SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/25303-love-trumps-hate-and-if-you-disagree-we-ll-kill-you;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“Love Trumps Hate! Love Trumps Hate!” This mantra has been
ricocheting noisily through our streets for the past several months,
usually interspersed with other anti-Trump chants including: “Not My
President!”; “No Trump! No Fear! Refugees Are Welcome Here!”; and “No
Trump! No KKK! No Fascist USA!"So chanted the belligerent throngs of Disrupt J20, as they engaged in KKK/Fascist-style tactics and linked arms to illegally block American citizens — men, women, young people, and children, including military servicemen in uniform — who had journeyed to Washington, D.C. on January 20 to peacefully attend the inauguration of President Donald John Trump. “Love Trumps Hate!” screamed the mob of “protesters,” as one of their number reached through the crowd with a lighter to set a young pro-Trump girl’s hair on fire. The criminal terrorist act was caught on video, but like most of the other violent acts of the disrupters, it was not considered newsworthy by the mainstream media (MSM). It would have disappeared unreported down the memory hole if not for social media and the many alternative news websites that are now daily exposing the lies and propaganda of Big Media. The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the controlled media herd that continuously bleated and brayed during the entire election cycle about alleged violence by a few Trump supporters have ignored this example of violence and hate, as they have the hundreds of other violent acts by anti-Trump disrupters during the inauguration.
All throughout the campaign and the post-election period, the media moralists have called upon the Trump side to “dial down” the inflammatory rhetoric, while the anti-Trump, pro-Hillary side was not merely engaging in verbal pyrotechnics but actually setting cities ablaze. All throughout the campaign and the post-election period, the media moralists have condemned Trump and Trump supporters for alleged “hate crimes” and “hate speech” against various minorities, citing unsubstantiated, hearsay accusations as proof. Invariably, these highly publicized “crimes,” have turned out to be hoaxes, fabrications of anti-Trump fanatics. If this had happened only a few times, the media organizations might plead incompetence or lack of due diligence and apologize for getting “punked”; blame it on the deadline rush. However, when it happens repeatedly, ad nauseum, as we have seen, and when the same “news” organizations repeat coverage of the hoaxes even after they’ve been publicly and admittedly discredited for days or weeks, it bespeaks willful deceit on the part of the “journalists” involved.
And when this is coupled by a willful blindness on the part of the media moralizers toward the multiple acts of real, actual, verifiable violence and hate on the part of the anti-Trump extremists — captured in flagrante delicto on video (see here, here, and here) — it becomes clear that we are dealing with something even more serious than obvious institutional “liberal-progressive” bias. We’re dealing with real “pants on fire” liars, plain and simple, who are raving ideological leftists to boot, who will censor and deny all facts and acts that defy their preferred narratives.
(The following video contains vulgar language and violence.)
Six percent! And that was before much of the worst media misbehavior, during the final months and weeks of the Clinton-Trump presidential run. And, of course, that misbehavior — by the anti-Trump media and the leftist "protesters" — is continuing. “Love Trumps Hate!,” the #J20 protesters in Washington, D.C. shouted, as fellow #J20 protesters were running amok with hammers, rocks, and other weapons, smashing cars and windows, terrorizing inauguration-goers, hitting police officers and passersby with metal poles, and setting a limousine on fire, which sent smoke clouds (along with some anxiety and panic) along President Trump’s inaugural parade route.
Ironically, the destroyed limo was owned by a Muslim immigrant, Muhammad Ashraf, who was not a Trump supporter. And his driver, who was in the limo when it was attacked and suffered injuries that required hospital attention, is a Hispanic employee, Luis Villaroel. Of course, one of the other anti-Trump mantras alternating with “Love Trumps Hate!” is “No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here!” But if some immigrants get in the way of the righteous Marxist-Leninist Trump haters, well, hey, that’s acceptable collateral damage, for as Lenin reputedly quipped, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.”
Much of the havoc, hate, rioting, violence, and vitriol aimed at Donald Trump for the past several months has issued from unidentified “activists” participating in rent-a-mob actions funded by George Soros, the Ford Foundation, and other deep-pocket funders. And many of the assassination threats and vile, obscene attacks on Melania, Ivanka, Barron, and other Trump family members, Vice President Mike Pence, and presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway have been made by anonymous Internet assailants or ordinary Twitter users without any previous claim to fame. However, during this past election cycle we have witnessed an unprecedented outpouring of hateful, malicious, intolerant, and even murderous rhetoric from anti-Trump celebrities, prominent individuals, and public figures. The following are but a tiny fraction of the hateful acts by the “Love Trumps Hate!” folks:
• Pop diva Madonna told the global audience to the Women’s March on Washington, “Welcome to the revolution of love” — before announcing that she’d “thought a lot about blowing up the [Trump] White House,” and then blasting opponents with F-bomb vulgarity.
• Fellow Hollywood persona Ashley Judd delivered a vitriol-drenched rant to the Women’s March, insulting President Trump with the usual name calling: racist, Nazi, fascist, KKK, misogynist, etc.
• Ted Kornblum, Founder and CEO of the Magnatone guitar amplifier company, posted, on January 30 on his personal Facebook page: “Rest easy people, it’ll take only 100 days till Trump gets a bullet in the head!” He later deleted the post and offered a tepid apology for what he said was a “frivolous, insensitive political post” and a “careless mistake.”
• Matt Harrigan, CEO of tech company PacketSled, posted a series of Facebook threats after the election, including: “I’m going to kill the president. Elect.”; “Bring it secret service”; “Nope, getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the whitehouse that suits you [expletive]. I’ll find you.”; “In no uncertain terms, [expletive] you America.” (We can’t reproduce all of his posts here because Harrigan insists on lacing his vile comments with X-rated verbiage.)
• Don King, a senior banker with international megabank BNP Paribas Tweeted: “Rape Melania then decapitate the [expletive]. Cmon ISIS where you at when we need you.” (The “Rape Melania” theme appeared around the country on posters carried by anti-Trump protesters.)
• Monisha Rajesh, a London-based writer for the establishment-Left Guardian of Great Britain, Tweeted: “it’s about time for a presidential assassination.”
• Hussam Ayloush, spokesman for CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), the militant Muslim lobby, issued a Tweet calling for the overthrow of the U.S. government, following the announcement that Trump had been elected. “Ok, repeat after me: Al-Shaab yureed isqat al-nizaam. (Arab Spring chant).” The second line of the tweet is Arabic, which translates as: “The people want to overthrow the regime.” As, Ayloush himself points out parenthetically in his tweet, this was the “Arab Spring” regime-change chant that was used by the mobs during the Obama/Clinton/Soros-orchestrated overthrow of Middle East governments, which resulted in the installation of new anti-American Muslim Brotherhood/ISIS/AlQaeda jihadist regimes throughout the region.
• Andrea Bocelli, Italy's immensely popular blind tenor backed out of performing at the Trump inauguration festivities due to death threats, it appears. Initially, it was widely reported he had declined as a result of fan backlash, but according to the UK Daily Mail, Bocelli's security detail convinced him the threats made attendance too dangerous. In light of the enormous outpouring of vicious and threatening rhetoric and violent actions from the anti-Trump camp, the death threat explanation sounds more plausible. Similarly, the "tolerance" folks bullied and threatened all other invited inaugural performers, causing many to decline the invitation or to back out after accepting, including Dreamgirls singer Jennifer Holliday, who intially said she would perform despite the orchestrated anti-Trump campaign against her doing so. Rather than condemning this bullying, the Hollywood set and their media pals triumphantly celebrated the sabotage and hypocritically pointed to the absence of "A-list" entertainers as a supposed confirmation of President Trump's unpopularity and illegitimacy.
• Actor David Harbour, in accepting a Screen Actors Guild award on January 29, delivered a fiery anti-Trump “call to arms” that drew the SAG members to their feet cheering, and in which he bellowed: “we will, as per Chief Jim Hopper, punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy the weak and the disenfranchised and the marginalized!” The "peace, love, and unity" crowd appeared to be wild with ecstasy at the thought of punching in the face people they disagree with.
