SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/02/hamas-releases-music-video-vowing-to-murder-israelis-we-will-eat-you-zionists-without-salt;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This is nothing new. In 2012, Hamas released a music video declaring: “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.”Maybe the Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham, who has said that “No one defends Islam like Arab Christians” and “Christ was born in Palestine,” and who has claimed that jihad massacres of Christians in the Middle East were a Zionist plot, will want to sign up this band for his next church festival. Maybe he could hold it in the Melkite church in Raqqa — oh, wait…
“Hamas Releases Music Video Threatening to Destroy Israel,” TheTower.org, February 9, 2017:
Hamas released a Hebrew-language animated music video on Tuesday night titled “Zionists, You Will Perish in Gaza,” which threatens to destroy Israel.______________________________________________________
The video features a barrage of rockets raining down on the Jewish state, Hamas militants blowing themselves up near Israeli soldiers, and Jews being shot in the head. The Jewish characters resemble crude stereotypes common in anti-Semitic media.
The lyrics include threats such as “we will eat you, Zionists, without salt” and “ooooh…Zionist, a rocket will get you where you live.”
This is far from the first time Palestinian groups have released videos intended to threaten or scare Israelis.
In the summer of 2014, during its war with Israel, Hamas released a Hebrew-language music video claiming, “We prepare a generation of warriors who cling to death like the enemy clings to life.” The Times of Israel described the video as part of Hamas’ propaganda campaign to damage Israeli morale and rally Palestinian support behind Hamas….
"Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah" - Hamas music video
Published on Nov 25, 2012
Music video by Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades:
"Bless [Hamas'] Al-Qassam men, guardians of Palestine
Oh pride of Salah Shahada, oh wisdom of Immad [Aqel] (Hamas leaders killed by Israel)
[Oh] the explosives of [Yahya] Ayyash, (Hamas bomb maker killed by Israel), Martyrdom,
[oh] lovers of the trigger:
Killing the occupiers is worship that Allah made into law.
(Arabic text: "Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah")
Arise, oh determined men.
The color of [the Martyr's] blood protects the land.
Oh masked one wearing a keffiyeh (Arab head scarf), terrifying the Jews...
call out in Zionism's face: 'Muhammad's army has begun to return.'"
[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Nov. 18, 2012]
Note: In response to Hamas' ongoing rocket fire against Israel, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense on Nov. 14, 2012, aimed at crippling the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza. On Nov. 21, Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire. This video was one of many broadcast by Hamas during the conflict, as part of their campaign to scare Israeli soldiers and civilians.
Music video by Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades:
"Bless [Hamas'] Al-Qassam men, guardians of Palestine
Oh pride of Salah Shahada, oh wisdom of Immad [Aqel] (Hamas leaders killed by Israel)
[Oh] the explosives of [Yahya] Ayyash, (Hamas bomb maker killed by Israel), Martyrdom,
[oh] lovers of the trigger:
Killing the occupiers is worship that Allah made into law.
(Arabic text: "Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah")
Arise, oh determined men.
The color of [the Martyr's] blood protects the land.
Oh masked one wearing a keffiyeh (Arab head scarf), terrifying the Jews...
call out in Zionism's face: 'Muhammad's army has begun to return.'"
[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), Nov. 18, 2012]
Note: In response to Hamas' ongoing rocket fire against Israel, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense on Nov. 14, 2012, aimed at crippling the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza. On Nov. 21, Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire. This video was one of many broadcast by Hamas during the conflict, as part of their campaign to scare Israeli soldiers and civilians.
Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews