth Movement circles to have Bill Hybels speak at his Alpha Summit 2012:

Unfortunately, when TBL dropped originally Robert Morris was still flying under the radar so there really hasn’t been much written exposing its false teachings. The point of this piece is to further document possible future SBC president Ronnie Floyd’s endorsement of WF preacher Robert Morris, which should be a real cause for pause.
Just know that the central fable of TBL by WF preacher Robert Morris is that our personal finances are under the curse of God until we redeem them by tithing to Him. Now you should be able to begin to understand why Morris’ mythology has become so appealing to multi-site megachurch pastors with their huge monetary needs.
As I begin to wrap this up, in Ronnie Floyd’s 1/26/14 sermon, while he’s teaching the “universal principle” of first fruits—coming quite close to sounding like seed-sowing prosperity preaching—we find that Floyd allows people in his congregation to use of the atrocious Message paraphrase of mystic Eugene Peterson.
Sadly, notice in this short clip, while equating the Crucifixion of Christ to first fruits tithing—just as WF preachers so often do—Floyd even takes the Name of the Lord in vain:
And now, listen for yourself as Dr. Ronnie Floyd refers to The Blessed Life as “one of the greatest books on financial matters that I’ve ever read.” Yet it’s a book containing antibiblical WF mythology from Robert Morris: