republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
BETHESDA, Md. — A notorious late-term abortionist plans to open an
“advanced gestation” abortion facility in Bethesda, Maryland on Tuesday—
an announcement that has been met with opposition from pro-life groups
nationwide.Leroy Carhart will perform abortions in a suite of the Wildwood Medical Center on Georgetown Road, notes the website
“Offering advanced gestation abortion care starting Tuesday, October 17th!” it reads. Abortion is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy in Maryland.
A protest and press conference is scheduled for noon as members of the Maryland Coalition for Life, Operation Rescue and others will be present to speak against the new facility.
Operation Rescue says that the location is not licensed to perform abortions, and Carhart would be operating illegally if he conducts terminations as scheduled. It filed complaints with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, as well as the Maryland Board of Physicians.
“We trust that any effort to open that Bethesda facility without a valid license will be met with swift action on the part of Maryland authorities, who are already aware of the situation,” said President Troy Newman in a statement.
Bethesda Magazine contacted AMR Commercial, a leasing agent for the building, which advised that it had received a number of calls urging that Carhart’s lease be voided.
However, representative William Montrose noted that it was another management company that leased the suite to the abortionist. He believes that an abortion facility is a “bad fit for the building” because it would generate opposition.
“Typically, with any kind of business, you don’t want any kind of distracting noise outside your door,” Montrose told the outlet.
The website urges those opposed to the abortion facility to contact Alvin L. Aubinoe, Inc. about Carhart’s lease.
An autopsy later revealed that Morbelli died “due to or as a consequence of Amniotic Fluid Embolism following Medical Termination of Pregnancy,” or the existence of amniotic fluid in her bloodstream, which resulted in clotting.
The Maryland Board of Physicians agreed to investigate the matter following a complaint, but ultimately decided to take no action in the situation.
Carhart was also captured during an undercover investigation that same year likening the lifeless and “mushy” bodies of aborted babies to “meat in a crock pot.”
“So, what makes the baby ‘mushy?’” the woman, who posed as an abortion-minded mother, asked.
“The fact that it’s not alive for 2 to 3 days,” Carhart responded.
“Oh, so I’ll have a dead baby in me?” the woman inquired.
“For three days, yeah,” Carhart said.
“Will it start to decay or something?” the woman asked.
“No,” Carhart said. “It’s like putting meat in a crock pot. Okay? It doesn’t get broken. It gets softer. It doesn’t get infected.”
“Okay, so the dead baby in me is like meat in a crock pot,” the woman repeated.
“Pretty much,” Carhart replied. “Kinda much.”
Carhart also operates an abortion facility in Bellevue, Nebraska, and states on his website that he is a supporter of the abortion advocacy groups Faith Aloud and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
LeRoy Carhart is one of the most well-known late-term abortionists in the U.S. Until recently he operated two abortion facilities: one in Bellevue, Nebraska and one in Germantown, Maryland.
At the Germantown location, Carhart committed abortions on babies through all nine months of pregnancy. Pro-lifers were overjoyed to learn at the end of this summer that the Maryland Coalition for Life successfully purchased the building in which Germantown Reproductive Health Services was located, shutting Carhart’s business down.
Operation Rescue then learned Carhart purchased a new facility in Bethesda, Maryland, a wealthy suburb just outside Washington, D.C. Despite advertising late-term abortions, Carhart is not licensed to commit them at this location.
“We have successfully prevented Carhart from opening his illegal abortion facility in Bethesda today as planned, but we have only won the first round of what we expect will be a tough fight to protect babies and their mothers from Carhart’s shoddy abortion practices,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “We pray this facility is never allowed to open.”
Operation Rescue has already filed complaints against Carhart’s new business, which is operating under the name, Inc.
“There is no doubt that Carhart believes he can break the law without consequences. This time, he tried to pull a fast one and got caught,” said Newman. “We call on the Department of Health to permanently shut down his illegal abortion business. His attempt to conduct late-term abortions illegally is so egregious that we urge the Medical Board to revoke Carhart’s Maryland medical license permanently.”
Among the protesters were Bethesda locals, Maryland pro-life activists who have experience sidewalk counseling outside Carhart’s old Germantown center, and students from Brookewood School in Kensington.
“In the seven years of conducting late-term abortions at his former facility in Germantown, at least ten women were rushed to hospital emergency rooms by ambulance, suffering from life-threatening complications as a result of the risky abortion procedures he performed on them,” Arina Grossu, director of the Family Research Council’s Center for Human Dignity, said at the protest.
Jennifer Morbelli, a 29-year-old teacher, died from complications after Carhart committed a late-term abortion on her.
“Currently, commercial livestock in a slaughterhouse and animals in a laboratory have more legal protection from pain than do unborn children,” said Grossu, noting that many of the babies Carhart aborts can feel pain as they are torn apart.
Albert Stecklein, whose daughter attends Walter Johnson High School, said he was “stunned” when he learned the late-term abortion facility was opening in his neighborhood.
“Only three weeks ago the effort to shut [Carhart] down and get him to leave [Germantown] was successful,” Stecklein told LifeSiteNews. He protested outside Carhart’s Germantown facility “for about six years every Monday.”
Pro-lifers are dismayed “to find out he’s coming back so soon,” said Stecklein.
But “God always wins,” Michele Hendrickson of Students for Life of America encouraged attendees.
Maryland pro-life advocates say they will hold a prayer vigil outside the Bethesda abortion center every Tuesday night, and continue monitoring Carhart to see if he commits any illegal abortions.
Abortionist cancels illegal late-term abortions after pro-lifers expose him
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
BETHESDA, Maryland, October 17, 2017 (LifeSiteNews)
– A late-term abortionist cancelled all abortions scheduled for today
in his new, illegal facility, pro-life advocates announced as they
protested in front of it.LeRoy Carhart is one of the most well-known late-term abortionists in the U.S. Until recently he operated two abortion facilities: one in Bellevue, Nebraska and one in Germantown, Maryland.
At the Germantown location, Carhart committed abortions on babies through all nine months of pregnancy. Pro-lifers were overjoyed to learn at the end of this summer that the Maryland Coalition for Life successfully purchased the building in which Germantown Reproductive Health Services was located, shutting Carhart’s business down.
Operation Rescue then learned Carhart purchased a new facility in Bethesda, Maryland, a wealthy suburb just outside Washington, D.C. Despite advertising late-term abortions, Carhart is not licensed to commit them at this location.
“We have successfully prevented Carhart from opening his illegal abortion facility in Bethesda today as planned, but we have only won the first round of what we expect will be a tough fight to protect babies and their mothers from Carhart’s shoddy abortion practices,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “We pray this facility is never allowed to open.”
Operation Rescue has already filed complaints against Carhart’s new business, which is operating under the name, Inc.
“There is no doubt that Carhart believes he can break the law without consequences. This time, he tried to pull a fast one and got caught,” said Newman. “We call on the Department of Health to permanently shut down his illegal abortion business. His attempt to conduct late-term abortions illegally is so egregious that we urge the Medical Board to revoke Carhart’s Maryland medical license permanently.”
Commercial livestock has more legal protection than unborn babies in Maryland
Situated near banks, the high-end grocery store Balducci’s, and less than a mile from Walter Johnson High School, Carhart’s new facility drew pro-life activists from Maryland and D.C. today.Among the protesters were Bethesda locals, Maryland pro-life activists who have experience sidewalk counseling outside Carhart’s old Germantown center, and students from Brookewood School in Kensington.
“In the seven years of conducting late-term abortions at his former facility in Germantown, at least ten women were rushed to hospital emergency rooms by ambulance, suffering from life-threatening complications as a result of the risky abortion procedures he performed on them,” Arina Grossu, director of the Family Research Council’s Center for Human Dignity, said at the protest.
Jennifer Morbelli, a 29-year-old teacher, died from complications after Carhart committed a late-term abortion on her.
“Currently, commercial livestock in a slaughterhouse and animals in a laboratory have more legal protection from pain than do unborn children,” said Grossu, noting that many of the babies Carhart aborts can feel pain as they are torn apart.
Albert Stecklein, whose daughter attends Walter Johnson High School, said he was “stunned” when he learned the late-term abortion facility was opening in his neighborhood.
“Only three weeks ago the effort to shut [Carhart] down and get him to leave [Germantown] was successful,” Stecklein told LifeSiteNews. He protested outside Carhart’s Germantown facility “for about six years every Monday.”
Pro-lifers are dismayed “to find out he’s coming back so soon,” said Stecklein.
But “God always wins,” Michele Hendrickson of Students for Life of America encouraged attendees.
Maryland pro-life advocates say they will hold a prayer vigil outside the Bethesda abortion center every Tuesday night, and continue monitoring Carhart to see if he commits any illegal abortions.