2 Peter 2:22-"But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: 'A dog returns to his own vomit,' and, 'a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.'"
Luke 6:39-"And He spoke a parable to them: "Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?"
John 8:12-"Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."
John 12:46- "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness."
John 14:17-"the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you."
John 15:18-19-"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."
Romans 1:28-"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting"
Galatians 6:8-"For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."
1 Corinthians 15:33-"Do not be deceived: 'Evil company corrupts good habits.'"
We will demonstrate that Jeffrey R. Pinder, the new senior pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Wilmington, Delaware as of January 1, 2013, has shown a compromised preference in his sermons for the unregenerate as sources of wisdom and spiritual insight as extra-biblical aids to punctuate and undergird the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. Unabashedly, and defiantly, Pinder himself publicly preached that church is for the unchurched seekers, not believers, a concept he knows is blatantly unbiblical, but expedient when you are looking to stop the hemorrhaging of members and making the church more world friendly and "relevant". It's by sullying his sermons with such junk yard filth and garbage from apostates, heretics, and homosexual practitioners/affirmers, that the Word is diminished and denigrated by its portrayal as inscrutable and bland as pale white bread, when in fact, the Word is sufficient and powerful unto itself, needing no help, as per:
2 Timothy 3:16-17:-"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
Pinder has also preferred not to advertise his phone number or e-mail address. He has not answered any of our e-mails sent to office@fbcwilmington.com, and instead has had his staff delete them immediately.
Pinder was ordained to the ministry in 1996 at Swift Creek Baptist Church in Midlothian, Virginia. Pastor Jeff received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Graduate School in 2010. See Doctoral Dissertation: http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/doctoral/392/.
He has served in various ministerial roles (pastor, student pastor, missionary) in Florida http://www.fbcpsj.org/, Virginia, Delaware, and the Bahamas. He is passionate about family, personal discipleship, and fulfilling the Great Commission. See: http://fbcwilmington.com/meet_the_staff.html.
Pinder also wrote a book "Forged by Conviction" about the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia, with which he was affiliated, although he claims no present affiliation with the Southern Baptist Convention nationally or locally. His previous church in Florida was affiliated with the North West Coast Baptist Association, part of the Southern Baptists shown here: http://www.nwcbap.org/church.cfm?ID=45, and also with the Florida Baptist Convention affiliated with the SBC:
This Florida church has videos where contemporary Christian music is played: http://www.fbcpsj.org/audiovideo.php. Likewise, church plants coming from this Florida church have all affiliated with the Southern Baptists.
Faith Baptist of Wilmington, Delaware is an "independent Baptist church" (not yet affiliated with the Southern Baptists), whose members and friends will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the church on September 28-29, 2013. Its history under the founding pastor, Bill Bowen, and then George Nichols up unto recently, has been one of a carefully shepherded form of Arminian non-fundamentalism, void of any concept of biblical separation or mention of the Reformed five solas, and more closely aligned with the "decisions for Christ" ecumenical philosophy of Billy Graham, than the providential grace and sovereignty of God doing the saving. It has a full history of isolating from, and not involving itself in, the local Delawarian and regional culture and politics in general, based on a faulty interpretation and acceptance of the so-called separation of church and state. While claiming to be evangelical and supportive of missions, it carefully distances itself from social and moral issues like abortion, homosexuality and gay marriage, resigning itself to the defeatist/fatalist/passive mindset that the moral decline of the area is an eschatological fulfillment of prophecy, hastening the return of Christ, and consequently distracts from the main goal of salvations, with an unbiblical "let God do it" approach to evangelization. This weakens what could have been and could be a strong local evangelical presence in Delaware and elsewhere. Instead, the concentration on the personal "victorious Christian life" places the focus on individual self-centered spiritual growth, not the ministry to the lost.
This mindset is likely due to its close ties to the Keswick/Quietist movement (see below about "America's Keswick" camp, and section "O" about Scott Newton Smith). It claims to have ties with so-called "sister churches", but no one has ever been able to identify them. It has ecumenical tendencies such as their interfaith Good Friday service which allows pastors from various denominations to speak. Some believe those are the so-called "sister churches", but no one is sure.
Faith Baptist is full of religious pride touting they are the best traditional and conservative church in New Castle County, carefully avoiding however, any criticism, negative comments, and/or condemnation of other apostate or heretical churches, personalities or denominations. That leaves the congregation totally ignorant and unprepared to refute error, unable and unwilling to contend for the faith. As long as false teaching is seen as residing elsewhere and not an immediate and present threat, church members are perfectly comfortable in their willing ignorance.
This church values the "saved for works" concept, but simultaneously ignoring the need for acknowledging the depravity of sin and repentance as accompanying salvation, placing a heavy emphasis on decisions for Christ, due in part to its very close affiliation with the Word of Life ministry of Pottersville, New York, http://www.wol.org/, and its facilities in Europe and elsewhere. Many of the church's youth have gone to Word of Life where they are further reinforced in unbiblical decisionism accompanied by works. In all, the line between salvation by works and salvation by grace is very much a blurry one; the distinction is usually not a matter of dogma. It's just one of those non-essentials.
Faith Baptist has a type of "gospel message" on its website loaded with problems, and which we requested by e-mail that it be revised. This e-mail has never been acknowledged or answered. Their so-called "gospel message" fraught with unbiblical and erroneous elements has never been revised since.
Text of e-mail, dated January 25, 2013:
"Concerning the 'Gospel Message' at: http://fbcwilmington.com/message.html
It is a watered down gospel presentation lacking repentance, i.e., not as a requirement for salvation along with faith, but as the fruit of faith, flowing from that faith. I have listed several articles that support this below. In addition, there are a number of other problems with the language of this gospel message as written. I am requesting that this grossly erroneous gospel presentation be removed from the website and a suitable, biblical one replace it as soon as possible.
Please advise how this got onto the website, and who is responsible?
My objections are:
1) No mention of the fallen state of mankind through Adam's sin, being born with a sin nature.
2) No mention of the definition of sin being the failure to keep God's law (which shows us we are incapable of keeping the law).
3) Jesus did not die on a cross to "bridge" our separation with the Father because of sin, or to "cover" our sins. He died as a the only perfect sacrifice of sacrifices heretofore (the Jewish temple sacrifices), accomplishing a completely sufficient atoning sacrifice to pay for our sins and our sin debt in full, which cancels our sin completely in the eyes of the Father, due to the imputed righteousness of Christ to us the believer, AND TO SAVE US FROM SIN. To use the words "bridge" and "cover" is to oversimplify, and diminish the work of Christ. It is theologically incorrect, unbiblical, and therefore heresy. Salvation is not merely the construction of some sort of mystical "bridge" or placing a mystical "cover" over sin, but effective in dealing fully and completely with sin itself.
4) No mention of numerous verses in Hebrews which define the uniqueness and sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice. They are: Heb 7:27; Heb 9:26; Heb 10:1; Heb 10:12.
5) No mention of Christ's actual death on the cross. Instead we are told about an anonymous "eternal being" being sacrificed (in what way?), here: "Sacrificing an eternal being is the only way to provide an eternal sacrifice for a non-eternal man". Rather, this eternal being should have been named properly as Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Secondly, Christ's sacrifice was "once for all" NOT an eternal sacrifice! (Hebrews 7:27). Thirdly, man has a mortal body, but has an eternal soul which will live for eternity in either heaven with God or in hell with the lost; therefore it is misleading to state man is non-eternal.
6) God requires, as a result of His condescending to sacrifice His Son on our behalf, that we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior after admitting our sinfulness, our inability to save ourselves, our need for a Savior, our desire to serve Him alone, to begin to repent for our sins, and to invite the Holy Spirit to help us repent and be sanctified. It is grossly simplistic and erroneous to state that the only requirement is "simple faith", and not even naming the object of that faith (Jesus Christ). This could easily be interpreted as "faith in oneself" and/or a false Christ or false religion.
7) We are not saved "by God's grace and through our faith", since "saving faith" is different from generic faith in that saving faith is a gift from God, not of our own creation or will. This also minimizes the absolute lost and depraved state of man who is incapable of self-generating "saving faith" without divine help.
8) Alleged "Sinners Prayer": Do we ask, tell or pray to God the sinner's "prayer"? In any case, prayer used to be the sign that the Holy Spirit has regenerated the unbeliever to the point that he will not be so bold as to ask or tell God about his desire to be saved, much less a prayer addressed to Jesus instead of the Father who is the One that Jesus is supposedly building a "bridge" to. This is a watered down, God offending "quick prayer" which leads to "false converts by the thousands. To make matters worse, forgiveness is asked for acknowledged sins, but no offer or desire to repent is to be found therein.
9) "Did you meet with Jesus?" is setting up an expectation that it is normal or common to actually meet the Son of God in some sort of feelings based mystical experience, following "being saved". That is certainly not biblical and is an invitation into Catholic contemplative mysticism. We meet with Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit through the Bible, the Word of God, through what has already been revealed therein. Otherwise, the convert is led to believe in extra-biblical revelation, the mark of false gospels and the emerging church."
The church also has its ties to the Keswick camp http://www.americaskeswick.org/, in Whiting, New Jersey, where addicts are taught the heresy of the "victorious Christian life" (of Watchman Nee & others) in the hope that they will be saved and/or healed through a regimen that produces "sinless perfectionism" or something akin to it. All while being treated to "Christian rock" concerts as in:
http://www.americaskeswick.org/704880.ihtml, featuring the groups "Building 429 and The Afters", and their show in October, 2013 called "United We Stand Tour", with Hawk Nelson.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_Life_movement.
See: http://www.logos.com/product/6490/let-go-and-let-god-a-survey-and-analysis-of-keswick-theology.
See: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/why-let-go-and-let-god-bad-idea/. (Andrew Naselli, expert on Keswick heresies).
See: http://www.dbts.edu/journals/2008/Naselli.pdf. (Naselli at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary).
See: http://teampyro.blogspot.com/2006/11/not-yet-quite-perfect.html.
See: http://www.lcoggt.org/Articles/an_appraisal_of_the_keswick_and_.htm.
See: http://pneumafoundation.org/article.jsp?article=/Keswick-PAlthouse.xml.
See: http://missionsforum.wordpress.com/tag/keswick/.
See: http://issuu.com/asburytheologicalseminary/docs/a_biblographic_introduction.
See: http://www.theologyforgirls.com/2010/07/let-go-and-let-god.html.
So who and what has Pinder referenced in his sermons to date that are problematic?
A) In 2012, before he was accepted as senior pastor, Pinder spoke to the congregation and referred to the mystical "divine spark" in all of us as in: http://apprising.org/2008/09/21/the-emergent-one/.(Gnostic "divine spark"). Also: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=9232.
Similarity to Sue Monk Kidd, former Southern Baptist Sunday school teacher, now feminine "goddess" worshiper: http://ratherexposethem.blogspot.com/2012/12/sue-monk-kidd-former-sbc-sunday-school.html.
When confronted about this in an e-mail dated October 13, 2012, there was no answer.
B) E-mail sent to Pinder dated October 5, 2012 went unanswered: (full text)
"Would you please answer the following:
1) You stated that your preference is for contemporary "Christian"
music, including southern gospel as is demonstrated in the videos on
your church website in St. Joe, Florida. Since you indicated that this
type of music would not be the primary means of attracting young people
to church, will you nevertheless be introducing this music to Faith if
you accept the position, and for what purpose?
2) Are you aware of the ecumenical, charismatic, and Catholic
associations of many of the musicians who have authored such music, and
don't you have a problem with such?
3) Do you have ecumenical associations and do ministry with other
denominations, pastors, teachers and theologians and what or who are they?
4) Do you currently and will you allow Freemasons to join, become
members and participate in ministry at your current church and at Faith
should you accept the position?
5) Do you maintain membership in any secret society including Freemasons
or other organizations?
6) Do you maintain membership in and/or associate with any political
groups, or have sympathies toward them?
7) Besides contemporary music, do you agree with or will you implement
the church growth methodologies of Drucker, Hybels, Warren, Driscoll,
and others?
8) Are you continuationist, and do you agree with the
charismatic/pentecostal beliefs? Will you introduce same at Faith?
9) Do you reject the beliefs and practices of the New Apostolic
Reformation and its dominionist programs? Will you introduce same at Faith?
10) Do you believe in and practice contemplative mysticism and/or the
"silence" such as that practiced by the Catholic mystics and the Taize
facility in France? Will you introduce same at Faith?
11) Are you ordained in the Southern Baptist Convention?
12) Will you bring Faith into the SBC and/or affiliates?
13) Will you promote and encourage ecumenical endeavors and ministries
while at Faith?
14) Will you separate from and reject all apostasy, whether from
individuals, churches, teachers and/or preachers? Or do you repudiate
15) What bible version will you use at Faith and do you allow for the
use of many versions such as the Message bible?
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions for us."
C) January 18, 2013: Observations about Pinder's recent sermon:
"I listened to the entire sermon given by Jeff Pinder on Jan.6, 2013. It is clearly in line
with the 2nd Reformation ideology of Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church and his "seeker sensitive" approach to doing church. The Bill Hybels' Willow Creek Association iis offering a CD-ROM titled "Becoming a Contagious Christian" at the link below. The idea is to begin "seeker sensitive" church services. Pinder shamed the congregation at Faith Baptist that they've had too much Bible preaching, study, etc. and not enough action. That is
exactly what Warren has defined as his second Reformation, i.e., that the first Reformation was about beliefs and doctrine, the second being about actions, work and deeds, plus
undoing the first Reformation to make room for the second.
Secondly, he referred to Beth Moore, that is that too many at
Faith have been to the "Beth Moores" podcasts (such as at Brandywine
Valley Baptist Church). No warnings from Pinder though, about her
heretical and constant claims of personal revelations from God for
her followers, her blatant ecumenical leanings, and employment of
Catholic mystical "lectio divina" readings at "Passion 2012".
Thirdly, Pinder wants to review all the ministries and teachers at
Faith, because the "congregation reviews" him and his sermons.
Fourthly, Pinder is about to place a heavy load of works and
programs on everyone to keep you busy growing the church.
Fifthly, Pinder will implement all kinds of changes based on whether
he thinks something is useful, practical and adds to growth, of
course appealing to the "seeker" and then the church itself becomes
"seeker filled" and "seeker focused". He may try to implement the
Alpha Course too.
D) Pinder refers to Andy Stanley in a sermon. See our post about Stanley naming Obama "Pastor in Chief":
http://ratherexposethem.blogspot.com/2013/01/national-conference-on-lgbt-equality.html, and
In the above post, an article at the Christian Post is cited and the author relates:Article: Andy Stanley Avoids Gay Issue in Last Sermon of Controversial Series. Therein Christian Post contributor Anugrah Kumar tells us:
"Weeks after leaving some Christians wondering about his stance on homosexuality, Pastor Andy Stanley avoided explicitly addressing the issue on Sunday during his weekend message.
In his final message of an 8-part sermon series on what it means to be Christian, Stanley, who leads North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga., did not use the words “gay” or “homosexuality,” but reminded the audience what he mentioned at the beginning of the series – that Christians had a “branding problem.”
"In his final message of an 8-part sermon series on what it means to be Christian, Stanley, who leads North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga., did not use the words "gay" or "homosexuality," but reminded the audience what he mentioned at the beginning of the series – that Christians had a "branding problem." Christians, he said, are viewed as being "judgmental, homophobic, moralists" who think they are the only ones going to heaven and who "secretly relish the fact that everyone else is going to hell."
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/pastor-andy-stanley-alludes-to-how-christians-should-treat-gays-74445/#JqP5hr7bDzVLOeKh.99
In this article from Apprising.org is the exact quote that Pinder used in his sermon of February 17, pasted below from the article above. It is exactly like Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church model:
There the younger Stanley discussed his pragmatic Church Growth Movement business model approach to church:
http://www.donotbesurprised.com/2013/03/charles-stanley-advises-christians-to.html .
"Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend" by Andy Stanley.
The Stanleys offer FREE Online Preaching EVENT:
http://ratherexposethem.blogspot.com/2013/01/national-conference-on-lgbt-equality.html, and
In the above post, an article at the Christian Post is cited and the author relates:Article: Andy Stanley Avoids Gay Issue in Last Sermon of Controversial Series. Therein Christian Post contributor Anugrah Kumar tells us:
"Weeks after leaving some Christians wondering about his stance on homosexuality, Pastor Andy Stanley avoided explicitly addressing the issue on Sunday during his weekend message.
In his final message of an 8-part sermon series on what it means to be Christian, Stanley, who leads North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga., did not use the words “gay” or “homosexuality,” but reminded the audience what he mentioned at the beginning of the series – that Christians had a “branding problem.”
"In his final message of an 8-part sermon series on what it means to be Christian, Stanley, who leads North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga., did not use the words "gay" or "homosexuality," but reminded the audience what he mentioned at the beginning of the series – that Christians had a "branding problem." Christians, he said, are viewed as being "judgmental, homophobic, moralists" who think they are the only ones going to heaven and who "secretly relish the fact that everyone else is going to hell."
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/pastor-andy-stanley-alludes-to-how-christians-should-treat-gays-74445/#JqP5hr7bDzVLOeKh.99
In this article from Apprising.org is the exact quote that Pinder used in his sermon of February 17, pasted below from the article above. It is exactly like Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church model:
There the younger Stanley discussed his pragmatic Church Growth Movement business model approach to church:
Andy recalled when, in the early 1990s, the Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A restaurants were facing stiff competition from the upstart Boston Market. Chick-fil-A leaders were trying to figure out how Chick-fil-A could get bigger, faster. Company founder Truett Cathy pounded on the table and said, “I am sick and tired of listening to you talk about how we can get bigger. If we get better, our customers will demand we get bigger.”Charles Stanley Advises Christians to 'Simply Listen for God's Voice':
Applying Cathy’s prescription to church growth, Stanley said that getting better, and ultimately bigger, requires evaluation and clarification. “I think the local church should be the best-run organization in your town,” he said, because the church is “the vehicle through which the gospel is fed to and communicated to the whole world.”
Stanley cited the Intel Corporation, whose ever-escalating battle with Japanese companies in manufacturing computer chips ultimately caused the company to diversify and stop making the component. Intel leaders realized they needed to abandon their emotional attachment to what they’d always done and if they didn’t, they’d soon be out of the computer chip business.
Stanley lamented that “we fall in love with the way we do ministry.”
http://www.donotbesurprised.com/2013/03/charles-stanley-advises-christians-to.html .
"Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend" by Andy Stanley.
The Stanleys offer FREE Online Preaching EVENT:
E) February 17, 2013: Observations about Pinder's sermon of that date:
In this article from Apprising.org is the exact quote that Pinder used in his sermon of February 17, pasted below from the article above. It is exactly like Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church model:
There the younger Stanley discussed his pragmatic Church Growth Movement business model approach to church:
Pinder's ideas and philosophy of ministry are coming straight from Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" ideas, which is a works mentality in the context of a "social gospel" characterized by "attractionalism" manifested by evaluating every conceivable feature of the church building and church ministries and making everything new. This is because the emergent types see church not for "churchgoers" but for the "unchurched" as Pinder pointed out. THAT is not the scriptural model, and a misleading comparison, because the church is for neither. It is for "believers" as it has been for two thousand years.
G) February 25, 2013 e-mail sent to Pinder went unanswered: (minimally edited)
"Pastor Pinder,
I have listened to your sermon of Feb. 17, 2013 wherein you reference Andy Stanley as a source of wisdom regarding church growth. Stanley has had an increasing record of a social gospel, heresies, and redefining doctrines for the benefit of "seekers" which the Bible says don't exist. In that same sermon, you had the audacity (Stanley style) to suggest that the church is not for churchgoers, but rather the unchurched. That is pure emergent methodology.
I beg to differ and tell you that the church is for neither but rather primarily for believers as has been its history for two thousand years. It is not for the unchurched, seeker, or unregenerate to be made comfortable by the surroundings, the ministries and/or the "gospel lacking" preaching which is tailored not to offend them.
In this article from Apprising.org is the exact quote that Pinder used in his sermon of February 17, pasted below from the article above. It is exactly like Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church model:
There the younger Stanley discussed his pragmatic Church Growth Movement business model approach to church:
Andy recalled when, in the early 1990s, the Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A restaurants were facing stiff competition from the upstart Boston Market. Chick-fil-A leaders were trying to figure out how Chick-fil-A could get bigger, faster. Company founder Truett Cathy pounded on the table and said, “I am sick and tired of listening to you talk about how we can get bigger. If we get better, our customers will demand we get bigger.”F) February 24, 2013: Observations about Pinder's recent sermon:
Applying Cathy’s prescription to church growth, Stanley said that getting better, and ultimately bigger, requires evaluation and clarification. “I think the local church should be the best-run organization in your town,” he said, because the church is “the vehicle through which the gospel is fed to and communicated to the whole world.”
Stanley cited the Intel Corporation, whose ever-escalating battle with Japanese companies in manufacturing computer chips ultimately caused the company to diversify and stop making the component. Intel leaders realized they needed to abandon their emotional attachment to what they’d always done and if they didn’t, they’d soon be out of the computer chip business.
Stanley lamented that “we fall in love with the way we do ministry.”
Pinder's ideas and philosophy of ministry are coming straight from Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" ideas, which is a works mentality in the context of a "social gospel" characterized by "attractionalism" manifested by evaluating every conceivable feature of the church building and church ministries and making everything new. This is because the emergent types see church not for "churchgoers" but for the "unchurched" as Pinder pointed out. THAT is not the scriptural model, and a misleading comparison, because the church is for neither. It is for "believers" as it has been for two thousand years.
G) February 25, 2013 e-mail sent to Pinder went unanswered: (minimally edited)
"Pastor Pinder,
I have listened to your sermon of Feb. 17, 2013 wherein you reference Andy Stanley as a source of wisdom regarding church growth. Stanley has had an increasing record of a social gospel, heresies, and redefining doctrines for the benefit of "seekers" which the Bible says don't exist. In that same sermon, you had the audacity (Stanley style) to suggest that the church is not for churchgoers, but rather the unchurched. That is pure emergent methodology.
I beg to differ and tell you that the church is for neither but rather primarily for believers as has been its history for two thousand years. It is not for the unchurched, seeker, or unregenerate to be made comfortable by the surroundings, the ministries and/or the "gospel lacking" preaching which is tailored not to offend them.
See: http://ratherexposethem.blogspot.com/2013/03/pastor-alert-church-is-for-believers.html. (with link to John MacArthur).
