Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Three million evangelicals took the streets of Sao Paulo to share the gospel and
“cry out for Brazil, for the families, for the end of corruption, for the afflicted hearts”.
Around 3 million evangelicals, according to the organizers, filled the streets of the Brazilian city of of São Paulo, in the 27th edition of the March for Jesus, held on June 20. The march began at one of the main metro stations of the city, after the opening prayer of Estevam Hernandes, President of the March for Jesus in Brazil.
“We cry out for Brazil, for the families, for the end of corruption, for the afflicted hearts; our country belongs to Jesus Christ. To Him all honor, glory, power and majesty. As it says in Psalms 33: Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord,” he said. …
“Every year, we have a theme. These themes are a reference of what Christ represents for us. He rescued us from the empire of darkness and carried us into His mighty light. It is for Him that we march,” the organizers pointed out.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Gaga began by asking the crowd, “Are you ready to f____ing party tonight?” In the crowd were Joel and Victoria Osteen, who were indeed ready to party. The event was hosted to celebrate gay pride at the Apollo theater and the pastor of the nation’s largest ‘church’ was in attendance.
Victoria and Joel Osteen on the red carpet at the Gaga gay pride event.
Gaga calls her fans “little monsters” and they were in full excitement as it was the performer’s first appearance at the famous Harlem theater. The entire event was oriented around gay pride.
Also with Joel and Victoria Osteen were celebrities Amy Pohler, the Season 2 winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race, a cross-dresser named “ThunderFu_k,” Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, and gay actor, Neil Patrick Harris.
The event was basically a theatrically performed representation of the Biblical city of Sodom, and the crowd couldn’t be gayer to be there.
This is the event attended by Joel Osteen
Of the event, the Daily News wrote, “The clearly LGBTQ-leaning-and-loving crowd went crazy after one of their most extravagant took time to acknowledge the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.”
Songs were interspersed with tributes to various homosexual leaders in the gay rights movement. Gaga also lectured the crowd that throughout the evening they would need to pay close attention to using the right gender pronouns, an overture to the “trans community,” because “we are all in this together.”
Here are two attendees at the event, who operate a group called “Drag Coven.” They attended the event alongside Joel and Victoria Osteen.
Reports say that “Gaga performed a selection of her most beloved hits dancing around, in a most homoerotic latex fantasy, dropping F-bombs…”
Again, in attendance were Joel and Victoria Osteen.
Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing – 2 Corinthians 6:17
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
NEW YORK —Megachurch speaker and author Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria were among a number of celebrities, including drag queens, actors and music industry personalities, who attended the “SiriusXM and Pandora Present Lady Gaga at the Apollo” concert on Monday night in New York City. The two posed on the carpet for a photograph next to a SiriusXM/Pandora/Lady Gaga backdrop, which is posted online.
“Are you ready to [expletive] party tonight? Are we making history?” Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, asked the crowd as she opened the show, according to the New York Daily News.
The popular music streaming companies had announced last month that they would be presenting the “special performance” to “celebrate SiriusXM and Pandora coming together as one company.” They also noted that the concert “coincides with World Pride Month, which this year is being celebrated in New York City.”
The Daily News reports that Germanotta “performed a selection of her most beloved hits dancing around, in a most homoerotic latex fantasy, dropping F-bombs and getting tips from the future by speaking to an ‘Avatar’-like Gaga figure.”
She also spoke of her advocacy for those who identify as homosexuals and transgenders, telling the crowd, “So, it’s Pride Week. I wish it could exist 365 days of the year, but I’ll take an [expletive] global week.”
Germanotta urged those in the theater and around the world to “[a]sk the question: ‘What is your pronoun?’ Because for a lot of people, it’s really hard, and their pronouns aren’t respected or they’re not asked.”
As previously reported, Germanotta, whose music videos and concerts are often performed in little clothing and are sexually suggestive, sings about homosexuality in her song “Born This Way.”
“A different lover is not a sin, believe capital H-I-M,” the tune claims. “No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I’m on the right track baby, I was born to survive. … I’m beautiful in my way, ’cause God makes no mistakes.”
