SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“Dear Richard,” Professor Gad Saad remarked. “Arabic is my mother tongue. When properly translated, ‘Allahu Akbar’ means ‘We love all people but hold a special fondness for Jews, women, and gays.’ Don’t worry. It’s a message of love, tolerance, and liberalism.”
Gad was being sarcastic, but Newsweek’s intrepid reporter Benjamin Fearnow reports his words as if they were evidence of what he calls “the auditory affability of azaan.” Any fool could see that Gad’s statement was sarcastic, and the incongruity between the idea that “Allahu akbar” means “We love all people but hold a special fondness for Jews, women, and gays” and the many jihad mass murderers who have screamed “Allahu akbar” as they were killing people ought to have set off alarm bells in Fearnow’s “mind,” such that at very least he could have done some research or asked some questions, but Gad’s statement confirmed his Leftist biases about how Islam is benign and Muslims are always and everywhere victims, and so for today’s “journalism” that was confirmation enough.

“Richard Dawkins Accused of Bigotry Over ‘Allahu Akhbar’ Tweet, Prompting Atheist Debate on Islam,” by Benjamin Fearnow, Newsweek, July 17, 2018:
Renowned atheist author and longtime Oxford University professor Richard Dawkins was the target of “bigotry” accusations after a tweet about the phrase “Allahu Akhbar.”Dawkins has published several perennial books mocking all religions throughout his long career, but the English evolutionary biologist is now being labeled a “racist” by some on social media for a Monday tweet showing him outside the Winchester Cathedral in Hampshire, England. His tweet compared the pleasance of hearing Christian church bells to that of the “aggressive-sounding” Muslim phrase, called the Takbir in Arabic, meaning “God is great.” The tweet immediately drew condemnation and discussions on Islamophobia.“You can’t sit on a park bench on a sunny day without turning it into something Islamophobic?” responded Amarnath Amarasingam, a senior research fellow at the London-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue. Another Twitter user rebuked that opinion, positing, “A phobia is an ‘irrational fear of something.’ The word Islamophobia doesn’t make sense. Islamophobia is a word created to silence criticism of Islam.”…But Dawkins’ indiscriminate rebuke of all religions was not registered by the thousands of Twitter users who focused on the auditory affability of azaan, or muezzin-led Islamic calls to worship.“Dear Richard,” Professor Gad Saad remarked. “Arabic is my mother tongue. When properly translated, ‘Allahu Akbar’ means ‘We love all people but hold a special fondness for Jews, women, and gays.’ Don’t worry. It’s a message of love, tolerance, and liberalism.”…