THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Buncombe County to accept marriage licenses from same-sex couples
(based on register's personal feelings about "fairness"):
NC Buncombe County Official Accepts SAME SEX Marriage Applications Challenging State Law:
Buncombe Co. accepting marriage applications from same-sex couples:
North Carolina Values Coalition has reported that the NC State Attorney General has sided with gay marriage in defiance of law and joined in a federal lawsuit to overturn state marriage amendment to its constitution:
Amendment here:
"AG Roy Cooper Has Compromised His Impartiality"
October 15, 2013
Press Contact: Jessica Wood []
Fitzgerald: Attorney General Roy Cooper Has Compromised His Impartiality
Raleigh, NC - Attorney General Roy Cooper has announced his support for same-sex “marriage”, calling into question his willingness to vigorously defend the state’s Marriage Amendment.
The Attorney General is representing the State of North Carolina and several other elected public officials in a federal lawsuit challenging the Constitutionality of North Carolina’s Marriage Amendment.
Tami Fitzgerald, Executive Director of the North Carolina Values Coalition, denounced Cooper’s actions:
“The Attorney General has compromised his impartiality and his ability to vigorously represent the State’s interest in defending its marriage and adoption laws. Elected public officials are not allowed to violate the will of the majority of voters in North Carolina just because they do not like the law, and our Attorney General should not be parading around the State undermining the very laws he is charged with defending. He owes his allegiance to the people of our State who passed our marriage laws by referendum, not to his own political ambitions.”
Following the Attorney General’s announcement of his support for same-sex “marriage,” the Register of Deeds in Buncombe County announced his intention a few hours later to accept applications from same-sex couples for marriage licenses.
Ms. Fitzgerald cautioned the Registers of Deeds that issuing a marriage license to a same-sex couple would violate the laws and Constitution of North Carolina that the Buncombe County Register of Deeds is sworn to support, maintain, and defend. “It is very clear that Registers of Deeds in North Carolina have no legal authority to either accept applications for nor issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples,” said Ms. Fitzgerald.
Fitzgerald contacted the Buncombe County Register of Deeds by email to warn him that he could be prosecuted under NC Gen. Stat. § 161-27 with a Class 1 misdemeanor and removed from office if he accepted the applications for marriage licenses from same-sex couples.
Gay Agenda,
Published on Oct 18, 2013 on YouTube:
Just as an 11th hour deal had been made in the US House of Representatives to end the standoff to avoid a government shutdown. House stenographer Diane Reidy took the podium and began talking about God and the Freemasons.
In her own words, "He will not be mocked; He will not be mocked... don't touch me... He will not be mocked. The greatest deception here is that this is not one nation under God," Reidy continued. It never was. Had it been... it would not have been... No. It would not have been... the Constitution would not have been written by Free Masons... and go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, Lord Jesus."
Reidy was taken to a local hospital for evaluation, given her unusual behavior, which many noted was completely out of character for the stenographer. She was also interviewed by police, but no charges are expected to be filed.
The mainstream media has reported that Reidy was taken to a hospital for evaluation. What we will not hear much about is that she was taken to a mental facility for evaluation.
Reidy has been working in her current position for several years and is well known in government circles.
Since a deal was made to keep the US government going by raising the debt ceiling which essentially means all the bickering over the last two weeks was just theatrics, since supposedly that was what kept them from making a deal in the first place. One wonders what prompted Reidy to speak up at the time she did. Since she is privy to much of what goes on behind the scenes in Washington we must assume that the last 2 weeks of standoff was a smokescreen covering something important that the government did not want the American public aware of.
In any case, there is more to this than just a psychotic moment experienced by someone who had no previous record of similar incidents.
In her own words, "He will not be mocked; He will not be mocked... don't touch me... He will not be mocked. The greatest deception here is that this is not one nation under God," Reidy continued. It never was. Had it been... it would not have been... No. It would not have been... the Constitution would not have been written by Free Masons... and go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, Lord Jesus."
Reidy was taken to a local hospital for evaluation, given her unusual behavior, which many noted was completely out of character for the stenographer. She was also interviewed by police, but no charges are expected to be filed.
The mainstream media has reported that Reidy was taken to a hospital for evaluation. What we will not hear much about is that she was taken to a mental facility for evaluation.
Reidy has been working in her current position for several years and is well known in government circles.
Since a deal was made to keep the US government going by raising the debt ceiling which essentially means all the bickering over the last two weeks was just theatrics, since supposedly that was what kept them from making a deal in the first place. One wonders what prompted Reidy to speak up at the time she did. Since she is privy to much of what goes on behind the scenes in Washington we must assume that the last 2 weeks of standoff was a smokescreen covering something important that the government did not want the American public aware of.
In any case, there is more to this than just a psychotic moment experienced by someone who had no previous record of similar incidents.
