Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
GRAPEVINE, Texas —Televangelist Benny Hinn said on Monday that he has had
a change of heart in regard to prosperity preaching and is actually quite upset
about the matter — specifically in terms of asking people to give money so that
God will bless them in return. Hinn stated that he is concerned that many churches
are delivering a “feel good” message that centers on self, and warned the people
that persecution is coming to America.
Some are cautiously optimistic about Hinn’s words and opine that time will tell whether or not his stated transformation is genuine.
“Today, sadly, among a lot of circles all you hear is how to build the flesh. It’s a feel good message,” he said on Your Love World. “It’s about feel good, do good, make money — all the rest of it. And I’m sorry to say that prosperity has gone a little crazy, and I’m correcting my own theology and you need to all know it.”
Hinn, one of the most recognized proponents of the prosperity gospel’s promises of favor and blessings in exchange for “seed faith giving,” revealed that he does not view the Bible the same as he once did. He said that he has felt this way for some time, but has not been public about it so as to avoid hurting friends who still believe as he once did.
“I think it’s an offense to the Lord. It’s an offense to [tell people to] give a thousand dollars,” he said forthrightly. “I think it’s an offense to the Holy Spirit to place a price on the gospel.”
“I’m done with it,” Hinn said, generating applause. “I will never again ask you to give a thousand or whatever amount because I think the Holy Ghost is just fed up with it. … I think that hurts the gospel.”
He noted that he was making the statement publicly for the first time, adding that he doesn’t “care what people think about me anymore.”
Hinn said that he recently corrected someone for preaching such a message, and that he likely will not be well-received if he’s invited to assist with telethon fundraisers in the future.
“I think they will not like me anymore,” he remarked. “If I hear one more time, ‘Break the back of debt with a thousand dollars,’ I’m going to rebuke them. I think that’s buying the gospel. That’s buying the blessing. That’s grieving the Holy Spirit.”
He told those watching that if they do not give financially simply because they love Jesus, then “don’t bother giving.”
“I think giving has become such a gimmick that it’s making me sick to my stomach,” Hinn stated emphatically. “And I’ve been sick for a while, too. I just couldn’t say it. And now, the lid is off. I’ve had it.”
Hinn, who has been known to live a lavish lifestyle and for his charismatic crusades where crowds fall backwards at the swoosh of the arm, said he believes he needs to take the stand now because he doesn’t want God to rebuke him when he stands before the throne.
“I think it’s time we say it like it is: The gospel is not for sale,” he declared to applause. “And the blessings of God are not for sale, and miracles are not for sale. And prosperity is not for sale.”
Hinn said that he still believes in prosperity, but told those watching to stay away from teaching that would put them in the mindset of doing things for self and what they can get from God. He outlined that the proper motivation for giving is because you want to see other lives changed by the gospel, not because of what you can get out of it.
“If it’s not about adoring [and] loving Jesus, have nothing to do with it,” he exhorted. “If it’s about self and moolah … about how to get rich, [stay away from it].”
Hinn also remarked during the broadcast that he believes Christians are too entangled with politics and that persecution is coming to America. He urged Christians to be bold and not be afraid to speak the name of Jesus rather than speaking in general terms about God.
“When someone does not glorify His name, it really gets to me. Why are they afraid to say ‘Jesus’? They’ll say ‘God’ or something else to be politically correct,” he noted. “We are to be bold. We are not ashamed of the name Jesus! … Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is lord!”
Hinn told a story about his daughter, Jessica, explaining that she had been asked to speak at a women’s conference in Minneapolis, but was told once she arrived not to speak about the Bible or repentance but to simply give the women hope. She refused.
“This is what is happening in the Church. They want to keep the crowds happy,” he lamented.
Christian News Network contacted Benny Hinn Ministries and World Healing Center Church to obtain further comment, but was only able to reach a live operator through a donation and products line. An automated menu recording has a prayer for callers that wishes “God’s favor and blessings be upon you in a greater way than ever before.”
Costi Hinn
Costi Hinn, the nephew of Benny Hinn and pastor of discipleship at Redeemer Bible Church in Gilbert, Arizona, told Christian News that he is cautiously optimistic about his uncle’s words.
“I was encouraged by his blunt refutation of the prosperity gospel,” he said. “I sincerely hope and pray that this is the beginning of repentance for him and a turnaround in these later years in his life and ministry.”
Hinn had been brought up in prosperity preaching but came to renounce it in realizing that its promises of health, wealth and giving to get do not square with the Bible. He outlined in his book “God, Greed and the Prosperity Gospel: How the Truth Overwhelms a Life Built on Lies” that he loves his family and is only opposing the theology, not the people themselves.
“I’m on a rescue operation,” Hinn explained. “There are millions of people who need to be saved from the prosperity gospel like I was. I’m trying to reach them, while at the same time inspiring other people to reach them too. I want people to see that the prosperity gospel is damning and abusive. It exploits the poor and ruins the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people.”
Hinn told Christian News that he hopes his uncle is genuinely repentant and not merely remorseful. He said that Hinn has expressed regret for statements and decisions in the past only to resume his unbiblical behavior.
“Genuine repentance in the Bible is always accompanied by actions that prove that it’s really repentance,” he stated, explaining that repentance would look similar to that of the account of Zacchaeus, who climbed a tree out of his eagerness to see Jesus.
“Jesus saves him and goes to his house that day, and is willing to eat a meal with him and show him love and grace in the midst of his past and his sin,” he recalled. “And Zacchaeus is jumping for joy, excited to pay people back, excited to do whatever it takes to follow Jesus and show his genuine repentance through his actions.”
Hinn noted that the Bible says love is to believe all things and hope all things (1 Corinthians 13:7), and that Monday’s announcement should be treated accordingly. Time will tell, he said, whether or not the transformation is for real.
“My desire is that Uncle Benny’s statement is not merely public remorse to save face or protect his ministry from decline,” he stated, “but rather that it is genuine repentance and that he would be willing to forsake everything if it means gaining Christ and the full gospel.”
In 2018, Benny Hinn made similar remarks in a Facebook live video, stating that he believes in prosperity but not the kind that is seen today.
“Today, the idea is abundance and palatial homes and cars and bank accounts. The focus is wrong. … It’s so wrong,” he said. “We all sadly make the mistake of thinking that, ‘Well this is what God wants,’ and God says ‘No, that’s not what I want.’ It’s time to live biblically. You know, it all comes down to one thing. Do we love Jesus, yes or no? If we love Jesus, then it’s all about Jesus. If we don’t love Jesus, then it’s about other things.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
NAACP President Jeffrey Dye had a record of threatening his brother with a knife, getting caught with six bags of crack cocaine, assaulting police officers on two separate occasions, so of course he was appointed to work for the New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development.
Governor Phil Murphy’s Dem administration had previously appointed Al Alvarez, his guy in charge of Latino and Muslim outreach, accused of trying to rape one of his staffers during the campaign, as chief of staff the New Jersey Schools Development Authority. The last time Dye had gotten in trouble was when he had been charged with aggravated assault after a confrontation with 3 police officers in 2007.
That’s not counting the time he failed to file campaign finance reports while running for public office.
Dye morphed into a perennial Democrat candidate, running and losing one election after another, and headed Passaic’s NAACP chapter. As Rachel Dolezal, a white woman claiming to be black, who headed the Spokane NAACP chapter, showed the organization doesn’t have high standards for chapter leaders.
But Dye met the most crucial standard that the Murphy administration cared about. He supported Phil Murphy. You can be a rapist or threaten your brother with a knife, all you need to do is back Phil.
Phil is a former Goldman Sachs exec, DNC finance chair and Obama’s Ambassador to Germany.
