THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Friday, November 4, 2022
YouTube announces new “certification” protocol for videos containing medical information; everything must align with WHO dictates
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
(Natural News) In a recent announcement, Dr. Garth Graham, YouTube’s global head of health, indicated that fresh attempts are being made to censor even more content on the Google-owned video streaming platform.
Making politicians their own protected class and shadow-banning unapproved content is just not cutting it anymore, Graham suggested.
“YouTube Health has been working on additional ways to help doctors, nurses, mental health professionals and healthcare information providers to [sic] bring high quality health information into the spaces that people visit throughout their day – like their favorite video-sharing app,” Graham wrote in a blog post.
The new plan involves allowing certain approved medical professionals to be labeled as “certified” or “reliable” on the platform – that way viewers know that they are “authoritative sources,” Graham revealed.
Any YouTube user, physician or otherwise, who spreads anything deemed as “medical misinformation” will not receive the “certified” or “reliable” label. Without that label, Graham and the other higher-ups at YouTube hope that viewers will pass on by and look for something else to watch.
YouTube has decided to become everyone’s doctor
The way a doctor can receive YouTube’s “certified” or “reliable” label is by submitting his or her medical license to the tech giant and swearing to follow the “best practices” set forth by groups like the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS), the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), and the World Health Organization (WHO).
These three agencies, Graham’s post further explains, were directly involved in coming up with the new scheme. The three entities “developed these principles outlining key aspects of info sharing,” he says.
In addition to submitting one’s medical license and swearing to spread only government-approved health information, doctors and medical professionals on YouTube will also need to maintain an account in good standing and follow certain other mandates.
“In the coming months, eligible channels that have applied through this process will be given a health source information panel that identifies them as a licensed healthcare professional and their videos will appear in relevant search results in health content shelves,” Graham explained.
As you may recall, YouTube was already playing doctor before this when the platform censored interviews between popular podcaster Joe Rogan and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, whom we have covered here on many occasions throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic.
That interview between Rogan and McCullough received a “medical misinformation” stamp by YouTube, which decided that what was said is not credible or reliable or authoritative.
YouTube was also caught censoring videos throughout the plandemic that questions the legitimacy of lockdowns and mask mandates, including those that presented actual science to back their claims.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was not only censored but banned by
YouTube merely suggesting that face veils are not effective at
curtailing the spread of the Fauci Flu – something that the U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also later said (why wasn’t
the CDC’s YouTube account labeled as “misinformation?”).
To this very day, YouTube continues to censor videos and accounts that suggest hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin can help safely treat or prevent coronavirus symptoms.
From now on, YouTube plans to censor or remove all “content that promotes diagnostic information that contradicts local health authorities or WHO.”
In essence, YouTube has made itself the world’s doctor. Anyone who uses the platform must adhere to its all-seeing, all-knowing dictates about medicine and health, no matter how misguided and unscientific its positions.
“As destructive and malicious as this is, it could prove extremely useful,” wrote a commenter about YouTube’s new censorship plans. “Once implemented, we will know that all medical information posted on YouTube is certified bullsquat.”
More of the latest news about Big Tech censorship can be found at
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98 people on terror watch list caught at border in 2022, up from 15 in 2021, 3 in 2020, none in 2019
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
And then there are the ones who weren’t caught. What could possibly go wrong? Celebrate diversity!
“Record Number of Suspected Terrorists Crossed the U.S.-Mexico Border,” by Todd Bensman, Newsweek, October 28, 2022:
…Final fiscal year 2022 numbers show Border Patrol apprehended a whopping 98 watch-listed terrorists at the southern border, six times the record 15 caught there in 2021 (three were caught in 2020 and none in 2019). That’s also five times the number it took to carry out the 9/11 attacks that took America to war in overseas theaters for 20 years.
For even more perspective, my 2021 book America’s Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration, quoted intelligence officials saying that American authorities caught about 100 on the FBI watch list between 2012 and 2017. That included individuals still en route and south of the border. The 98 ensnared in just fiscal year 2022 had all reached the border.