Dianne Reidy taken to mental hospital for lecturing the house of criminals:
Dianne Reidy speaks for MILLIONS!!!:
America House Stenographer Dianne Reidy warns America that God will not be mocked Oct 17 2013):
From the Communitarian Trap Blog:
Shriners, Global Warming, and the Trilateral Commission
A symbol representing the origin of their ancient pagan roots. Note the crescent moon
Not much is said about the Shriners in our country, but they are a fraternity of Freemasonry.
In order to become a Shriner, the member must have completed 33 degrees of Masonry.
By the time they work their way up to the highest levels of Masonry, they are fully

Barry Goldwater (far right)[1]
the Republican Party's nominee for president in the 1964 election. His allegiance to the
'god of this world' and the future of Third Way Communitarianism, can be seen in the way he
fought against the increasing influence of the Christian Right on the Republican Party. He
became a vocal opponent of the Religious Right on issues such as abortion, gay rights, and
the role of religion in public life, although the Republican Party has been able to rally most
Christians into their camp.
For example, Goldwater once said: "The big thing is to make this country, along with every
For example, Goldwater once said: "The big thing is to make this country, along with every
other country in the world with a few exceptions, quit discriminating against people just
because they're gay. You don't have to agree with it, but they have a constitutional right to
He is right about that. Our country was founded by Deists and Universalists to worship a
supreme being, not the Lord Jesus Christ. They worship Lucifer, the Lightbearer, and they
are part of a Masonic hellbound cult. "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who
put darkness for light, and light for darkness.” Isaiah 5:20 If Christians had a reality check,
they would see that our countries founding was based on an anti-Biblical Masonic foundation,
transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in
the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you,
and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." 2 John 1:9-11
An Inside Job
Barry Goldwater was privy to the true founding and direction of our country - to take a lead
in the future world government. In this telling quote about one of the strands of Satan's evil
web, Goldwater said:
In so many words, Goldwater's quote had to do with Capitalist restructuring and globalism

In so many words, Goldwater's quote had to do with Capitalist restructuring and globalism
for the Third Way. The symbol for the Trilateral Commission has an interesting origin, but
perhaps the three arrows also reflect a Third Way. It's all one in the same.
It tends to remind you of the recycling logo - another link of in the chain of our false reality.

Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev once said: "The environmental crisis is the cornerstone
It's just more proof that we are caught in a Luciferian web of deception. "He [Satan] was a
murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
John 8:44"...until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: Which in his times he shall shew,
who is the blessed and only Potentate [ruler], the King of kings, and Lord of lords;"
1 Timothy 6:14,15
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Published on Oct 18, 2013
Dr. Duke Pesta, academic director at Freedom Project Education, discusses the dangers of the new Common Core national education standards. He highlights the particular concerns parents should have about the upcoming health, sexuality, science, and history standards that will soon be used in our nation's public schools.
More news at:
More news at:
See: Freedom Project Education online school:
Read the New American article that accompanies the above video at:
See how the federal government's anti-bullying program is geared to really suppress truth and free speech in the following links.
In its perpetual drive to be "community" oriented at the expense of individual expression, the YMCA of the Brandywine Valley in Pennsylvania (having seven locations) is the first YMCA in the country to introduce the "OLWEUS" program, in conjunction with the same program in the public schools. By aligning with a federally sponsored program, the YMCA is slowly ramping up from being just "community" minded to a larger form of collectivist/communitarian focus which suppresses individual expression. Together with its yoga, tai-chi, and meditation classes, the YMCA is now very far from its original "Christian" roots, despite its claims to the contrary. That is why the YMCA does what it pleases once it has your money, disregarding the voices of members, donors, and grantors. The YMCA has lost its moorings and is willingly becoming another arm of the liberal socialist dictatorship by trying to be an extension of, or substitute for, the school and family.
In its perpetual drive to be "community" oriented at the expense of individual expression, the YMCA of the Brandywine Valley in Pennsylvania (having seven locations) is the first YMCA in the country to introduce the "OLWEUS" program, in conjunction with the same program in the public schools. By aligning with a federally sponsored program, the YMCA is slowly ramping up from being just "community" minded to a larger form of collectivist/communitarian focus which suppresses individual expression. Together with its yoga, tai-chi, and meditation classes, the YMCA is now very far from its original "Christian" roots, despite its claims to the contrary. That is why the YMCA does what it pleases once it has your money, disregarding the voices of members, donors, and grantors. The YMCA has lost its moorings and is willingly becoming another arm of the liberal socialist dictatorship by trying to be an extension of, or substitute for, the school and family. (Clemson University has also partnered with the Gates Foundation to develop student tracking/monitoring bracelets as we previously reported at:
YMCA OF THE BRANDYWINE VALLEY:, (which requested grants in 2011 for the "Bully Proofing Program, etc.), and says:
"Bully-Proofing Our Kids - Bullying is not just a school issue, but one that spills over into all areas of youth and into their communities as well. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, more than half of all children are bullied at some point during elementary and high school. At least 10% of children are bullied regularly, which means every seven minutes a child is bullied at school. Bullying is a serious problem in schools. For example, every day 160,000 children miss school because of bullying. Cyber-bullying through the internet and social media has become particularly pervasive. Children who are bullied often have a distorted view of positive relationships and suffer damage to their own self-image in ways that can affect them for life. They can see their school work suffer. In some cases, serious depression and attempted suicide can result from being bullied." "Bully-Proofing Our Kids – Bullying, is largely preventable. At the Y, we want to give kids and teens the self-awareness and tools to help prevent bullying to them or among their peers. The YMCA of the Brandywine Valley plans to implement the renowned “Olweus Bullying Prevention Program” in our after-school and camp programs. This program is an evidence-based curriculum that includes classroom, community and individual components."