This is typical of the Southern Baptist Convention, which you are familiar with and associated with, if not affiliated with. Based on your doctoral thesis, you know it is a cornucopia of liberal worldliness, despite the so-called "Virginia conservatives", which are no conservatives at all. Since you were in Delaware last, we have two local SBC churches, Ogletown Baptist and Hockessin Baptist, both pastored by aggressive, young emergent types, who are into constructing "campuses". However, the SBC churches here in Delaware as well as across the country are filled with, dominated by, and influenced by Freemasons, which the SBC is allowing to continue with a hands off attitude. Pastors Hill and Boulet stand ready to be your models for how to manufacture one more emerging church which we don't need.
What you are attempting to introduce is nothing less than Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" model based on Peter Drucker. It is the beginning of your stealth introduction of emerging church methods into Faith Baptist church. I say "stealth", because Faith Baptist is a fertile field for your plans since they have a long history of no warnings, inadequate warnings and minimal education about modern heresies and movements. You are introducing the "new paradigm" of doing church under the radar; except Faith Baptist has NO radar, i.e., discernment. Otherwise, they would have detected your machinations.
I also wrote to you prior to your starting as the new senior pastor, and you did not have the grace or courtesy to even attempt an answer. I can only assume you stood to lose too much by answering those questions which got right to the heart of what you are all about.
Mr. Pinder, the ends don't justify the means. You may think that we can be thrown under the bus or discarded as irrelevant because we haven't gotten with the "program".
The attached demonstrates what Stanley is all about and you have clearly adopted his principles.
I suggest you get with the program, the one Christ defined, and preach it to a Delaware that is nothing like the one you knew decades ago. This one is baptized in liberal, secular humanist, atheist, apostate, and cultic religions and philosophies. Example: www.centerforjoyfulliving.net, which is a pagan, occultic, apostate congregation within 2 miles of Faith Baptist. As such, Faith Baptist is unprepared to meet the challenge, unless you make the church "less offensive", which having been deceived, you are ready to implement.
If you care to discuss, you can write by email. If you have nothing to say, I will assume you are my enemy and I will work to defeat you.
Below is my blog post which among a whole assortment of issues regarding the church today, is one of four posts about Andy Stanley. Another blog, www.apprising.org, has at least six or more posts just on problems with Stanley, if you care to investigate. This blog was started because we have been "thrown under the bus" because we haven't "gotten with the program".
Ignorance is bliss I guess. In the meantime, I will fight with all the power of God to defeat this cancer in the church along with the help of all the other Christian discernment ministries who have been marginalized, damned, and accused of negativity."
This is typical of the Southern Baptist Convention, which you are familiar with and associated with, if not affiliated with. Based on your doctoral thesis, you know it is a cornucopia of liberal worldliness, despite the so-called "Virginia conservatives", which are no conservatives at all. Since you were in Delaware last, we have two local SBC churches, Ogletown Baptist and Hockessin Baptist, both pastored by aggressive, young emergent types, who are into constructing "campuses". However, the SBC churches here in Delaware as well as across the country are filled with, dominated by, and influenced by Freemasons, which the SBC is allowing to continue with a hands off attitude. Pastors Hill and Boulet stand ready to be your models for how to manufacture one more emerging church which we don't need.
What you are attempting to introduce is nothing less than Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" model based on Peter Drucker. It is the beginning of your stealth introduction of emerging church methods into Faith Baptist church. I say "stealth", because Faith Baptist is a fertile field for your plans since they have a long history of no warnings, inadequate warnings and minimal education about modern heresies and movements. You are introducing the "new paradigm" of doing church under the radar; except Faith Baptist has NO radar, i.e., discernment. Otherwise, they would have detected your machinations.
I also wrote to you prior to your starting as the new senior pastor, and you did not have the grace or courtesy to even attempt an answer. I can only assume you stood to lose too much by answering those questions which got right to the heart of what you are all about.
Mr. Pinder, the ends don't justify the means. You may think that we can be thrown under the bus or discarded as irrelevant because we haven't gotten with the "program".
The attached demonstrates what Stanley is all about and you have clearly adopted his principles.
I suggest you get with the program, the one Christ defined, and preach it to a Delaware that is nothing like the one you knew decades ago. This one is baptized in liberal, secular humanist, atheist, apostate, and cultic religions and philosophies. Example: www.centerforjoyfulliving.net, which is a pagan, occultic, apostate congregation within 2 miles of Faith Baptist. As such, Faith Baptist is unprepared to meet the challenge, unless you make the church "less offensive", which having been deceived, you are ready to implement.
If you care to discuss, you can write by email. If you have nothing to say, I will assume you are my enemy and I will work to defeat you.
Below is my blog post which among a whole assortment of issues regarding the church today, is one of four posts about Andy Stanley. Another blog, www.apprising.org, has at least six or more posts just on problems with Stanley, if you care to investigate. This blog was started because we have been "thrown under the bus" because we haven't "gotten with the program".
Ignorance is bliss I guess. In the meantime, I will fight with all the power of God to defeat this cancer in the church along with the help of all the other Christian discernment ministries who have been marginalized, damned, and accused of negativity."
H) March 6, 2013: Observations about Pinder's sermon:
Pastor Pinder referred to Chuck Swindoll in his sermon on worry and
anxiety on Sunday February 24, 2013. Trouble is, Swindoll, just like
Andy Stanley is not a model for Christian behavior, much less a reliable
teacher about being secure in Christ and His righteousness. This article
shows that Swindoll has been pointing people to Catholic mystics like
Henri Nouwen and Dallas Willard. If Pinder could only find real
Christian models that haven't been corrupted yet.
http://www.cephas-library.com/emergent_chuck_swindoll_and_henri_nouwens_silence.html .
http://www.cephas-library.com/evangelist_chuck_swindoll.html .