Last year, Dye’s NAACP announced that it was honoring Marcellus Jackson at its “2nd Annual Freedom Fund Community Service Award Luncheon.” It mentioned that Marcellus, a former Passaic City Council member, was working as a special assistant in the Department of Education’s Office of Civic and Social Engagement. The reason Marcellus was a former member of the Passaic City Council was because the FBI had busted him for taking bribes and he was sentenced to 25 months in prison.
After pleading guilty, Marcellus had echoed General Douglas MacArthur, intoning, “I shall return.”
New Jersey Democrats made sure that Marcellus did.
Dye, who had tried and failed to secure Marcellus’ old position, was honoring the corrupt politician. And the NAACP invitation alerted everyone to the fact that an ex-con public official who had taken bribes was working for the state on a mission to "advance public education in New Jersey."
"I hope we see a lot more of this, that somebody made a mistake, they admitted it, they repented, they paid their price," Governor Murphy said, the unconfirmed crook defending his decision to hire a confirmed crook. "We have to get these folks back up on their feet in society and this state."
If New Jersey hadn’t charitably hired a corrupt politician, he might have starved on the streets.
Instead, Phil gave Marcellus a $70,000 a year job. But perhaps Governor Murphy was hoping that one day a future corrupt Democrat politician will be equally charitable to him.
Mayor Frank Jackson of Cleveland had been very charitable to Lance Mason, another disgraced fellow Democrat, after he violently assaulted his wife. The former judge got a job in the Minority Business Development Administrator for Cleveland before going back and brutally murdering his ex-wife.
“We hire many ex-felons and almost all of them turn out well because we have second chance as a part of what we do as a policy in the City of Cleveland,” Mayor Jackson insisted.
New Jersey, which is almost entirely run by criminals, will always give criminals a second, third and fourth chance. As long as they vote for the Democrats a second, third and fourth time.
And so back in New Jersey, Jeffrey Dye was working for the state despite a record as long as his arm, which included threatening his brother with a knife, getting caught with six bags of cocaine, which he claimed were someone else’s, and giving the police somebody else’s license after an accident. Then there were the multiple violent confrontations with police officers and stuffing food in a prison toilet.
Despite his plum job, Dye spent his time ranting about Jews and Latinos on Facebook.
He blamed Jews for a hip-hop feud between two black stars, “Jews At it again divide & conquering us.” Under an entry about the New York Times’ 1619 Project, Dye ranted that, “american has no business giving our tax paying dollars to israel to kill palestinians & enslave africans & using both for their body parts.” He also praised racist Nation of Islam hate group leader, Louis Farrakhan.
Dye had also attacked former New Jersey SDA boss Lizette Delgado-Polanco, a union activist and Murphy backer, who was paid $225,000 to head the Schools Development Authority, and began spending money like crazy, firing existing employees and replacing them with SEIU thugs and relatives.
Delgado-Polcano had brought in the mother of her grandchild, a friend of her daughter’s, her old SEIU district leader, and the SEIU district leader’s daughter-in-law, and her former SEIU executive director, a former SEIU vice president, and her own second cousin, who had been accused of sexual harassment.
Criticizing Delgado-Polcano in racial terms, who is, despite her departure a key labor ally for Murphy, probably sealed Dye’s fate. But Governor Murphy defended hiring Dye despite his criminal record.
"People, if they make reparations, if they make up for what they’ve done, I’d like to be the state where folks get a second chance," the Democrat insisted.
Meanwhile pressure was mounting on Dye to resign as head of the Passaic NAACP.
When David Wildstein, a New Jersey Globe reporter, who had closely covered Dye’s case, contacted the former government employee, the Farrakhan supporter snapped back, “I don’t talk to f____ Jews.”
Later, on Facebook, Dye claimed that he had never said that and that it was a Jewish conspiracy.
"The Statement ( “I Don’t Talk To F_____ Jews” ) Is Simply A Lie By David Wallstien Who Is A Jewish Reporter For The New Jersey Globe," the Democrat perennial candidate ranted. "What You Are Seriously Watching Here Is “COINTELPRO & JEWISH MEDIA PROPAGANDA ASSASSINATION HIT TEAM.”
Following a common trope of leftist bigots, Dye insisted that he was an anti-Zionist who was "Telling The Truth About Israel & The Killing & Murder Of The Palestinian People" rather than an ordinary bigot.
Then he insisted that it was a plot by "former Republicans" to "Use Me Against Our Governor Phil Murphy Who They Are Really After & Their Using Me & Others Like Me To Tarnish Our Governor Phil Murphy So He’s Not Successful In His Re-Election."
"And Yes I Personally Still Support Governor Phil Murphy," he later also tweeted.
Dye concluded his Facebook rant by warning that, "They Want To Disrupt & Dismantle & Get Rid Of The Passaic NAACP And Me The President. When You Have Any Real Activist That Speaks Like I Do He’s A Threat & Dangerous To Any Racist That’s Trying To Destroy Black & Latino People To Advance Their Cause To Dictate & Control This World."
Jeffrey Dye’s concern for Muslim rights is surprising though considering that his first altercation occurred back in 1994 when he got into an argument with a Muslim convenience store owner over lottery tickets.
According to media accounts, it concluded when the store owner "allegedly grabbed a machete he kept under the counter, leaped over the counter, and threatened Dye with it.”
It’s unknown if the Muslim store owner with the machete is working for the State of New Jersey.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Editor's note: Below is Sean Fitzgerald's new video, "California's Ultra Woke Curriculum," which reveals how being an illegal aliens advocate is now becoming a graduation requirement. The video was created in conjunction with the Freedom Center's Stop K-12 Indoctrination campaign. To read our pamphlet on this issue, "Leftist Indoctrination in Our K-12 Public Schools," click here or order your own copy here.
After attending the United Nations Civil Society Conference last week in Salt Lake City, Utah, senior editor William F. Jasper shares with Dr. Duke Pesta the Youth Climate Compact that came out of the event.
The compact calls for today's youth to pledge to become green citizens, and to commit to cooperate and support the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. CHALLENGED BY HOMESCHOOLERS LGBTQ/TRANSGENDER AGENDAS TOO VERY MUCH CHILD ABUSE
Paul Driessen Rebukes the United Nations Civil Society Conference
Bette Grande Rebukes the United Nations Civil Society Conference
James Taylor Rebukes the United Nations Civil Society Conference
Howard Hayden Rebukes the United Nations Civil Society Conference
Jennifer Fielder Rebukes United Nations Civil Society Conference
Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Western women are to blame for being raped by Muslim men. Such is the latest position—the latest apologia—being offered by those Western elements dedicated to exonerating undesirable Muslim behavior, particularly in order to continue taking in more Muslim migrants.
According to a August 9, 2019 report, “in the Swedish city of Uppsala … four women were raped in as many days…. Two ‘completed rapes’ took place last weekend, with another attempted rape on Saturday night, and another sexual attack in the early hours of Wednesday morning.”
So many (reported) rapes in so brief a time span should be unsurprising considering that, since opening its doors to “multiculturalism”—which mostly means taking in male Muslim “refugees”—rapes in Sweden have increased by 1,472 percent, making it the rape capital of the world.
Although Uppsala Police failed to issue descriptions of the rapists—usually a sure sign of their origins—they did issue warnings for women to “think how they behave,” to “think ahead,” and not “go out alone” (original Swedish language report here).
Sweden is hardly the only Western European nation to implicate victims with their own rape. In late 2018 in Germany, seven Muslim migrants raped a teenage German girl in a park, after drugging her at a disco in Freiburg. (She at least survived; in a similar case that occurred a week earlier in Italy, the drugged rape victim was left murdered.) Freiburg’s police chief responded by warning German women not to “make yourself vulnerable by using alcohol or drugs.”
Advice against alcohol, drugs, and reckless behavior would be more welcome and sincere were it not made under duress. As things stand, it is a copout.
For example, after mobs of Muslim migrants sexually assaulted as many as one thousand women on New Year’s Eve 2016 in Cologne, Germany, its mayor, Henriette Reker, called on women to “be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves.”
Or, as another report discussing the aforementioned rape in Freiburg puts it, “The focus on prevention is a good thing, but also shows how German authorities and media barely hold the migrant crisis responsible for the disaster that is unfolding in Germany. Political correctness has caused officials to put the blame for the criminal acts on the women instead of Merkel’s guests.”
Similarly, in Austria, after a 20-year-old woman waiting at a bus stop in Vienna was attacked, beat, and robbed by four Muslim men—including one who “started [by] putting his hands through my hair and made it clear that in his cultural background there were hardly any blonde women”—police responded by telling the victim to dye her hair:
At first I was scared, but now I’m more angry than anything. After the attack they told me that women shouldn’t be alone on the streets after 8pm. And they also gave me other advice, telling me I should dye my hair dark and also not dress in such a provocative way. Indirectly that means I was partly to blame for what happened to me. That is a massive insult.
In Norway, Unni Wikan, a female professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, insists that “Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes,” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West need to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”
So much for the feminist claim that women are free to dress and behave as promiscuously and provocatively as they want—and woe to the man who dares cite this as justifying male sexual aggression. Apparently this feminist refrain does not apply to Muslim men.
But perhaps the greater irony is that all these excuses that implicate female victims in their own rape agree with Islam’s unwavering view—on display past and present—that European women are by nature sexually promiscuous.
Consider Islamic views concerning the first “white” women encountered. Muslims habitually portrayed neighboring Byzantine women as sexually promiscuous by nature. Thus, for Abu Uthman al-Jahiz (b. 776), an Abbasid court scholar, the females of Constantinople were the “most shameless women in the whole world”; “they find sex more enjoyable” and “are prone to adultery.” Abd al-Jabbar (b. 935), another prominent scholar, claimed that “adultery is commonplace in the cities and markets of Byzantium”—so much so that even “the nuns from the convents went out to the fortresses to offer themselves to monks.”
For all these reasons and more, Byzantine women became Islam’s “beautiful femme fatale who makes men lose their self-control,” as the author of Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs explains:
Our [Arab/Muslim] sources show not Byzantine women but writers’ images of these women, who served as symbols of the eternal female—constantly a potential threat, particularly due to blatant exaggerations of their sexual promiscuity. In our texts, Byzantine women are strongly associated with sexual immorality. . . . While the one quality that our [Muslim] sources never deny is the beauty of Byzantine women, the image that they create in describing these women is anything but beautiful. Their depictions are, occasionally, excessive, virtually caricatures, overwhelmingly negative.
Such fevered fantasies—which “are clearly far from Byzantine reality”—existed only in the minds of Muslim men. “The behavior of most women in Byzantium was a far cry from the depictions that appear in Arabic sources.”
Regardless, not only did Muslim writers/scholars fail to “revise” their opinion concerning Byzantine women; they subsequently went on to portray all white/European women encountered—including Frankish, Spanish, and Slavic women—in the same manner.
Today, little has changed (except, as shall be seen, Western responses): all European women continue to be seen as naturally promiscuous and provoking Muslim men into raping them. Thus in the United Kingdom, a Muslim man explained to a British woman why he was raping her: “you white women are good at it.” Another Muslim man called a 13-year-old virgin “a little white slag”—British slang for “loose, promiscuous woman”—before raping her.
Another British woman was trafficked to Morocco where she was prostituted and repeatedly raped by dozens of Muslim men. They “made me believe I was nothing more than a slut, a white whore,” she recollects. “They treated me like a leper, apart from when they wanted sex. I was less than human to them, I was rubbish.”
In Germany, a group of Muslim “refugees” stalked a 25-year-old woman, hurled “filthy” insults at and taunted her for sex. They too explained their logic to her—“German girls are just there for sex”—before reaching into her blouse and groping her. A Muslim man who almost killed his 25-year-old German victim while raping her—and shouting “Allah!”—asked afterwards if she enjoyed it.