"As a brief history, Dr. Dan Olweus, a research professor of psychology from Norway, is considered the “pioneer” in bullying research. Dr. Olweus created the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program as a result of three adolescent boys in northern Norway committing suicide. The act was most likely a consequence of severe bullying by peers, prompting Norway to initiate a national campaign against bullying in schools."
Dr. Dan Olweus and the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (Norwegian):
EXCERPT FROM:, shows a flawed system of prevention:
"OLWEUS was developed by Dr. Dan Olweus, a psychology professor from Norway, and based on his systematic research on bullying, which he has been carrying out since the early 1970s. After three teens died by suicide in Norway in what was thought to be a response to serious peer bullying. Dr. Olweus developed the first version of his program. For more about this program, keep reading.
Dr. Olweus's interests were never confined to Norwegian schools. His proposals for anti-bullying legislation to protect school children were enacted in Sweden and Norway by the mid-90s. His work with American colleagues to adapt Olweus Bullying Prevention Program to the United States also began in the mid 1990's, and he worked mainly in conjunction with Dr. Susan P. Limber of Clemson University in South Carolina.
The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is designed for students in grades 3-10, and its adaptation to high school can be discussed. It is a program of some duration, since it says it can be effective with younger students in as little as 8 months, and with older students may require several years. It is important to note that it is not a program aimed at the bullies in the school or even just at the bullies and victims: it is a schoolwide program, that is implemented at the school level, the classroom level, through individual students, and in the community.
What Is Bullying?
The definition of bullying that Dr. Olweus uses, according to the FAQs on the site is: "A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself." The FAQs go on to give a list of forms of bullying including physical and verbal bullying, being threatened or forced to act, being excluded or gossiped about, having property taken or damaged, and racial, sexual, and cyber bullying.
It is important to note that the Olweus program has a circumscribed definition of bullying. First, although bullying may often occur as a pattern of behavior, being forced to do something or having one's lunch money stolen once is still a problem. It is not clear how one-time incidents fit into Dr. Olweus's calculus. Second, this definition either excludes, ignores, or leaves to other programs some particularly troubling cases of bullying. By explicitly stating that "Bullying is a form of peer abuse" later in the FAQs, the program rules out consideration of both the bullying of teachers and school staff by students as well as the bullying of students by teachers and school staff. Perhaps they propose that some other term be applied in this situation, but if so, it is not clear from a reading of their FAQs. Third, some very damaging, but subtler forms of bullying are not mentioned, for example, mocking someone through imitating their mannerisms or style of dress or following someone.
The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) has a State School Healthy Policy Database, where you can find the legislation your state has enacted related to bullying, harassment, and hazing, as well as examine the situation in other states. This material is likely to provide your state's definition of bullying.
Cost of the OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program
The cost of the program consists of the cost of program materials and training, at minimum.
Program materials include a survey for each student which is either $0.95/student or $34.50 for 30 students with scanning services or $28.50 without (in which case the data must be hand entered). The schoolwide guide is $89.95, a single teacher guide is $55.00, the school staff DVD training program is $175.00, and the book Bullying at School is $28.95. The curriculum for Grades 6-12 is $99.00. Resources for grades K-5 are $69.95 and for grades 6-8 are $59.95. This is puzzling because the program runs from Grade 3-10, and while there are materials for kindergartners, there are none for students in grades 9 and 10. The program "Peaceful School Bus" is $119.00,and a "Complete No Bullying Program Curriculum" for K-8 is $799.00.
Costs of a mandatory two-day training by a certified Olweus trainer (or two) are capped at $4500. Personnel expected to attend are the principal or vice principal, a teacher from each grade level, a school counselor or psychologist, a representative of the school's nonteaching staff, several parents who are not employed by the school district, a community representative who might have a stake in the program, and other school personnel who might have a particular contribution to make. This likely requires paying for substitutes for the school personnel. Other costs, such as a kick-off event or designating a coordinator for the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program could involve even more funds."
Studies show that Olweus has mixed results at best:
Studies show that Olweus has mixed results at best:
Common Core,
Free Speech/ Constitution,
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