All of this puts a sharp national security edge on Biden’s mass migration border crisis, the greatest in U.S. history by any measure. Biden’s first year broke all prior Border Patrol apprehension records dating to when the government began keeping them in 1960, at more than 1.7 million. Fiscal year 2022 came in at just under 2.4 million apprehensions. None of these apprehensions include the estimated two million who were not detained.
People are pouring in at the simply incredible average rate of 200,000 every month, with no end in sight.
The apprehension of even one such person is bad news, even though some might consider it a relief that all 98 of these watch-listed suspected terrorists wound up in government custody, in addition to the 16 from Biden’s first year, for a total of 114. But as when commercial fisheries take random net samples to estimate total numbers of a particular fish species in the water, the apprehension of 114 tells us that a lot more suspected terrorists are in the drink now.
According to former acting ICE Commissioner Mark Morgan, in fiscal years 2021 and 2022, an estimated one million illegal border crossers made their way into the American interior undetected—known in official Border Patrol nomenclature as “got-aways.” These are illegal border crossers seen on video surveillance or discovered through foot prints in sand but never caught. To this figure, Morgan adds another one million “unknown” presumed got-aways the Department of Homeland Security calculates as strictly internal official duty.
What this means for Homeland Security is that it must assume that more than the 114 probably got into America undetected.
Long stretches of the southern border, especially in Texas and Arizona, broke open and millions poured through, including criminal aliens and, yes, Islamist terrorists. Additionally, the 114 detained suspects demonstrate that people involved in terrorism are well aware the southern border is now a great way to get in, and they’re going for it….
Twitter Censors Lose Access to Enforcement Tools
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
New Twitter CEO Elon Musk has made another move to prevent viewpoint discrimination while he sorts out the dumpster fire known as Twitter’s “Trust and Safety” department. Bloomberg reports that employees got locked out of some internal tools used for content moderation:
Twitter Inc., the social network being overhauled by new owner Elon Musk, has frozen some employee access to internal tools used for content moderation and other policy enforcement, curbing the staff’s ability to clamp down on misinformation ahead of a major US election.
Most people who work in Twitter’s Trust and Safety organization are currently unable to alter or penalize accounts that break rules around misleading information, offensive posts and hate speech, except for the most high-impact violations that would involve real-world harm, according to people familiar with the matter. Those posts were prioritized for manual enforcement, they said.
The important part of this news is not that employees lost access to the tools. Instead, it is the confirmation that prior management empowered Twitter employees to determine what constitutes “misinformation.”
Related: The Morning Briefing: New Twitter Is Full of Glorious Musk-Scented Liberal Tears
For those who have had a Twitter account limited, shadow banned, or suspended, the article provides another piece of data. According to the report, a Twitter employee banned you, not an algorithm. “Detection of policy breaches can either be flagged by other Twitter users or detected automatically, but taking action on them requires human input and access to the dashboard tools. Those tools have been suspended since last week, the people said.”
These same employees are very worried about their loss of power to correct your wrongthink:
The scaled-back content moderation has raised concerns among employees on Twitter’s Trust and Safety team, who believe the company will be short-handed in enforcing policies in the run-up to the US midterm election on Nov. 8. Trust and Safety employees are often tasked with enforcing Twitter’s misinformation and civic integrity policies — many of the same policies that former President Donald Trump routinely violated before and after the 2020 elections, the company said at the time.
This entire paragraph is a study in ridiculousness. President Donald Trump primarily questioned the results of the 2020 election and pointed out obvious irregularities. If this truly violated Twitter’s “civic integrity policies,” Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and a host of other Democrats would no longer have a Twitter account. It is evident that it is only a civic offense if a Republican questions the victory of a Democrat. Additionally, people have been voting in the United States for nearly three centuries without the geniuses at Twitter deciding what information they are allowed to review. Amazingly, we functioned as a nation before Twitter’s censors were on the job.
