The Child-Friendly Voo-Doo “Christianity”
of Bethel Church
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“Nothing short of the total
destruction of a believer will ever satisfy our adversary. Satan would
rend the believer in pieces, break his bones, and utterly destroy him if
he could. Do not, therefore, indulge the thought that the main purpose
of Satan is to make you miserable. Satan is pleased with that, but that
is not his ultimate end. Sometimes he may even make you happy, for he
has dainty poisons sweet to the taste that he administers to God’s
people. If he feels that our destruction can be more readily achieved by
sweets than by bitters, he certainly would prefer that which would best
effect his end.” C.H. Spurgeon
Most believers who “abide in my word” (John 8:31) know that Bethel Church
is a hotbed of charlatanry. It hurls a false gospel with a false
messiah through its multitude of on-staff false teachers and those
charlatans invited to the Bethel stage to ever keep its undiscerning
members swimming with hyped-up, ecstatic misdirection. (When a “church” hosts perhaps the grand poobah of false teaching infamy, the grand huckster of healing Benny Hinn, their claim to being a legitimate church is as equally invalid as their claim to be “Christian.”)
So busy are they reveling in the supposed supernatural that legitimate
study of Scripture, in order to come to ‘knowledge and all discernment”
and be “able to approve what is excellent,” (
Philippians 1:9-10) is intentionally precluded by staged theatrics.
Obviously, it’s an easy enough chore to build a “church” when
emotions management and manipulation are the underlying impetus, rather
than Gospel understanding and “rightly handling the word of truth.” (
2 Timothy 2:15)
It’s easy to whip up a crowd into an ecstatic frenzy, but much harder
to do the diligent work of teaching the Word. What’s temporally sexy
and easy to sell is manifestly more valuable than what is edifying and
eternally significant.
“Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?” 1 Corinthians 5:6
While the church in Corinth had numerous issues that required at
least three letters of stern rebuke, explanatory guidance, and apostolic
encouragement from Paul
(two of these three epistles are in the N.T.),
one could only guess at the gallons of ink the apostle would consume in
addressing the Scripturally-offensive teachings and practices of
Bethel. But perhaps Paul might’ve penned a much pithier epistle were he
writing to Bethel. Though it’s a different “Bethel,” one could imagine
a Pauline missive today that would not be unlike the “Thus saith the
Lord” warning of Amos.
“For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel:
“Seek me and live;
but do not seek Bethel” Amos 5:4-5
A Bible-imbibing believer must always be Berean – in all things.
Though unfortunate for those Gospel-void souls trapped in the voo-doo
“Christianity” of Bethel, authentic believers can look at it as a source
of what not to do, what not to believe, and what to avoid in the
Christian life and in a legitimate Christian “church.” Bethel is what
you do not want to emulate. Bethel is not what you want to seek.
One of the most saddening things hurled out of Bethel is a vigorous
“ministry” geared towards children. The effort is couched sufficiently
in Christianese and slathered with enough of a “Jesus loves the little
children” veneer that makes the endeavors seem noble, authentic, and
upright. But the depth of false teaching behind the shiny, welcoming
veneer is toxic to the true Christian faith and reveals an effort to
indoctrinate children into the bootleg Bethel brand of unbiblical
supernatural religion. As the apostle said, in a non-plussed sort of
remark about the false teachers of Corinth, “And no wonder, for even
Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” (
2 Corinthians 11:14) Paul would not be surprised to find the enemy at work in the church today, and perhaps no place more than Bethel.
One of the mechanisms of Bethel’s “ministry” to children is in the
K-8 private school it operates. Bethel Christian School publishes its
monthly “Bethel Buzz” newsletter. An excerpt from February 2017’s issue
reflects something of the intentionally supernatural flavor of the
“Ms. Brown had Eden open her arms in a
wide circle, prophetically declaring that she was ready to receive the
abundance of heaven. Meanwhile classmates held their hands in front of
them, palms together, their top hand flicking their bottom to symbolize
all the resources coming her way. During this brief time of prophetic
prayer, one student felt led to take some coins from his backpack and to
drop them through Eden’s circled arms.” (Source)
From Bethel’s online bookstore, under the “Children/Youth” category,
you’ll find a wide array of false charismaniacal teaching targeting
children. Of the over 150 children’s titles for sale, you’ll find the
book by “Mama G.” entitled
God’s Li’l People and Miracles. There’s “prophet” Shawn Bolz’ book,
Growing Up With God: Everyday Adventures Of Hearing God’s Voice,
in which kids are introduced to “automatic writing” by listening to the
presumed voice of God in their heads and then writing down the words.
HERE for more on this atrocity.) And then there are the
My Super Powers book series by Dan McCollam.
McCollam is, according to the
author bio from Amazon, a “prophetic speaker and trainer” and “serves on the the teaching faculty of Bethel School of the Prophets.”
of course, begs the question – why does one need to be “trained” to use
a spiritual “gift” given by the Holy Spirit? The apostles didn’t
establish a training school for spiritual gifts. Paul didn’t graduate
from one, teach at one, or mention one. Have the Holy Spirit’s imbuing
powers waned since the first century such that now we need Bethel to
teach what the Holy Spirit no longer can? Absurd. It is charlatanry for
profit. See 2 Peter 2:1-3)
But McCollam has, in the My Super Powers
children books, answered an obvious question that parents who expose
their children to the doctrinal toxins and illicit spiritual behaviors
of Bethel must face: How do we explain this to the kids?
What do you tell your child about your ecstatic, abnormal, and
irreverent behavior during “worship?” How do you answer your child who
asks about your drunken-like unintelligible speech? How do you respond
to a youngster who has perhaps seen their older teenage sibling writhing
on the floor in a mosh pit of presumed mindless worship?
explanation is there if you have your child wait outside a Bethel “healing room” while you go in to get a cavity filled by a healer? (There have, btw, been claims of people receiving gold fillings as a result of Bethel’s supernatural dental work.)

The answer McCollam’s series reveals is that you simply teach your
children to mimic the same illicit, irreverent behavior that you’re
exhibiting. His
My Super Powers series does just that. The books include the following “Dear Parent” introduction:
“My Super Powers is a series of children’s books based on the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in First Corinthians 12:8-9. I believe that children can and should be activated in the gifts of the Spirit at an early age.”
Of course McCollam and Bethel believe in “early age activation.”
It’s necessary for the continued growth of the “church” by continuing
the deception to the next generation. But “activation” is not a Biblical
endeavor for a believer of any age.
Given Spurgeon’s assessment, Satan’s nefarious ambition is not always
to make you miserable, but to sometimes make you happy. Thus, Bethel’s
comic book appeal to children serves as a formidable tool of deception.
The child reared on
My Super Powers
fodder will likely have no capacity for discernment when, as a teen,
the opportunity to roll around “drunk in the Spirit” at a Bethel
“worship” service comes around. They’ll likely find “
Bethel fire tunnels”
a legitimate extension of super powers they’ve been taught since they
were a toddler. From that, it’s just a leap and a jump to “
grave sucking” with the grown-ups.
My Super Powers series includes the following nine, comic-book style volumes:

Book One My Super Powers: Words of Wisdom
Book Two My Super Powers: Word of Knowledge
Book Three My Super Powers: Gift of Faith
Book Four My Super Powers: Gifts of Healing
Book Five My Super Powers: Working of Miracles
Book Six My Super Powers: Gift of Prophecy
Book Seven My Super Powers: Discerning of Spirits
Book Eight My Super Powers: Gift of Tongues
Book Nine My Super Powers: Interpretation of Tongues
The series has apparently been so domestically popular that it has
been released in a three-volume set called the “Global Edition,” with
each book containing three of the nine “super powers.” They sell for
about $16 on Amazon.
The description from one of the books gives a flavor of how the
volume is written to appeal to children. For volume 8, the gift of
tongues, the summary says:
“Marco and Mia think their television is broken until Mom
explains that it’s just on a foreign language channel. Hearing unknown
languages makes the children wish they could speak in another
language. That’s when Mom uses stories from her special Book to help
them discover God’s amazing gift of speaking in unknown tongues.”
The problem is here is obvious. While little Marco and Mia may be told that Scripture – denoted as “Mom’s special Book”-(implying, it seems, that children might not possess, need, or should be able to read their own copy)
describes “tongues” as actual foreign languages, the evidence they
might see in Mom’s behavior at Bethel is decidedly different. What’s
likely “all Greek to me” for the kids is equally “all Greek” to the rest
of us because ecstatic gibberish is not a language, and it is ecstatic
gibberish that is predominately profiled throughout charismania.
Before I knew it, tongues was rolling out of my mouth
like water. It was such a beautiful experience, and it elevated my
connection to God. I could easily pray for others by speaking in
tongues, and even though I didn’t know what I was saying, I could see
with my spirit that it was affecting great change on their behalf in the
spirit realm! I also have the gift of discerning spirits, so I can
sense demons and angels. Even the demons respond to speaking in tongues!
I most often pray for others in tongues, but it is so nice to have a
special language to speak to God with, when I just don’t know what words
to use. (Source)
Disregarding the staggering heterodoxic problems within this quote,
it makes clear that the “experience” of tongues in the modern church is
explicitly not the tongues of Scripture. Yet, as is evidenced by this
randomly googled citation, it is the emotional benefit that fuzzy-wuzzy
linguistics offer that is the implicit appeal of the practice. Actual
understanding of God’s Word and rational comprehension of authentic,
Biblically-informed spiritual behavior are, if even present, distant
“I would not put a thief in my mouth to steal my brains.” William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s line from Othello has been lost at Bethel and by most
participants in charismania. By putting the false doctrines “in their
mouths” and the mouths of their children, rational apprehension of God’s
Truth, and obedient behavior in response to that Truth, has been
abandoned. A thief has been introduced. Their brains have been stolen.
And their behavior is the evidence.
Bethel is comfortable indoctrinating their children in their toxic
teaching of supernatural “super powers,” but doing so is not Christian
and not Biblical. From way, way back in the Pentateuch, the Lord made
clear to His people that knowing and understanding His Word was
paramount for an obedient life of faithfulness, and that it was His Word
that was to be taught –
diligently taught – to the children.
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You
shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall
be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and
shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the
way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:4-7
The Word of the Lord heard by Israel from its inception, and the Word
we hear today from His Scripture, are not ecstatic, unintelligible,
feel-good, fuzzy-wuzzies. It is antithetical that God would “reveal”
Himself by unintelligible utterances. Why then should our apprehension
of Him be reflected in behavior marked by mindless gibberish? He spoke
so that we might understand, and understanding so that we might obey,
and in obeying we might know Him.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Presumed spiritual super powers are illicit but deceptively
attractive. And by teaching children to pursue and revel in unbiblical
“Super Powers” maneuvers, it’s clear Bethel cares little about doing as
the apostle proclaimed:
But far be it from me to boast except
in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been
crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14
Indeed, for those trapped in the beguilement of Bethel – and their
children – they could easily be hearkening to the words of Amos, “
Come to Bethel, and transgress.” (
Amos 4:4).
As Matthew Henry commented about the idolatrous Israelites of Amos’
day, so too does his commentary apply when considering the modern Bethel
“What is got by extortion is commonly used to provide for
the flesh, and to fulfill the lusts thereof. What is got by oppression
cannot be enjoyed with satisfaction. How miserable are those whose
confidence in unscriptural observances only prove that they believe a
lie! Let us see to it that our faith, hope, and worship, are warranted
by the Divine word.” Matthew Henry
My Super Powers books are copyrighted by Dan McCollam and published by Sounds of the Nations of Vacaville, CA.