A number of drag queens attended the invitation-only event, including Alaska Thunder[expletive] (Justin Honard), Ginger Minj (Joshua Eads), Sharon Needles (Aaron Coady), Aquaria (Giovanni Palandrani) and Shangela Wadley (Darius Pierce) of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”
Other attendees included American Idol’s Adam Lambert, Saturday Night Live’s Heidi Gardner, actor Michael Douglas, and Neil Patrick Harris and his “husband” David Burtka.
The Osteens have their own channel on SiriusXM, which according to its description, features “daily messages of hope and inspiration, live call-in shows and with Joel and Victoria, and special live services.” Being connected to the network is likely the reason why they were invited to the event.
Christian News contacted Joel Osteen Ministries to inquire about the appearance, but was told by a representative that she didn’t know anything about the matter as she had just learned of it and that any statement would have to come from Joel himself.
Some outlets expressed bewilderment as to why the Osteens attended since it was assumed that he opposes homosexuality, which Gaga advocates.
As previously reported, Osteen drew criticism in 2013 when he told the Huffington Post that God accepts homosexuals without also mentioning the requirement of repentance.
“You say [in your book] … ‘It doesn’t matter who likes you or doesn’t like you; all that matters is that God likes you. He accepts you; He approves of you,” host Josh Zepps stated. “Is that true for gay men or true for homosexuals?”
“Absolutely,” Osteen replied. “I believe that God’s breathed His life into every person. We’re all on a journey. Nobody’s perfect.”
“The Bible says that sin is pride, sin is selfish ambition,” he continued. “We tend to pick on certain things, but I believe every person is made in the image of God, and you’ve got to accept them as they are as they’re on their journey.”
Osteen then explained his belief that Christians should exemplify kindness to the world, rather than “pushing people down.”
“Again, the Scripture teaches the way people are going to know His disciples is for our love for one another, and so, I’m not preaching hate [or] pushing people down,” he stated. “I’m not here to tell everybody what they’re doing wrong.”
2 Corinthians 6:17-18 exhorts, “Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
Respected British preacher Charles Spurgeon also once declared, “Avoid the appearance of evil. ‘But we must not be too rigid,’ says one. There is no fear of that in these days. You will never go too far in holiness, nor become too like your Lord Jesus. If anybody accuses you of being too strict and precise, do not grieve, but try to deserve the charge.
I cannot suppose that at the last great day, our Lord Jesus Christ will say to everyone, ‘You were not worldly enough. You were too jealous over your conduct, and did not sufficiently conform to the world.’ No, my brethren, such a wrong is impossible. He who said, ‘Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect,’ has set before you a standard beyond which you can never go.
’Well, but,’ says one, ‘are we to have no enjoyments?’ My dear friend, the enjoyments which are prepared for Christians are many and great, but they never include sin and folly. Do you call vice and folly enjoyments?”
It must be said so I will say it. Joel Osteen is a heretic as are many other “soft” Evangelicals who have departed from the faith. I am careful about “attacking” preachers since others are quick to do that, and usually the criticism is not valid. However, enough is enough. Joel fits the description of a heretic as being “a professed believer who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church or rejects doctrines prescribed by that church.”
Osteen is obviously very successful depending on one’s definition of success. He is worth 50 to 60 million dollars, has had seven bestselling books, is loved and adored by millions of fans, and lives in a multimillion dollar mansion with another home worth more than a million. He is selling a one-half acre lot next to his “smaller” home for over a million.
Yes, almost everyone would quickly call him successful; however, I think he is a pathetic person and a disgrace to the ministry. Especially is that true when he is compared to hundreds of thousands of preachers who live what they preach, helping those in need, working in obscurity and doing so at very meager wages.
Joel said, “I don’t argue when people say that my message is simple, but I believe Jesus’ message was simple.” It is a simple message and while simplicity is a virtue, the simple message must also be true. Joel’s message is not true, making him a false prophet.
Even the media characterizes him as a prosperity preacher, no doubt the secret of his success. He said, “It’s God’s will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty.” But Christ said, “For ye have the poor always with you.” Joel preaches what people want to hear whereas true preachers tell people what they need to hear.
But in one respect, Joel practices what he preaches since they live in a wealthy Houston suburb. The Osteens paid $10.5 million for their mansion that has 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 5 fireplaces, 3 elevators, a guest house and outdoor pool and pool house. They also own a second $2.9 million mansion in Tanglewood, Houston.
On October 2, 2013, Osteen did a HuffPost Live interview with Josh Zepps where Joel refused to take a biblical position on sodomy. Of course, neither he nor Zepps would ever use that very correct English word.
Zepps quoted from Joel’s book saying, “It doesn’t matter who likes you or doesn’t like you, all that matters is that God likes you. He accepts you, he approves of you.” Zepps then asked if that included homosexuals.
The pastor replied, “Absolutely, I believe that God breathed life into every person and that every person is made in the image of God and you have (sic) accept them as they are, on their journey. I’m not here to preach hate or push people down.” Joel stated. “I’m not here to tell everybody what they’re doing wrong.” If a preacher is not supposed to reveal and explain Bible truths about personal salvation and how to live the Christian life in obedience to God, then why is he preaching? Could it be power, and prestige, and possessions that motivate him? If so, that would make Joel carnal, crass, and commercial.
Of course, the clear implication is those of us who take a biblical position are haters when in reality we are the lovers! If I warn people that smoking, boozing, gaining weight and using illegal drugs will destroy their health and shorten their lives then I am their friend because I told them the truth that, if obeyed, will save their lives. Similarly, since the chosen homosexual lifestyle will shorten a person’s life, fill him with guilt, produce self-loathing leading to thoughts of suicide, saying so makes me a considerate, concerned, compassionate person—not the hater suggested by the media who grovel at the feet of the LGBTQ crowd.
The most recent egregious thing the Osteens have done is their recent appearance at an event celebrating a major LGBTQ “gay” pride event. A news site headlined, “Joel Osteen Attends Lady Gaga LGBT Pride Event.” According to the New York Daily News Gaga began by asking the crowd, “Are you ready to f____ing party tonight?” In the crowd were Joel and Victoria Osteen, who were indeed ready to party.
The event was hosted to celebrate gay pride at the Apollo Theater and “the pastor of the nation’s largest ‘church’ was in attendance….The entire event was oriented around gay pride.” Christian News noted that the concert “coincides with World Pride Month, which this year is being celebrated in New York City.”
Reports say that “Gaga performed a selection of her most beloved hits dancing around, in a most homoerotic latex fantasy, dropping F-bombs…” She told her audience of movie stars, homosexuals, dragqueens, and others, “So, it’s Pride Week. I wish it could exist 365 days of the year, but I’ll take an [expletive] global week.” Prancing about scandalously dressed, she sang about homosexuality in her song Born This Way—“A different lover is not a sin, believe capital H-I-M,” the tune claims. “No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life, I’m on the right track baby, I was born to survive. … I’m beautiful in my way, ’cause God makes no mistakes.”
I wonder if the famous preacher and his wife were uncomfortable as a dog in hot ashes with such depravity or if they have grown numb to such debauchery.
The Daily Mail reported, “Prosperity gospel preacher Joel Osteen wore a navy blazer with a gray-blue shirt, while his wife Victoria Osteen had on an elegant black dress with cut-outs over her short sleeves.”
While the Osteens were wearing more clothing than the movie stars, homosexuals, trans genders in attendance, why were they there whatever their clothing? No doubt, it was related to the Osteens’ radio show on Sirius; however, business is no excuse to sit silently while a celebration of perversion is happening.
What were decent people doing in such an event? What were a leading Evangelical pastor and his wife doing there? Why did he not stand on his chair and call them all to repentance as an Old Testament prophet would have done? As the Apostle Paul would have done?
Jude reminds Joel and all preachers to “contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Titus 5:20 commands preachers, “Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” Titus 1:13 requires us, “Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith.” In II Tim. 4:2 we are told to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”
Joel and Victoria were out of place at that LGBTQ event, and they are out of place when they are in the pulpit.
Joel will not reconsider, repent, and return to his religious roots because the price is too great for him to admit error when that admission would dissolve his salary, status, and security.
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog.)
(Publisher’s comment: I didn’t post Gaga’s name at her picture because I refused to ascribe the title “Lady” to such a sorry representative of womanhood.)
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“A U.S. school that allowed Muslim students to interrupt classes to ‘convert’ students to Islam now faces a grilling from a constitutional legal team.”
Memorial High School in New Jersey has an Islamization issue that is keeping it in the news. First, its actions prompted a “cease and desist” letter to be sent out by The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund to the school’s West New York School District’s superintendent at the end of May, “demanding that two district-sponsored Ramadan posters in Memorial High School be taken down.” One poster offered “Warm greetings from Memorial High school and wishes students to Have a blessed Ramadan.” Another states that “MAY ALLAH CONTINUE TO SHOWER YOU LOVE AND WISDOM.”
As the posters were finally scrapped by mid-June more news unfolds that the school is still under the microscope and is now facing a “grilling” by The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund “for allowing Muslim students to interrupt classes to convert students to Islam.”
If that were not bad enough….
“The school bulletin boards send students to a website run by the North Hudson Islamic Educational Center’s “Dawah Committee,” which explains its mission is to convert public school students to Islam. On the website, the committee praised the two Muslim students involved “for their outstanding dawah educational awareness in the public schools.We pray that other students and parents will follow suit in the near future. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala reward them manifold.”
While The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund is offering a necessary service, parents also need to be paying attention to what their children are being taught in schools and ask them questions.
Islamic indoctrination in schools is an ongoing issue.
Northshore School District in Bothell in Washington, was also recently sent a “cease and desist” letter from the The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, for promoting an ambitious CAIR-suggested policy change….
“The policy directs teachers to create “safe spaces” for Muslims, plan with Muslim students to let them “quietly slip away” from class for prayer, “privately offer information” about nutrition during their Ramadan fast, give “a lesson” on Ramadan and privately ask Muslim students what accommodations they want.”
Last year a Christian dad sued mountain Ridge Middle School in West Virginia for Islamic indoctrination of his teen daughter who was given an assignment to:
Write the Shahada, the Islamic conversion creed, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah,” in Arabic as part of “calligraphy” practice.
Fast for 24 hours and give lunch money and food to a food bank, to sympathize with Muslims going through Ramadan.
Read chapters from the Koran.
Learn the Five Pillars of Islam
Three years ago The American Center for Law and Justice launched a “Stop Islamic Indoctrination in School” petition, which drew almost 227,000 signatures.
U.S. school lets Muslims interrupt classes to ‘convert’ students”, World Net Daily, June 24, 2019:
A U.S. school that allowed Muslim students to interrupt classes to “convert” students to Islam now faces a grilling from a constitutional legal team.
As part of its Project for Constitutional Rights in Education, the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund monitors school districts to ensure that officials are educated about the “threat of Islamic indoctrination and religiously preferential ‘anti-Islamophobia’ bullying programs.”
FCDF said it sent the West New York School District in New Jersey a public records request to see documents “that could show whether the district is unlawfully promoting religion.”
The concern centered on a decision to hang a large banner at the school “beseeching ‘Allah’ to ‘shower’ students with ‘love and wisdom.’”
FCDF said it also is seeking documents related to two Muslim students who were given permission to interrupt classes during the school day to convert students to Islam “under the guise of teaching them about Ramadan,” the group said.
It was the same school that drew a “cease and desist” letter from FCDF only a few weeks ago regarding the banner.
“The district removed the poster but left intact massive bulletin boards designed by Muslim students to teach students about Ramadan,” the organization said.
The school bulletin boards send students to a website run by the North Hudson Islamic Educational Center’s “Dawah Committee,” which explains its mission is to convert public school students to Islam.
On the website, the committee praised the two Muslim students involved “for their outstanding dawah educational awareness in the public schools. We pray that other students and parents will follow suit in the near future. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala reward them manifold.”
“When public school districts enact policies or otherwise expose students to religious indoctrination, they choose to place ‘diversity’ and ‘cultural awareness’ over the First Amendment,” said FCDF Executive Director Daniel Piedra.
“FCDF will not tolerate this intentional effort to propagandize to schoolchildren. We will continue to warn all school districts to reconsider any policy or action that tramples on our children’s constitutional rights.”…
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“’It is a strong signal in terms of regulation,’ said Sonia Cisse, a counsel at law firm Linklaters, adding that it was a world first. ‘Hate speech is no longer considered part of freedom of speech, it’s now on the same level as terrorism.’”