Recommended: The Morning After Election Day, Who or What Will Democrats Blame for the Shellacking?
The employees’ loss of access could also be a function of their bad judgment. On Thursday night, just before Musk took the helm, Just the News shared a story on alleged ballot harvesting in Florida. Twitter slapped an “unsafe” warning on the report, which included details of an affidavit from a former Democratic candidate alleging illegal ballot harvesting happened for years in central Florida. The warning told readers the “misleading” content “could lead to real world harm.”
The warning appeared when the content was shared by high-profile accounts like Just the News Founder John Solomon and Rasmussen Reports. According to the outlet, similar warnings have been placed on stories from Just the News about COVID-19 vaccine approvals, and Solomon was suspended for sharing a peer-reviewed study about the jabs. When Musk saw the news about the censorship, he tweeted, “I will look into this. Twitter should be even-handed, favoring neither side.”
Solomon is not the only reporter that has tripped the wire with Twitter’s speech police. PJ Media’s Matt Margolis has a warning attached to the URL for every story he writes when someone tweets it. Users verified this censorship is still in force this morning. Margolis’s account was also permanently suspended for pointing out that transgender Americans make up a small percentage of the population, and gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. It is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which outlines the diagnostic criteria for all mental health disorders.
Luckily, Musk sees the one-sided nature of many of these rules. Bloomberg reports:
Internally, employees say, Musk has raised questions about a number of the policies, and has zeroed in on a few specific rules that he wants the team to review. The first is Twitter’s general misinformation policy, which penalizes posts that include falsehoods about topics like election outcomes and Covid-19. Musk wants the policy to be more specific, according to people familiar with the matter.
Musk has also asked the team to review Twitter’s hateful conduct policy, according to the people, specifically a section that says users can be penalized for “targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.”
While conservative users report some changes, such as increased follower counts and more interaction on the platform, some wrongs from the past will need to be righted as the rules are attenuated to accommodate public debate and meaningful discourse. But so far, it seems Musk is moving in the right direction.
Barges “dead in the water” in drought-stricken Mississippi River; supply chains collapsing
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
(Natural News) Things are getting worse, not better, for harvest transport across the Mississippi River, the nation’s second-largest waterway.
Regional drought conditions have made it impossible, in some spots, for barges carrying the fall harvest of soybeans, corn, and other commodities from farm to market, to pass.
In some areas, barges carrying large loads of crops are stuck in the mud, which is fast-becoming dry dirt as water levels continue to drop. (Related: Some sections of the Mississippi River are now completely closed because water levels are too low to allow for safe passage.)
Right now, the Mississippi River is at its lowest level in decades. And while workarounds to the problem are in progress, many are wondering if it will all be enough to make it through the harvest season.
“There’s no relief in sight as far as rainfall,” said Jeff Worsham, a port manager out of Osceola, Ark., where barges are backing up because others have run aground and are now in their way.
When asked when he believes much-needed rain will come, Worsham told the media, simply:
“Who knows?”
Barges loading commodities at reduced capacity to avoid getting stuck in Mississippi River
In Osceola, many barges are now “dead in the water,” reports indicate. Those following behind are having to load up much less crop to avoid suffering a similar fate.
Barges carrying soybeans, for instance, are only loaded to about 65 percent at most. This helps keep them from running aground in shallow waters where under normal circumstances they would be able to pass without a hitch.
“I’ve never seen it this bad,” Worsham is quoted as saying, adding that he has worked at the facility for more than 20 years.
“We had water [levels] close to this in 2012. But it was August, and it wasn’t the harvesting season. It wasn’t a big deal for us.”
Worsham says he remains optimistic that more solutions will be found to overcome this crimp in the supply chain.
“A lot of the soybeans have been stored on the barges,” he says. “We’ll be down a little bit on volume and stretched out. We’ll be able to get the bushels [out]. It’s just going to take longer.”
Until a towboat can make it out to where the stuck barges are located in order to release them, the situation is unlikely to get any better – and will likely get much worse in the meantime.
“It’s more than hard,” Worsham laments. “They would get them [out] if they could … I don’t know what else to do.”
In October, some 2,000 barges were reported to be stuck somewhere along the Mississippi River, unable to pass due to their being stuck themselves or stuck behind other stuck barges that are unable to move in the current conditions.
In order to safely navigate, barges need around nine feet of water depth. In many areas of the drought-stricken waterway, water levels are much lower than that – if there is any water at all in those spots.
Another problem down around the Gulf of Mexico is that salty ocean water is washing back into the river, potentially contaminating drinking water supplies.
In an attempt to stop this, the Army Corps of Engineers is staying busy building new temporary levees to try to keep the ocean water separate from the river water, which is quickly receding.Under normal circumstances, some 418 million tons of goods are transported via the Mississippi River annually. As water levels continue to fall, so does that tonnage, which spells disaster for the American economy.
The latest news about the downfall of the American economy can be found at
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Klaus Schwab’s right-hand man calls for “mass extinction event” to usher in Great Reset
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
(Natural News) Another leaked video has emerged to show that the World Economic Forum (WEF), led by the infamous globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab, is planning to unleash mass genocide as the catalyst for its promised “Great Reset.”Yuval Noah Harari, who is described as Schwab’s “right-hand man,” is on a promotional tour right now shilling a new book he allegedly wrote. That manuscript asks questions like: What do we need so many humans for?
Now that the globalists have attained near-total control over pretty much everything, they appear ready to cull the herd of human slaves. It began in this latest installment with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, followed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
There is also skyrocketing inflation, supply chain failures, food shortages, crop destruction and other economic instability – all things that are swirling into a perfect storm of global shock and awe.
Referring to non-globalists as “common people” who are fully disposable, Harari’s latest leaked statements reveal a profound attitude of self-perceived superiority and globalist supremacy.
Harari says the common folk below him are right to be fearful about the future because their lives could end at any moment. And it would not be any great loss, he says, because non-globalists are “redundant.”
“We just don’t need the vast majority of you,” says Israeli globalist
In a future run by “smart people,” Harari went on to state, common people will naturally face increased feelings of anxiety and fear about being left behind. And he is technically right: those who refuse to board the ark of Christ will, in fact, be left behind in Harari’s globalist dystopia.
“We just don’t need the vast majority of you,” Harari stated out loud without shame, believing himself to be invincible.
As we previously reported, Harari, an Israeli historian and professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, openly admitted that he and the rest of his globalist cabal are unleashing transhumanism as their own personal “technological Noah’s Ark” – meaning they believe the lie that tampering with their DNA and genetic blueprints will somehow grant them eternal life while the rest of us are either eliminated or turned into their permanent slaves.
Talking about this kind of thing used to be scoffed at and labeled conspiracy theorism, but now we have the plan coming straight from the mouths of the globalist cabal itself – right out in the open with no shame.
Rockefeller Foundation official Alan Gregg is another outspoken globalist who recently declared that the world has cancer and that cancer is mankind – excluding himself, of course.
Prince Phillip, the late Queen Elizabeth’s husband, likewise believed that humanity is a cancer that he wished he could eradicate by dying and coming back to life as a killer virus.
The now-destroyed Georgia Guidestones revealed that the globalist plan for their envisioned “New World Order” involves reducing the current population of the world from roughly eight billion, the current number, to just 500 million.
Former President Bill Clinton, unbeknownst to many, signed a so-called “biodiversity” treat during his tenure that contains an explicitly stated goal of reducing the world’s population to one billion, at least as a start.
At the “grassroots” level, the globalists have done an exceptional job programming millions of Westerners into supporting mass genocide through abortion and even infanticide, the latter constituting the murder of a child after he or she has already left the womb.
“George Orwell warned us about these times,” writes Baxter Dmitry for Newspunch. “He said they would convince us that war is peace. How right he was.”
Want to keep up with the latest news about the globalists? Visit
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The Fed Is Officially Losing Money
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
The Fed is losing money. Not a typo.