In Austria, an “Arabic-looking man” approached a 27-year-old woman at a bus stop, pulled down his pants, and “all he could say was sex, sex, sex,” prompting the woman to scream and flee.
In short, the ancient Islamic motif concerning the alleged promiscuity of European women is alive and well—irrespective of the latter’s behavior—and continues justifying the Muslim rape of Western women.
The only thing “new” is that Muslim would-be rapists can turn to those “progressive” elements that dominate Western society for cover. For, just as “the Left” has worked long and hard to portray Islamic intolerance, violence, and terrorism as the West’s fault—because of the crusades, because of colonialism, because of Israel, because offensive cartoons—it now adds Islam’s perverted fantasies concerning Western women to the list of reasons that “provoke” Muslims to lash out.
Note: For numerous documented examples of Muslims sexually objectifying and enslaving Western women throughout history, see author’s new book, Sword and Scimitar, which also sources many of the above quotes.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Ft Collins, CO –-( “It's so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been, had it never shone.” ~ John Steinbeck
In Iowa, Sleepy Joe just stated that he wants to “ban magazines that hold multiple bullets.” Since, in all of world history, no magazine has ever been manufactured that holds only one cartridge, Joe conspicuously wants a federal prohibition of all guns with, or capable of accepting magazines. Sleepy Joe is so predictable.
“Beto,” is advocating a “non-voluntary ‘buy-back’” (AKA: forced confiscation) of all currently legally-owned guns that he doesn’t like.
Listen carefully to Kamala! She said, “If elected president and you don't surrender your guns, I will sign an executive order, and police will show up at your door!”
The dreaded, NKVD-style “knock-on-the-door-at-midnight” is coming to a place near you! At least Kamala is brutally candid, unlike most of her mealy-mouthed commissars.
Buttigieg “supports a new federal ban on assault-style weapons, as well as a voluntary buyback program for existing assault-style weapons.” We all know from past experience that the “voluntary” part is a lie (see Beto, above).
Booker, when elected, will establish a “federal registry” of all guns, plus a separate federal registry of all individual gun owners. We’re all going on a “List!” American citizens who want to continue to own guns will have to “apply,” and then re-apply every few years. Naturally, Democrat's protective gaurds need not apply.
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors (all liberal Democrats) just declared our NRA to be a “Domestic Terrorist Organization.” Simultaneously of course, ANTIFA enjoys their blessing. Individual NRA members are now “terrorists.”
Walmart’s CEO, also a liberal Democrat and who dubiously claims to be a gun-owner himself (they all do), has sanctimoniously declared his stores will no longer sell to us peons “ammunition for short-barreled rifles.” Like Sleepy Joe, he is sublimely ignorant of relevant facts pertaining to firearms, which is not surprising.
Democrats War on Guns
The dogma from Democrat/socialists is clear, and becoming clearer by the day: When we’re in power, we will come to your home and forcibly confiscate your guns, EVERY ONE OF THEM!
We, of course, will retain ours.
Past pseudo-pious declarations that “We are not coming after your guns” are/were sleazy lies, as we see.
Doubt that at your peril.
“The type of training (rifle/pistol in the Czech Republic) that we went through is currently impossible on my side of the world (France). And I realize how much those in former colonies of the USSR hunger for individual freedom, while how naively citizens of Western Civilization are carelessly surrendering theirs. When you have been brutally enslaved for sixty years by Communist tyrants, the word ‘freedom’ has special meaning.” ~ From a friend in Western Europe
About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.
"Walmart’s CEO, also a liberal Democrat and who dubiously claims to be a gun-owner himself (they all do), has sanctimoniously declared his stores will no longer sell to us peons “ammunition for short-barreled rifles.” Like Sleepy Joe, he is sublimely ignorant of relevant facts pertaining to firearms, which is not surprising."