This heralds the end of France as a free society and, if this spreads to other nations, as it likely will, the imminent death of other free societies in the West. This is because the banning of “hate speech” amounts in reality to the classification of anything those in power dislike as “hate speech,” and its banning.
“Hate speech” is not remotely in the same category as terrorism; the most obvious difference is that hateful or insulting speech does not result in the death of anyone. “Hate speech” is a subjective judgment. What is actually designated as “hate speech” depends on what the person doing the judging believes is offensive and hateful. I think opposing jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women and others is what everyone should do if he or she believes in the dignity of every human person and a free, pluralistic society in which people of differing beliefs and ideologies live together with mutual respect. But powerful bodies such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Southern Poverty Law Center have long classified such opposition as “hate speech.” And now Facebook is paving the way for those who engage in this so-called hate speech to be prosecuted.
The very concept of “hate speech” is, in reality, a tool of the powerful, used to silence the powerless. The political and media elites have decided, for whatever reason, that opposing jihad terror and speaking honestly about its ideological roots is “hate speech.” And so they will snuff it out, and we are well on the way now to the prosecution, imprisonment, and worse of those who engage in it. But this is not something that will save free societies by removing those who supposedly are the causes of strife. It will be the end of free societies, and the beginning of another era of totalitarian darkness and oppression.
“Exclusive: In a world first, Facebook to give data on hate speech suspects to French courts,” by Mathieu Rosemain, Reuters, June 25, 2019:
PARIS (Reuters) – In a world first, Facebook has agreed to hand over the identification data of French users suspected of hate speech on its platform to judges, France’s minister for digital affairs Cedric O said on Tuesday.
O, whose father is South Korean, is one of French President Emmanuel Macron’s earliest followers, and has been influential in shaping the president’s thinking on Big Tech as an advisor at the Elysee palace in the first two years of Macron’s presidency.
The decision by the world’s biggest social media network comes after successive meetings between Zuckerberg and Macron, who wants to take a leading role globally on the regulation of hate speech and the spread of false information online….
“It is a strong signal in terms of regulation,” said Sonia Cisse, a counsel at law firm Linklaters, adding that it was a world first. “Hate speech is no longer considered part of freedom of speech, it’s now on the same level as terrorism.”…
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Once upon a time, some of the most beautiful cities in the entire world were on the west coast, but now those same cities are degenerating into drug-infested cesspools of filth and garbage right in front of our eyes. San Francisco is known as the epicenter for our tech industry, and Los Angeles produces more entertainment than anyone else in the world, and yet both cities are making headlines all over the world for other reasons these days. Right now, nearly a quarter of the nation’s homeless population lives in the state of California, and more are arriving with each passing day. When you walk the streets of San Francisco or Los Angeles, you can’t help but notice the open air drug markets, the giant mountains of trash, and the discarded needles and piles of human feces that are seemingly everywhere. If this is what things look like when the U.S. economy is still relatively stable, how bad are things going to get when the economy tanks?
When Leilani Farha paid a visit to San Francisco in January, she knew the grim reputation of the city’s homeless encampments. In her four years as the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Adequate Housing, Farha has visited the slums of Mumbai, Delhi, Mexico City, Jarkarta, and Manila. The crisis in San Francisco, she said, is comparable to these conditions.
I have never been to Mumbai, Delhi, Mexico City, Jarkarta or Manila, and so I will just have to take her word for what the conditions are like there.
But how can this be happening in one of the wealthiest cities in the entire country?
Sadly, to a large degree San Francisco has done this to itself. Every single day drugs are openly bought and sold at “an outdoor market of sorts” right in the heart of the city, and authorities know exactly where it is happening…
To drill down on the epicenter of the crisis, a recent New York Times inquiry set out to find the dirtiest block in San Francisco. After asking statisticians to compile a list of streets with the most neighborhood complaints regarding sidewalk cleanliness, the Times landed on a winner: Hyde Street’s 300 block, which received more than 2,200 complaints over the last decade.
