SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/07/turkish-government-using-us-mosques-to-spread-islamist-nationalistic-fervor; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
It is widely known that Saudi-funded mosques pose a threat due to their spread of Wahhabi ideology. Now Turkey, with its dreams of reviving the Ottoman Empire, is spreading its jihadist ideology through its own mosques in the U.S.:
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent re-election is fueling concerns about his growing powers not just in Turkey but here in the U.S., according to experts who believe he’s determined to spread his controversial brand of Islamist-nationalistic fervor through a network of mosques and religious centers.
These mosques need to be monitored. This shouldn’t even be controversial. Catholic churches were surveilled in Italy in Mafia investigations — and not only in Italy but also in New York City.
It is long overdue that mosques be surveilled, given the likelihood that many are promoting the jihad ideology. What’s stopping the surveillance of mosques? The fear of Muslim Brotherhood-linked lobbies screaming “Islamophobia.”
“These mosques are not places of worship,” charged David L. Phillips, Director for the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. “They are centers for political mobilization functioning like madrasas, distorting Islamic [sic] and radicalizing youth.”
The West is finished, unless it starts to treat the defense against the global jihad as what it is: a war.
“Critics say Turkish government using US mosques to play politics, spy on foes,” by Hollie McKay, Fox News, July 17, 2018:
________________________________________________________Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent re-election is fueling concerns about his growing powers not just in Turkey but here in the U.S., according to experts who believe he’s determined to spread his controversial brand of Islamist-nationalistic fervor through a network of mosques and religious centers.Some of that concern is focused on the Diyanet Center of America (DCA), a mosque and Islamic center in Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. The DCA was built with the strong support and funding from the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs, or Diyanet, which under the 15-year Erdogan administration has pushed for the building of mosques and Islamic centers around the world.Erdogan himself attending the opening of the $110 million center in 2016. But while the DCA’s primary goal, according to its website, is to “providing religious services without regard to politics,” critics say that’s not the case.“These mosques are not places of worship,” charged David L. Phillips, Director for the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. “They are centers for political mobilization functioning like madrasas, distorting Islamic [sic] and radicalizing youth.”Poised in a quiet neighborhood in the town of Lanham, Md., across the road from a small church and a cluster of humble homes, the DCA fills an entire block, with a series of impressive buildings. And it’s from this location that critics say the Turkish government spreads Erdogan’s brand of Islam, spies and gathers information for his national intelligence service, and tracks Turkish-Americans who they suspect of following Fetullah Gulen, a Pennsylvania-based cleric and one-time ally the president has named public enemy number one in Turkey. ….