• Ethan Fedida, director of social media at the California-based news website Ozy.com and a writer for the liberal-left pro-Obama/pro-Clinton Huffington Post, Tweeted: “Looking on the bright side: the stress of the presidency should help kill @realDonaldTrump faster…”
• Joss Whedon, director of the Avengers movies and donor of $1 million to a pro-Hillary Clinton SuperPAC, Tweeted this coup-sounding comment after Trump had been legally elected: “This is simple: Trump cannot CANNOT be allowed a term in office. It’s not about 2018. It’s about RIGHT NOW.” And how is Trump to be denied a term in office without engaging in insurrection and sedition? And how do Whedon and other members of the PC Choir square this seditious talk with their claim that, like Hillary, they were absolutely "horrified" when Trump said that he would not necessarily concede defeat immediately after the election, if informed that Clinton had won. His response was entirely reasonable, if taken in the proper context, inasmuch as it reflected a "wait and see" approach that recognized the need to be sure that a proper vote count had been taken and any voting "irregularities" or vote fraud had been investigated. But here we are nearly three months after the election, and after multiple post-election efforts by the "horrified" folks to derail the Trump presidency, the "progressives" who prattled endlessly about "peaceful transferal of power" are still waging a scorched-earth war.
Have any of the privileged miscreants uttering these threats or inflammatory, vulgar remarks been held to account? Not that we can see, although a few of them have been, reportedly, visited by the Secret Service. And some, after being shamed by the alternative media (certainly not by the MSM hypocrites) have quietly removed their offensive Tweets and Facebook posts. But few of the high-level offenders have been forced to clean out their desks and resign.
By way of contrast, it may be recalled that Mozilla (Firefox) CEO Brendan Eich was forced to resign in 2014, but that was because he had been found guilty of the truly abominable crime of … offending the LGBT Lavender Lobby. How so? It was “discovered” that several years before, Mr. Eich had donated $1,000 to (Oh, the horror!) California’s Prop 8 initiative, the voter-approved state constitutional amendment that declared only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Such unpardonable bigotry! So, according to the current dictates of our morally disoriented intelligentsia, it is a righteous thing for the likes of Eich to be hounded from his job for exercising his right as an American citizen to oppose the now-sacred “right” of same-sex “marriage.”
But merely publicly threatening the president of the United States with assassination, wishing his untimely death, or urging revolution and insurrection, well, that’s OK, not even worth a tsk-tsk from the media moralizers. We have seen no reports that Kornblum, Harrigan, Ayloush, Whedon, or Fedida have suffered any employment retribution, and certainly none of the lynch-mob treatment from the media that would assuredly be meted out to any similar language directed at Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or other icons of the Left.
A few low-level anti-Trumpistas have suffered loss of employment for their uncivil and unwise Internet postings, as, for instance, the burlesque dancer in Kentucky, Heather Lowery, who Tweeted this loving message: “If someone was cruel enough to assassinate MLK, maybe someone will be kind enough to assassinate Trump.” What would be laughable, were it not so deadly serious, is that Lowery’s wish for murderous kindness includes: “#bekind #trump #lovetrumpshate.”
A few other privileged offenders have had their wrists (lightly) slapped, but have gotten a pass from their comrades in the commentariat. Katie Rich, a comedy writer for Saturday Night Live (NBC), went way over the line when she targeted President Trump’s 10-year-old son, Barron, in this nasty tweet that suggested he would be a mass-murderer: “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”
Even NBC recognized that Rich had gone out of bounds with this ugly comment, but only temporarily “suspended” her. No media outrage over this. In fact, as the Media Research Center reported, Rich’s confreres in the media bent over backwards to spare her. The New York Times and Associated Press, for instance, both soft-pedaled the story, intentionally failing even to quote, let alone reproduce, Rich’s child-abusing tweet.
The Times reported that Rich had been suspended for tweeting "a widely criticized post she made Friday on her personal Twitter account in which she mocked Barron Trump, the 10-year-old son of President Donald J. Trump." That’s all, just a “widely criticized post” that “mocked” the president’s son. The AP reported that Rich was suspended “after tweeting a poorly received joke about Donald Trump's 10-year-old youngest son, Barron.” No, nothing serious here, just a “poorly received joke.” Clearly, the Times, AP, and the rest of the mediameisters that followed suit did not want any of the outrage that they have been so assiduously trying to gin up toward Trump to be diluted or redirected toward any other target.