The National Rifle Association released the following statement today regarding Walmart's decision to change its firearms and ammunition policies:
“The strongest defense of freedom has always been our free-market economy. It is shameful to see Walmart succumb to the pressure of the anti-gun elites. Lines at Walmart will soon be replaced by lines at other retailers who are more supportive of America’s fundamental freedoms”
“The truth is Walmart’s actions today will not make us any safer. Rather than place the blame on the criminal, Walmart has chosen to victimize law-abiding Americans.”
“Our leaders must be willing to approach the problems of crime, violence and mental health with sincerity and honesty.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
U.S.A. –-( Walmart has given into the anti-gun movement and will stop selling handgun ammunition, and .223/5.56 caliber ammunition. They have also asked their customers to stop open carrying in their stores.
The decision came after weeks of pressure from anti-gun groups who used the shooting in an El Paso, Texas Walmart as an excuse to push their agenda on the retail giant. According to Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, the chain will also put pressure on Congress to change gun laws.
“It's clear to us that the status quo is unacceptable,” McMillon said in a memo to employees on Tuesday.
McMillon said he was avoiding alienating customers on both sides of the gun debate. A goal that gun-rights activist said the company has severely missed.
“We will treat law-abiding customers with respect, and we will have a very non-confrontational approach,” McMillon said. “Our remaining assortment will be even more focused on the needs of hunting and sport shooting enthusiasts.”
Gun owners do not see Walmart's decision as treating them respect. By pushing the Government to take away its customer's rights, it seems that Walmart is disrespecting their customers.
Walmart sees its decision as a way of balancing their customer's rights with the safety of their customers and workers. Walmart did not go into any detail on how stopping the sales of certain ammunition keeps customers and employees safe.
Gun Owners of America Senior Vice President Erich Pratt thinks those that decided to stop selling the ammunition do not understand guns and firearms usage. The leadership at Walmart ignored the defensive usage of firearms and incorrectly use the term “SBR” in multiple places leading many to wonder if the company knows what is an SBR.
“It is disappointing to see WalMart ignoring the fact that guns are used more often to save lives than to take life,” Pratt told AmmoLand via email. “Their decision to restrict gun and ammunition sales will have the opposite effect and will not make people safer.”
“Moreover, their statement that they are discontinuing the sales of ‘short barrel rifle ammo' is just amateurish, because there is no such thing as ‘short barrel rifle ammo.' There is just ammunition. And any ammo that can fit in a ‘long-barreled rifle' can also fit in a ‘short-barreled rifle.'”
“Speaking of ‘short-barreled rifles,' any rifle that has a barrel of less than 16″ is considered an SBR (a Short-Barreled Rifle) and is HIGHLY REGULATED by the Federal Government under the NFA (National Firearms Act). I believe that I can accurately say that there is NO WALMART IN THE NATION that is selling SBRs. So, it seems that the people making the policy decisions at Walmart have virtually no familiarity with firearms or ammunition.”
Walmart currently sells 20% of all ammunition in the country. The companies own forecast has this number dropping to 6% to 9% once the stores deplete their current stock.
Walmart will also stop selling handguns in Alaska. Alaska is the only state that Walmart still sells handguns. In the Alaskan wilderness, residents see handguns as a necessity to remain safe.
In the months after the New Town shooting, Bloomberg-backed, anti-gun groups pressured Walmart to stop selling the ever-popular AR-15 sporting rifle. Gun-rights advocates see the Walmart decision as bending to the pressure of well-funded anti-gun lobby groups.
Walmart did not return AmmoLand's request for comment.
About John Crump
John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%'ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at ______________________________________________________________ SEE ALSO: EXCERPTS: "As tragic as these events were, it does not follow that discontinuing the sales of the types of ammunition he mentioned will do anything to prevent similar tragedies in the future. A crazed killer has an unlimited choice of weapons available to him and it is impossible to remove all of them from availability. The second point, therefore, is that Walmart certainly has the right to refuse to sell any product it decides to, including ammunition. But, conversely, consumers offended by this position also have the right not to support that position though their patronage."