
Thursday, May 2, 2013


The darling pastor of Delaware's airways, Dr. Chuck Betters of Glasgow "Reformed" Presbyterian Church of Glasgow/Bear, Delaware has backed down on the biblical explanation of traditional marriage and failed to state the biblical case against it, when he had a prime opportunity to do so. This is very similar to Louie Giglio's failure to stand for traditional marriage when he was disinvited by Obama from the Inauguration in January 2103. He, likewise, had a prime opportunity but cowardly backed off from defending biblical marriage and instead he explained that he hasn't talked about homosexuality for 15 or more years. These high profile pastors may think they are loved and adored by their sycophants, but not by God. See the following article:

Here is the official statement of apology by pastor Dr. Chuck Betters to the homosexual community from Glasgow "Reformed" Presbyterian Church in Delaware which is at least gay welcoming. Bold type is ours:

Glasgow Church on Redefining Marriage

In light of the debate surrounding the Marriage Equality Act in Delaware
and in view of the disturbance some experienced over a recent post on 
our church sign

the Glasgow Church offers the following position on the matter:
The Scriptures are our sole authority and drive our positions on all matters. Where 
culture clashes with Scripture we will always land on the clear teaching of the Bible.
The life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead offers 
forgiveness from all sin to those who trust in Him and in Him alone for their 
salvation. This includes all sin whether gay or straight.
While we stand in opposition to the Marriage Equality Act on both theological 
and legal grounds, we condemn all hate speech and lack of civility in the debate 
on the part of both sides.
Glasgow Church loves and welcomes all people regardless of their sexuality. 
Homosexual sin is no different than heterosexual sin in God’s eyes. Both kinds 
of sins are defined in the Scriptures and both can be forgiven at the cross.
Glasgow Church has entered into the debate because the church is to have an 
influence on our culture. After all, we are called to be salt and light. Just as 
churches differing with us have expressed their support of the bill, Glasgow 
Church has the same right to express our opposition to it.
The recent sign posting was not intended to offend anyone in the gay community. 
We apologize if it did. It was only meant to say that the cross of Jesus Christ is 
greater than any political position one might hold on this matter. Regardless of 
the outcome on the Marriage Equality Act, Glasgow Church believes that what 
trumps all political ideologies is the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. 
It was certainly not meant to exclude gays or lesbians from attending Glasgow 
Church given that some who are gay or lesbian already do attend and love being here. 
Regretfully, there is ample hurt and pain on both sides to go around. We encourage 
those who differ with us to respect our right to hold our positions just as we will 
respect your right to disagree with us.
If you would like to have a free download of my sermons on this matter feel free to 
do so at and click on “Marriage According to the Scriptures” 
link. There are two parts dated 4/21 and 4/28.
Please know, we are opposed to the Marriage Equality Act. But our opposition will 
never intentionally resort to name-calling and incivility.
After the two part sermon series on the redefinition of marriage bill, I will conduct a Q and A 
on Sunday May 5th from 9:00-10:15 AM in the church library. All adults are invited to attend. 
There will be activities for the children as well. We will seek to answer any and all questions 
that may have arisen from the series. Those who favor the bill are also invited to attend.
My desire is that our church will welcome any and all people, regardless of their politics and/or 
sexuality, who wish to attend. We will treat the professed homosexual with the same dignity 
and respect with which we treat the heterosexual. Regardless of one’s sin, whether 
homosexual acts or heterosexual acts, we echo the words of our Savior spoken to the woman 
who was caught in adultery, we do not condemn you. Now rise, (and most importantly) go 
and sin no more.
In His Grip,
Dr. Chuck Betters