The HMS Richmond has reported the Russian fleet is heading south towards the Dover strait while several NATO vessels are being deployed to keep the flotilla under surveillance. Meanwhile Vladimir Putin has recalled two corvettes from the Mediterranean to divide the Royal Navy's response to his aircraft carrier provocatively sailing down the British coastline
A fire breathing HMS Dragon is coming to get you! State-of-the-art Royal Navy destroyer is on its way to make sure Putin's attack fleet leave English Channel
- HMS Dragon was seen leaving Portsmouth Harbour to keep an eye on the Russian vessels
- The Admiral Kuznetsov passed the Dover Strait shortly before lunch on its way to attack jihadis in Syria
- The powerful Russian fleet was ordered to travel though the English Channel's shipping lanes in single file
- The Royal Navy and Nato allies are keeping the Russian carrier fleet under close observation
- Putin has recalled two corvettes from the Mediterranean to divide the Royal Navy's response to his fleet
- Russians have mocked Royal Navy as 'weak' and claimed Britain 'overreacted' by deploying warships
Royal Navy's HMS Duncan (centre) is seen here observing a Russian Kirov Class Battle cruiser (left) and Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov
The Type 45 HMS Dragon and a number of other Royal Navy ships are taking part in the man-marking exercise. Pictured, HMS Dragon (right) accompanying the Russian destroyer
The Admiral Kuznetsov, pictured, passed by the White Cliffs of Dover, left, shortly after 11am on its way to the Mediterranean

The Norwegian Air Force shadowed the Admiral Kuznetsov heading south earlier this week on their way to Syria
An armed guard stood by a pair of SU-33 fighters, equipped with air-to-air missiles on the carrier's flight deck
The Russian fleet, including the guided missile battle cruiser Peter the Great, which passed by Dover earlier today
Among the Russian fleet which passed in single file was the destroyer the Vice-Admiral Kulakov
Russian Battle Group Enters The Mediterranean/Humanity Under Globalist Attack
Published on Oct 21, 2016
The world moves closer and closer to world war 3 as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton continue to antagonize Vladimir Putin.
West Now At War With Russia: Top British General
Published on Oct 21, 2016
James Wesley Rawles talks with Alex Jones about how the West is positioning itself in a provocative manner to antagonize Russia.
Will Russia's NATO Advance Mean War?
Published on Oct 22, 2016
In a hawkish article for CNN, Shirreff asserts that the west faces the biggest threat from Russia since the Cold War and that Vladmir Putin plans to “re-establish Russia’s status as one of the world’s great powers” by marching into the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, an attack on one NATO member country represents an attack on all member countries, meaning the United States would be at war with Russia if Russian troops set foot in Baltic countries.
Under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, an attack on one NATO member country represents an attack on all member countries, meaning the United States would be at war with Russia if Russian troops set foot in Baltic countries.
Claims Moscow plans to march into Baltic states
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and
research purposes:
Senior British army officer and former deputy supreme allied commander Europe Gen. Sir Richard Shirreff warns that NATO faces “nuclear war with Russia in Europe,” and that America is already technically at war with Russia.
In a hawkish article for CNN, Shirreff asserts that the west faces the biggest threat from Russia since the Cold War and that Vladmir Putin plans to “re-establish Russia’s status as one of the world’s great powers” by marching into the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Comparing the west’s policy towards Putin to the appeasement of Hitler, Shirreff claims that Moscow, “may have already lit the fuse that could lead to the unthinkable: nuclear war with Russia in Europe.”
Under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, an attack on one NATO member country represents an attack on all member countries, meaning the United States would be at war with Russia if Russian troops set foot in Baltic countries.
“A Russian attack on the Baltic states puts America at war with Russia — meaning nuclear war, because Russia integrates nuclear weapons into every aspect of its military doctrine,” writes Shirreff.
He also states that “Russia is at war with America already,” recycling the claim, which remains unproven, that Russia is behind the email hacks that led to Wikileaks’ publicizing of Clinton campaign emails.
“And don’t think Russia would limit itself to the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. Any form of nuclear release by the Russians would almost certainly precipitate nuclear retaliation by the United States, and the dreadful reality of mutually assured destruction and the end of life as we know it would follow,” adds Shirreff.
Shirreff’s article is timely given that a fleet of Russian warships passed through the English Channel earlier today, closely monitored by the Royal Navy.
As we reported earlier this week, Kremlin insider Sergei Markov warned that war between the United States and Russia could break out “even before the November elections in the U.S.,” urging citizens to stockpile food.
State-owned television stations are urging citizens to find out where their nearest nuclear bomb shelter is located, while 40 million Russians from all levels of the military and government took part in a massive emergency evacuation drill earlier this month.