The private corporations that control America’s money supply called the Federal Reserve have lost money for the first time since 1915. The loss was foreshadowed in the Fed meeting in September when it was clear there would be more outgo than income.
The problems were triggered by an overspending Democrat Congress that
exacerbated the issues set in motion by the government’s response to
the 2008 market meltdown. It will take years to get back in the black.
Years. And you’ll your grandkids will pay for it all, because they’re the nation’s cash machine.
“The central bank’s operating losses have increased in recent weeks because the interest it is paying banks and money-market funds to keep money at the Fed now exceeds the income it earns on some $8.3 trillion in Treasury and mortgage-backed securities it accumulated during bond-buying stimulus programs over the past 14 years,” The Wall Street Journal reported.
The Fed will continue to manipulate the markets with its monetary policy as per usual.
The Journal reported that “even though the net interest losses have no impact on the Fed’s day-to-day operations, they could cause political headaches down the road, in part because they are large and novel…” Novel — there’s that word again. This is untested territory.
It’s bad enough that the private Fed, whose Board of Governors are government actors, is losing money. But experts like Peter Schiff didn’t think it would happen until next year.
The way the Fed works is that its losses are turned into IOUs and paid later when there’s better cash flow. As Schiff put it, “we live in a world where the Federal Reserve gets to make its own accounting rules. And according to its own accounting rules, any net loss magically turns into a “deferred asset.” The immediate effect will be larger budget deficits because “the US government will see a reduction in revenue.”
The Journal notes that “the Fed doesn’t mark its assets to market but instead recognizes losses on its securities holdings only if it sells assets. The Fed is currently shrinking its asset portfolio passively, allowing up to $95 billion in securities to mature every month.”
The Biden Administration and Democrat Congress are spending taxpayer dollars at an alarming, inflation-inducing rate and now the government “will see a reduction in revenue.” Who’s caught in the middle of that monetary see-saw? Us.
Morgan Stanley chief global economist Seth Carpenter told the Journal that “the arrangement is akin to an institution facing a 100% tax rate and offsetting current losses with future income.” Don’t try this at home.
The Fed policies have sent tech and other stocks plummeting. Just last week, Meta, the Facebook parent company, lost 70% of its market capitalization. The Journal reported that the net effect of the Fed’s policies of “bond-buying and negative real interest rates drove investors into growth stocks, which inflated tech valuations. Social media companies have also been hurt by lower advertising spending as businesses cut marketing budgets amid economic uncertainty.”
Talk about a ripple effect.
Related: Lefty Washington State Is Now ‘Ground Zero for Wave Election Upset’ in Senate Race
Americans have responded to profligate spending by the Democrats and higher prices by teeing up an expected red wave in the November elections. The polls show people are afraid for their country. Fully 79% of people polled by CBS believe the country is “out of control.”
Heading into the final week before election day, 8 in 10 voters describe things in the country today as “out of control,” as opposed to “under control.”
This Fed news will only cause more concern.
Republicans Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell had better be ready to lead and start cleaning up this mess, because Americans will be depending on them.
FBI Is Classifying 'Misinformation' As An 'Election Crime'
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
The Biden regime’s notorious Disinformation Governance Board is dead (for now), but the regime’s quest to stigmatize and criminalize all dissent from its agenda is still very much alive. On Thursday, that indispensable team of actual journalists, Project Veritas, released a document entitled “2022 Midterm Elections Social Media Analysis Cheat Sheet” and subtitled “What Are Election Crimes?” This FBI document “details what FBI agents should look out for leading up to November 8.” Some of it really discusses what FBI agents should be looking out for: Election Interference, Election Fraud, Voter Intimidation, and the like. But included with all the other “Election Crimes” are the Left’s favorite euphemisms for true and accurate information that dissents from the Leftist agenda: “Disinformation” and “Misinformation.”