Chuck Swindoll Hosts Concert Featuring Oneness Pentecostal Group Phillips, Craig and Dean:
http://www.donotbesurprised.com/2013/03/chuck-swindoll-to-host-concert.html .
Open Letter to Swindoll About Oneness Pentecostal Singing Group:
http://hereiblog.com/open-letter-to-chuck-swindoll-and-stonebriar-church-on-phillips-craig-dean/ .
Swindoll's Stonebriar Community Church: Phillips, Craig and Dean Concert (Oneness Pentecostals):
http://www.cephas-library.com/emergent_chuck_swindoll_and_henri_nouwens_silence.html .
http://www.cephas-library.com/evangelist_chuck_swindoll.html .
Chuck Swindoll Hosts Concert Featuring Oneness Pentecostal Group Phillips, Craig and Dean:
http://www.donotbesurprised.com/2013/03/chuck-swindoll-to-host-concert.html .
Open Letter to Swindoll About Oneness Pentecostal Singing Group:
http://hereiblog.com/open-letter-to-chuck-swindoll-and-stonebriar-church-on-phillips-craig-dean/ .
Swindoll's Stonebriar Community Church: Phillips, Craig and Dean Concert (Oneness Pentecostals):
I) March 3, 2013: Pinder references Andrew Sullivan, an openly gay (with gay husband) Catholic reporter:
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Sullivan, and
Quote from: http://moreintelligentlife.com/story/andrew-sullivan-thinking-out-loud
"Three years ago, at a gay club-night in New York City, he met Aaron Tone, a younger actor and artist, and “fell head-over-heels in love, in a way I never had before”. In 2007 they got married in Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, at a small ceremony for family and friends. It was the place where, 15 years before, when gay marriage seemed an impossible dream, he had written “Virtually Normal”.
They live together now with their beagles in an apartment in central DC. To be their guest is to wander into a scene of pure gay domesticity, of the kind Sullivan was picturing to widespread bemusement not so long ago. It is a clear, uncluttered apartment, filled up only with vast quantities of coffee and dog toys. But in one corner—Sullivan’s “blog den”—piles of papers and books erupt chaotically, and a Mac is perma-charged and ready to blog.
He says his next battle is to “turn Christianity against the fundamentalists”. For him, “their certainty is the real blasphemy; their desire to control the lives of others the real heresy; their simple depiction of the Godhead proof positive they do not really understand him.” In the Gospels, the men who set themselves up as arbiters of moral correctness are often the furthest from God, he says, while Jesus urges people to see beyond fetishising rules and commandments to their own conscience."
"Three years ago, at a gay club-night in New York City, he met Aaron Tone, a younger actor and artist, and “fell head-over-heels in love, in a way I never had before”. In 2007 they got married in Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, at a small ceremony for family and friends. It was the place where, 15 years before, when gay marriage seemed an impossible dream, he had written “Virtually Normal”.
They live together now with their beagles in an apartment in central DC. To be their guest is to wander into a scene of pure gay domesticity, of the kind Sullivan was picturing to widespread bemusement not so long ago. It is a clear, uncluttered apartment, filled up only with vast quantities of coffee and dog toys. But in one corner—Sullivan’s “blog den”—piles of papers and books erupt chaotically, and a Mac is perma-charged and ready to blog.
He says his next battle is to “turn Christianity against the fundamentalists”. For him, “their certainty is the real blasphemy; their desire to control the lives of others the real heresy; their simple depiction of the Godhead proof positive they do not really understand him.” In the Gospels, the men who set themselves up as arbiters of moral correctness are often the furthest from God, he says, while Jesus urges people to see beyond fetishising rules and commandments to their own conscience."
Sullivan with "husband":
J) April 7, 2013: Pinder references Josh McDowell in a sermon:
McDowell profile: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/mcdowell/general.htm.
K) March 3, 2013: Pinder references Max Lucado in a sermon:
Lucado profile: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/lucado/lucado.htm.
Update: August 11, 2013 AM Sermon based on Lucado's book: In The Eye of The Storm".
Also see Lucado's and Pinder's common belief in a "divine spark":
Lucado is promoting his book "Cure for the Common Life" while sitting in a bar next to liquor bottles, in this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRtkZsjo8vs, as seen in this screen shot:
Update: August 11, 2013 AM Sermon based on Lucado's book: In The Eye of The Storm".
Also see Lucado's and Pinder's common belief in a "divine spark":
Lucado is promoting his book "Cure for the Common Life" while sitting in a bar next to liquor bottles, in this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRtkZsjo8vs, as seen in this screen shot:
L) May 2, 2013: Pinder mentions Obama's 2012 "The State of Our Unions-The President's Marriage Agenda":
M) May 2, 2013: Pinder references another pastor in Delaware which he claimed was defending traditional marriage, but the truth was that this pastor backed down, apologized to the gay community, and removed a sign outside the church when the going got rough. See our post:
N) April 28, 2013: Observations about Pinder's sermon:
In reference to Jeff Pinder's sermon of April 28 AM, the quote below is
appropriate, in light of the jab he made about Ephesians 5:11 being done
in the flesh in a carnal way. Also, absolutely no reference was made in
his sermon about the Holy Spirit's role in illumination, given that
Jesus was the light during the time he was present to the apostles and
believers on earth, but sent the Holy Spirit after His ascension to
continue the light of truth and to expand on it, making the light of
truth even more present and powerful to these same believers.
http://www.donotbesurprised.com/2013/05/a-response-to-heresy.html. (John Calvin quote).
http://www.donotbesurprised.com/2013/05/a-response-to-heresy.html. (John Calvin quote).
O) May 17, 2013: Pinder is thinking of inviting Scott Newton Smith to preach about "The Victorious Christian Life" (Watchman Nee & Keswick).
See: http://snsministries.org/about/.
Evangelist Scott Newton Smith promotes the "Victorious Christian Life" (a/k/a "Exchanged Life") heresies of Wesleyan perfectionism, Watchman Nee's "The Normal Christian Life", and Keswick perfectionism. Yet Pinder mentions him early in this sermon and says he is thinking about inviting him to Faith Baptist Church.
See R.C. Sproul on Perfectionism:
YouTube videos of Scott Smith preaching "positive confession", denying the sin nature:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3M28uLDT6o, wherein Smith describes the so-called "Three Stages to Victory in the Christian Life". He says there are 3 stages in getting to "victory" in the Christian life. He claims too many Christians bail at the earlier stages and default to nominal Christianity. Scott Newton Smith teaches practical application of the "Exchanged Life."
See: http://www.drslewis.org/camille/2005/06/15/keswick-theology-aka-chaferianism/
See: http://www.apologeticsindex.org/2694-watching-out-for-watchman-nee.
See: http://snsministries.org/about/.
Evangelist Scott Newton Smith promotes the "Victorious Christian Life" (a/k/a "Exchanged Life") heresies of Wesleyan perfectionism, Watchman Nee's "The Normal Christian Life", and Keswick perfectionism. Yet Pinder mentions him early in this sermon and says he is thinking about inviting him to Faith Baptist Church.
See R.C. Sproul on Perfectionism:
YouTube videos of Scott Smith preaching "positive confession", denying the sin nature:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3M28uLDT6o, wherein Smith describes the so-called "Three Stages to Victory in the Christian Life". He says there are 3 stages in getting to "victory" in the Christian life. He claims too many Christians bail at the earlier stages and default to nominal Christianity. Scott Newton Smith teaches practical application of the "Exchanged Life."
See: http://www.drslewis.org/camille/2005/06/15/keswick-theology-aka-chaferianism/
See: http://www.apologeticsindex.org/2694-watching-out-for-watchman-nee.
P) May 5, 2013: In Pinder's sermon, he quotes from Robert Bellah's book "Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American
Life", which maligns individualism and supports
collectivist community (Communist) thought. A main character in this
book named Sheila is referred to by Pinder as an example of a
secular humanist unchurched/unsaved person. Wikipedia explains in
two writeups exactly who Bellah is and who Sheila is. Unfortunately,
Pinder being true to form, tries to use Bellah's Sheilah as an
example, not being aware of Bellah's politics, which are leftist and
liberal. Since Bellah is a Communist, he naturally would find
Sheila's individualism contrary to his collectivist ideology, and
instead recalls colonial expressions of faith that were public and
unified for a time.
Quotes from above article:
1) While an undergraduate at Harvard, he was a member of the Communist Party USA and chairman of the John Reed Club, "a recognized student organization concerned with the study of Marxism."
2) His political views are often classified as communitarian. See Wikipedia again: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communitarian.
Sheila & Sheilaism from Wikipedia:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheilaism describes the individualism of religious faith as detrimental to community (Communist collectivism here).
1) While an undergraduate at Harvard, he was a member of the Communist Party USA and chairman of the John Reed Club, "a recognized student organization concerned with the study of Marxism."
2) His political views are often classified as communitarian. See Wikipedia again: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communitarian.
Sheila & Sheilaism from Wikipedia:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheilaism describes the individualism of religious faith as detrimental to community (Communist collectivism here).
Q) June 2, 2013: Pinder references Sanjay Gupta and his book "Cheating Death', http://www.lassiwithlavina.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Indian-doctors-cheatingdeath.jpg, seen here:
He is an Indian-American neurosurgeon and his wife who were married in a Hindu wedding ceremony, in a sermon. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanjay_Gupta, and the following series of pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Gupta from their wedding: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=653&q=sanjay+rebecca+gupta&oq=sanjay+rebecca+gupta&gs_l=img.3...4679.14568.0.15752., and at: http://charlestonmag.com/weddings/photogallery/indian_summer.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta's Funny Speech on The Ellen Degeneres (lesbian) Show - YouTube:
R) February 24, 2013: Pinder advises in one of his sermons: "Don’t Go To Another Bible Study, Just Serve Others". Pinder's ideas and philosophy of ministry are coming straight from Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven" ideas, which is a works mentality in the context of a "social gospel" characterized by "attractionalism" manifested by evaluating every conceivable feature of the church building and church ministries and making everything new. This is because the emergent types see church not for "churchgoers" but for the "unchurched" as Pinder pointed out. THAT is not the scriptural model, and a misleading comparison, because the church is for neither. It is for "believers" as it has been for two thousand years. See: http://5ptsalt.com/2009/08/20/rick-warren-dont-go-to-another-bible-study-just-serve-others/.
S) Pinder mentioned recently showed the Louie Giglio's movie "Indescribable" for juveniles young and old, devoid of any mention of the reason for the cross, namely sin requiring acknowledgement and repentance, and which suggests:
"Is this the 'Sign of the Son of Man' that would precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? Or is it the fingerprint of God shining out in the center of the heavens for all creation to see?", based on the amazing discovery made by the Hubble Telescope in deepest space.
Giglio equates this celestial image with the laminin molecule as in the third video below. It is Giglio's introduction to mysticism for the gullible. See connection with Tony Campolo below regarding their promotion of contemplative mysticism here:
See: YouTube video:
Giglio's Fascination with Laminin protein molecules that are the building blocks of living organisms, but for him are representations of the cross of Calvary. See this short video where he enthralls his juvenile audience:
"RANDY ALCORN: On Alcorn's website, under My Favorite Non-Fiction Books,
he includes Richard Foster's Celebration of
Discipline. Foster is the leading evangelical-type
pioneer of contemplative spirituality (also known as the
spiritual formation movement) and is considered to be a key
player in the emerging church movement. 1 Alcorn has been a
trusted name in Christian fiction.