Another example: “Journalist” Julia Ioffe — a writer for Politico and a columnist for Foreign Policy — got into (somewhat) hot water for an especially vile X-rated Tweet (which we will not reproduce) speculating on incest between President Trump and his daughter Ivanka. Ioffe, whose writings have appeared in much of the “prestige press,” was in the process of leaving Politico for a new position at The Atlantic when she Tweeted. As a result of her controversial tweet, Politco announced it had “accelerated” her departure. Her new employer, The Atlantic, however, didn’t flinch, merely stating that Ioffe “made a mistake today on Twitter, which she regrets and for which she has publicly apologized.” They expressed confidence that she would adhere to The Atlantic’s standards. Those “standards,” apparently, fall well below those of Va Va Vixens, the Louisville dirty-dancing company that fired the aforementioned dancer Heather Lowery “the moment we were informed of this incident.”
“We have a zero tolerance policy for such,” the owners of the burlesque establishment said in a statement. “It’s no secret that we are in the midst of a divided nation. With so much hate and anger in the world, our hope is to be a sanctuary that welcomes all walks of life with open arms,” they stated. The management at the New York Times, The Atlantic, NBC, Saturday Night Live, and the rest of the MSM anti-Trump lynch mob could take some “zero tolerance” pointers from the management of Va Va Vixens.
And what about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Charles Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Corey Booker, and Nancy Pelosi? Have they denounced the incendiary rhetoric and violent demonstrations? To the contrary, in their speeches they have poured gasoline on the fires and helped further incite the extremists. Have the moralists of the lamestream media named and shamed the advocates of assassination and violence? Have the media moralizers, who repeatedly demand that Trump and the Republicans “tone down” the rhetoric, made the same demands of these Democrat Party leaders, whose followers are the only side engaging in mass violence?
Hah! The mavens of Big Media have instead covered for these "progressive" Democrat leaders, just as they have covered for their violent followers, and have continued to stoke the anti-Trump atmosphere that guarantees a continuation of the vicious “Love Trumps Hate!” hypocrisy.
Or perhaps “Love is hate!” would be a better catch-phrase, echoing the 1984 Orwellian slogans “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.”
Is that not where we now stand? Is it not truly Orwellian when masked, violent “protesters” sporting communist hammer-and-sickle flags and anarchist emblems chant “This is what democracy looks like!” — while physically blocking peaceful citizens from the inauguration of a democratically elected president? And when they chant “Love trumps hate!” — while viciously, physically attacking fellow citizens with whom they disagree? Is it not truly Orwellian when the “Ministry of Truth” media hypocrites side with the attackers and accuse the victims of provoking the violence?
One of the most frightening features of Orwell’s dystopian future was the mandatory daily ritual known as the Two Minute Hate, in which propaganda films were used to work the inhabitants of Oceania into a mass frenzy of rage and hatred against the “enemy” — creepily similar to the actions of the mindless, screaming, hateful lunatic fringies attacking President Trump (and anyone who disagrees with them) while proclaiming “Love Trumps Hate!”
The leaders of the ongoing havoc are bent on destruction, and their allies who are sitting in key political offices and in influential posts of the prostitute press are assisting them in this seditious process. It’s up to us — you, me, and all Americans who are truth lovers — to name and shame those that are sowing discord and promoting violence, and to expose those who are aiding, abetting, funding, and encouraging them.
Photo at top of graffiti left by anti-Trump protesters in Berkeley, Calif.: AP Images
Hat tips to: Alex Jones, Infowars.com; Jim Hoft,
thegatewaypundit.com; Joe Newby, conservativefiringline.com; Paul Joseph
Watson, Infowars.com; Newsbusters.org; Breitbart.com.Related articles:
Clinton vs. Trump? No, It’s the Media vs. America
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"Fake News!": Laughable Hysteria From Establishment Media
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