Back on June 30, J. Christian Adams revealed at PJ Media that the FBI was working with the Democracy Fund, “a hyper-funded progressive money source,” on election issues. Among the FBI officials implicated in this partisan and corrupt collusion was Lindsay Capodilupo, who was identified as the FBI’s “Election Crimes Coordinator.”
Now, there are a lot of great titles in the world, but Lindsay Capodilupo must be proud to have one of the absolute greatest. With the FBI all in on the Russian Collusion hoax, it’s unclear whether the “Election Crimes Coordinator” is actually fighting against “election crimes” or coordinating and implementing them, and that’s just perfect for Merrick Garland’s desperately corrupt and politicized FBI.
Anyway, as it happens, I have met Lindsay Capodilupo, as she was one of the agents who questioned me after ISIS terrorists attempted to murder us all at our free speech event in Garland, Texas, in May 2015, while an FBI informant egged the terrorists on, telling them to “tear up Texas.” So on Friday morning, I sent her an email:
Dear Ms. Capodilupo
Greetings. You may remember me, as we had some interaction some years ago.
I’m writing now because I see from this ( that you are now “Election Crimes Coordinator” for the FBI. Congratulations on your appointment.
Now it appears from this document ( that among “Election Crimes,” the FBI is including “Misinformation.” Hence my questions. These are on the record, for publication in an article I’m working on today.
- What criteria does the FBI use to determine what is and is not “Misinformation”? It appears that previously, and perhaps now as well, you were working with the Democracy Fund, a highly partisan organization. Do you allow Democracy Fund, or the Southern Poverty Law Center, or any other entity, to determine what constitutes “Misinformation”? If so, please specify which and explain why you believe this group is trustworthy.
- Given the fact that several stories initially classified as “misinformation” have turned out to be true (notably Hunter Biden’s laptop, certified as Russian disinformation by 50 top intelligence professionals), do you plan to build in some appeals process to your prosecution of “Misinformation” as an “Election Crime,” or will your judgment be final, absolute, and not subject to appeal or discussion?
- On what basis can you classify alleged “Misinformation” as any kind of crime at all, in light of the First Amendment and the necessarily subjective character of your judgment of this alleged misinformation?
- Are you at all concerned that false charges of “Misinformation” will be used to silence political opponents of this administration, or any future administration, and thereby destroy America as a free society?
- Are you at all concerned about the decisively partisan character of the FBI in recent years, and the increasing public perception that there is a two-tier justice system, with the FBI aggressively sending SWAT teams to arrest inoffensive pro-life activists, elderly political commentators such as Roger Stone, and others who are out of favor with the regime, while allowing Leftists such as Hunter Biden with multiple clear violations of numerous laws to escape all prosecution of any kind?
Many thanks in advance for your answers; if at all possible, please send them before noon today, as I’m working on a tight deadline.
Kindest regards and thanks for your indispensable service to the United States of America
Robert Spencer
Needless to say, as of this writing, there’s been no response from Ms. Capodilupo; if I hear from her later, I’ll most certainly add an update. I didn’t really expect her to respond, and she likely thought my questions were impossibly leading and thus unworthy of notice, but in reality, they were no more so than the questions Leftist “journalists” routinely ask patriots. And they’re salient questions, to which Americans need to know the answers if trust is ever going to be restored in the FBI and other institutions. Some FBI official, if not the bureau’s “Election Crimes Coordinator,” should answer them. It’s a shame that the FBI thinks it’s better to stonewall such inquiries than to face the American people with some transparency and honesty.
FBI Whistleblower Leaks Document Showing Agency Targeting ‘Misinformation’ Under ‘Election Crimes’ Ahead of 2022 Midterm Elections | Project Veritas
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
Document titled “2022 Midterm Elections Social Media Analysis Cheat Sheet” details what FBI agents should look out for leading up to November 8.
The document lists “misinformation” as a potential election crime, describing it as “false or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally.”
The document also lists “disinformation” as a potential election crime, describing it as “false or innacurate information intended to mislead others.”
It continues, “Disinformation campaigns on social media are used to deliberately confuse, trick, or upset the public.”
The FBI reminded its agents that the First Amendment and Fourth Amendment exist, under the “Things to Consider” section of the document.
The Bureau flagged the potential for “Voter/Ballot Fraud” in this election.
[WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oct. 27, 2022] Project Veritas published a newly leaked document today provided by an FBI whistleblower.

The document details how the Bureau will tackle what they consider to be “election crimes.”
It lists “misinformation” as a potential election crime, describing it as “false or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally.”
The document also lists “disinformation” as a potential election crime, describing it as “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others.”
It continues, “Disinformation campaigns on social media are used to deliberately confuse, trick, or upset the public.”
These categories could raise questions about who gets to determine what is “misinformation” and/or “disinformation.”
Recently, the Biden administration attempted to create the “Disinformation Governance Board” under the Department of Homeland Security. After severe pushback from the public due to free speech concerns, the federal government pulled the plug on this idea.
In another section of the leaked document labelled “Things to Consider,” the FBI reminded its agents that the First Amendment and Fourth Amendment exist. Both amendments are in the Bill of Rights and protect Americans’ rights to free speech and against “unreasonable” searches or seizures.
The Bureau also flagged the potential for “Voter/Ballot Fraud” in this election, an activity that some have attempted to rule out as a threat to the American electoral system.
About Project Veritas
James O'Keefe established Project Veritas in 2010 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to continue his undercover reporting work. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society and to engage in litigation to: protect, defend and expand human and civil rights secured by law, specifically First Amendment rights including promoting the free exchange of ideas in a digital world; combat and defeat censorship of any ideology; promote truthful reporting; and defend freedom of speech and association issues including the right to anonymity. O'Keefe serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board so that he can continue to lead and teach his fellow journalists, as well as protect and nurture the Project Veritas culture.
Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues raised through its investigations.
Is This Joe Biden’s Biggest Lie Ever?
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
New in PJ Media:
Joe Biden says he’s a Catholic, but his handlers work relentlessly to keep the sacrifices to Moloch going; Pious Old Joe and his henchmen never saw a restriction on abortion that they could support. Joe Biden says he is down-to-earth ol’ Lunchbucket Joe, when actually he has spent most of his life growing rich in the public “service” and enjoying all the perks of being one of the Washington elite. Joe Biden says he is president, but he is clearly not in charge and, as is increasingly evident, not even capable of being in charge. But on Thursday afternoon, Old Joe may have given us his biggest whopper ever, the most appalling lie from this career liar in over fifty years in the public eye.
Biden said: “Today, the most common price of gas in America is three dollars and thirty-nine cents, down from over five dollars when I took office.” Now, coming from a guy who said that if he was elected president, he would cure cancer, and who thinks that if we raise taxes high enough and buy electric cars, we’ll be able to change the weather, this may not seem like much, but it is. Skyrocketing gas prices are this administration’s singular achievement. There was even a rash of stickers featuring Joe proclaiming “I Did That!” ready to be stuck onto gas pumps next to the outrageous price per gallon.
And make no mistake: Old Joe Biden really did do that. This is the alleged president who, on his first day in office, killed the Keystone Pipeline. He also suspended new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal land and water, and has been steadfast in his opposition to fracking. He took a nation that was energy independent when he took office and ended up going hat-in-hand to the Saudis to plead (unsuccessfully, of course) for them to lower oil prices so that his party would have even a chance in the midterm elections.
The average gas price on January 20, 2021 wasn’t five dollars a gallon. It was less than half that. The average gas price on January 20, 2021, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, was $2.37 per gallon. According to the same source, Biden is even lying about the average gas price today, which is $3.76, not $3.39. Biden, of course, wants everyone to hate Donald Trump, and so he hopes that he can convince some low-attention, low-information Leftists that gas prices really were high when Bad Orange Man was in the White House, and that now he has saved the day, but this is an outrageous twisting of the facts.
There is more. Read the rest here.