Here, Campolo refers to Celtic "thin places" where he meets Jesus in a mystical contemplative silence:
Peggy Campolo: "I am an advocate for God's homosexual children...":
See: http://theworldfrommywindow.blogspot.com/2006/04/peggy-campolo-i-am-advocate-for-gods.html.
Gay Into Straight America-Peggy Campolo:
See: http://gayintostraightamerica.com/peggy-campolos-story_552.html.
Peggy Campolo is affiliated with the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists: http://www.awab.org/, which supports homosexuals, and a member of Central Baptist Church, Wayne, PA http://www.cbcwayne.org/index.php?id=213, which church is also a member of AWAB.
V) Pinder's reference to Beth Moore in his sermons:
See: http://ratherexposethem.blogspot.com/2013/01/passion-2012-13-signs-that-make-you.html.
See: http://ratherexposethem.blogspot.com/2013/01/beth-moore-sbc-word-of-faith-prophetess.html,
in which Moore describes her personal, direct revelations from God.
See: http://ratherexposethem.blogspot.com/2013/01/beth-moore-wayne-grudem-both.html,
The self-appointed Southern Baptist pastrix/elder/prophetess Beth Moore, could easily identify with any charismatic, pentecostal, word of faith church, pastor and/or teacher/preacher.
Apprising has covered Beth Moore's heresies extensively:
See: http://apprising.org/2012/09/23/beth-moore-and-ken-silva-discuss-her-demonic-vision/.
See: http://apprising.org/2010/03/11/a-beth-moore-expose/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/01/11/beth-moore-the-mystic/.
See: http://apprising.org/2013/01/06/beth-moore-does-claim-direct-revelations-from-god/.
See: http://apprising.org/2013/01/03/beth-moores-sabbath-moment-playdate-with-god/.
See: http://apprising.org/2013/01/06/southern-baptist-prophetess-beth-moore/.
See: http://apprising.org/2013/01/08/the-book-of-beth-moore-thus-saith-the-lord-cessationism-cheats-the-believer-and-under-cuts-hope/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/07/05/beth-moore-preaches-sunday-morning-service-at-louie-giglios-passion-city-church/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/02/18/straightening-out-beth-moore-on-discernment/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/01/12/beth-moore-to-speak-for-hillsong-church/.
See: http://apprising.org/2011/12/21/beth-moore-recommends-jesus-calling-book-claiming-direct-divine-revelation/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/01/16/beth-moore-praises-apostate-roman-catholic-mystic-and-contemplative-prayer/.
See: http://apprising.org/2013/01/11/the-book-of-beth-moore-thus-saith-the-lord-your-mouth-is-your-most-important-built-in-instrument/.
See: http://apprising.org/2013/01/07/the-book-of-beth-moore-thus-saith-the-lord-my-bride-is-paralyzed-by-unbelief/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/10/11/beth-moores-illicit-tent-of-meeting-parts-1-2/.
See: http://apprising.org/2013/01/07/beth-moore-joel-osteen-steven-furtick-stuart-smalley-with-evangelical-affirmations/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/08/18/beth-moore-and-her-classic-chat-with-god/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/07/14/is-beth-moore-channeling-apostate-roman-catholic-mystics/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/01/19/beth-moore-and-her-vision-of-a-roman-catholic-denomination/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/01/16/beth-moore-teaches-that-cessationism-is-an-extreme-teaching-in-the-body-of-christ/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/01/16/beth-moore-god-teaching-me-to-move-mountains-with-my-voice/.
See: http://apprising.org/2011/12/20/sbc-lifeway-bible-teacher-beth-moore-praising-apostate-mystic-and-contemplative-prayer/.
See: http://apprising.org/2010/06/28/beth-moore-attacks-the-protestant-reformation/.
See: http://apprising.org/2012/01/11/beth-moore-the-mystic/.
Beth Moore and the "Be Still" DVD:
http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/bethmoorebestill.htm, andhttp://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=1444.
W) Pinder's introduction of Contemporary Christian (adapted) Music:
Using Hillsong Music of Darlene Zschech and company, as in this YouTube video. Hillsong bases its music on its charismatic/pentecostal "Latter Rain" theology which is unbiblical.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latter_Rain_(1880s_movement), and
"Pastors Endorsing Kong Hee (China Boy) &
Sun Ho (China Wine)":
See: Wall Street Journal's article about the above, pastor Kong Hee's arrest, and charges of embezzlement of church funds:
19 Steps to becoming City Harvest Church member:
and alleged "misuse" of at least $23 million, and possibly up to $41 million, of said church funds in the article:
GYRATING FOR JESUS: A POW-KA-LEOW GUIDE TO SUN HO’S GREATEST “HITS”, at http://syntaxfree.org/blog/archives/4828,
WARNING: which contains several other obscene videos of sun ho (china girl or china wine).
The Christian Post also reports: http://www.christianpost.com/news/kong-hee-city-harvest-church-members-deny-using-sham-investments-to-hide-fraud-96437/
Other videos of Sun Ho (a/k/a:China Wine): WARNING: OBSCENE VIDEOS:
Other videos of Sun Ho (a/k/a:China Wine): WARNING: OBSCENE VIDEOS:
http://ecreligious.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-pastor-kongs-lifestyle-singapore.html, INCLUDING:
http://ecreligious.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-pastor-kongs-lifestyle-singapore.html, INCLUDING:
Pinder apparently sees no problem with Hillsong, even if they support Kong Hee and Sun Ho, and when the end justifies the means!