A visit to the block yields a harrowing sight of drug addicts and mentally ill residents, many of whom are part of the city’s overwhelmingly large homeless population. During the day, drug users host an outdoor market of sorts, selling heroin, crack cocaine, and amphetamines along the sidewalks.
They could shut down the drug dealing if they really wanted to do so.
And anywhere the illegal drug trade is thriving, you are also going to have a lot of property crime. At this point, no city in America has a higher rate of property crime than San Francisco does…
San Francisco is the nation’s leader in property crime. Burglary, larceny, shoplifting, and vandalism are included under this ugly umbrella. The rate of car break-ins is particularly striking: in 2017 over 30,000 reports were filed, and the current average is 51 per day. Other low-level offenses, including drug dealing, street harassment, encampments, indecent exposure, public intoxication, simple assault, and disorderly conduct are also rampant.
Meanwhile, things are not much better in Los Angeles. In fact, many would argue that L.A. is in even worse condition.
The homeless population in the city has risen 16 percent since last year, and it is taking over neighborhood after neighborhood. Los Angeles was once one of the most beautiful cities in the entire world, but now it is rapidly being transformed into a hellhole…
If someone predicted half a century ago that a Los Angeles police station or indeed L.A. City Hall would be in danger of periodic, flea-borne infectious typhus outbreaks, he would have been considered unhinged. After all, the city that gave us the modern freeway system is not supposed to resemble Justinian’s sixth-century Constantinople. Yet typhus, along with outbreaks of infectious hepatitis A, are in the news on California streets. The sidewalks of the state’s major cities are homes to piles of used needles, feces, and refuse. Hygienists warn that permissive municipal governments are setting the stage — through spiking populations of history’s banes of fleas, lice, and rats — for possible dark-age outbreaks of plague or worse.
Skid Row is the epicenter of the homeless problem in L.A., and I highly recommend that you do not go down there to check it out for yourself.
It is hard to believe that people are actually living this way in America in 2019. This is what one reporter witnessed during his visit to the neighborhood…
If you want to know how bad the homelessness crisis has gotten in California, just turn to 4 squares miles east of Main Street in downtown Los Angeles. The area, known as Skid Row, has long been inhabited by the city’s poorest residents. These days it resembles something akin to a nightmare.
Residents sleep in tents surrounded by discarded needles and feces, their belongings tucked into trash bags and shopping carts. Some shade themselves with tarps or use nearby light poles to connect to power. Others have contracted typhus from rats scurrying across the sidewalk. One resident was even found bathing in the water from a broken fire hydrant.
This is where the rest of the country is headed if we are not very careful. Bad policies have bad consequences, and our leaders have been taking us in the wrong direction for a very long time.
And instead of getting to the root of our problems, most of our politicians seem to think that engaging in bizarre social experiments will somehow solve our problems.
For example, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is convinced that we can solve the homeless problem by building tiny housing units in the backyards of private homeowners…
As part of this mission, the city is pursuing a pilot program, made possible by a $1 million Bloomberg Philanthropies grant, that would help homeowners install backyard units on their properties. In exchange for a $10,000 to $30,000 stipend, homeowners would be able to charge a small rent to homeless tenants, who would pay their share through vouchers or their own income. The city also plans to institute a matchmaking process that pairs owners and tenants.
“Our homeless crisis demands that we get creative,” the mayor said. If the backyard pilot works, he added, the idea could be adopted anywhere.
So if you live in Los Angeles, soon you will be able to bring the needles and piles of human feces from Skid Row into your own backyard.
Meanwhile, homeless people keep dropping dead night after night in Los Angeles. Just check out these staggering numbers…
A record number of homeless people — 918 last year alone — are dying across Los Angeles County, on bus benches, hillsides, railroad tracks and sidewalks.
Deaths have jumped 76% in the past five years, outpacing the growth of the homeless population, according to a Kaiser Health News analysis of the coroner’s data.
Year after year, this homelessness crisis is only getting worse.
The fabric of our society is literally coming apart right in front of our eyes, and we can all see what is happening, and yet our leaders seem absolutely powerless to fix it.
If we continue on this trajectory, what is our nation going to look like in a few years?