Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate for Governor in Michigan declared his open support for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a designated terrorist organization.
Investigative journalist Laura Loomer traveled to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed who is running as a Democrat Socialist. El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim who openly supports Islamic terrorists.
Will the mainstream media ignore the fact that a supporter of Islamic terrorism is running for office?
Exposé - Abdul El-Sayed - Marxist Jihad in Michigan – MUST WATCH!
Democrat candidate for Governor of Michigan, Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed has a proven history and background with Muslim Brotherhood alignment and associations. His Marxist Jihad interactions in support of Mohamed Morsi during the Arab Spring, the supporters of his campaign – Linda Sarsour, Bernie Sanders, ISNA, and CAIR, and his Sharia compliant Islamic practices all relate the real plan he has for Michigan.
Abdul EL-Sayed Signed Support of Jihadist MB leader Mohamed Morsi
Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Abdul El Sayed CONFRONTED Over His Practice of Sharia Law
Investigative journalist Laura Loomer traveled to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdul El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate running for Governor in Michigan as a Democrat Socialist.
El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim, but his political platform and talking points directly contradict Islamic law.
When Loomer attended one of Abdul's campaign events in Michigan, she asked him about his practice of Sharia Law and if he recognizes the conflict of being a devout Muslim while also campaigning on a Marxist political platform. The Democrats claim to be pro-women, pro-LGBTQ, and pro-equality, but each of those things are prohibited under Islamic law, which Abdul himself has said he practices.
When confronted with hard questions from Loomer, Abdul ran away.
Sharia Crime Stoppers Warns: Will Michigan Stand for US Constitution or Sharia In 2018 Mid-Term?
Investigative journalist Laura Loomer traveled to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate running for Governor in Michigan as a Democrat Socialist. El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim, but his political platform and talking points directly contradict Islamic law.
Dick Manasseri, Co-founder of Sharia Crime Stoppers, an organization focused on getting local law enforcement trained to understand the criminal behavior sanctioned under Sharia and what Officers could encounter on the streets of America.
Loomer sat down with Mr. Manasseri and asked him about why it’s important to know about Sharia and what people need to know about El-Sayed. Is El-Sayed practicing Taqiyya in order to become the next Governor of Michigan and advance Islam in the United States? Michigan voters will decide!
Linda Sarsour Asks World Trade Center Terrorist To Support Muslim Candidate for Michigan Governor
Investigative journalist Laura Loomer traveled to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdul El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate running for Governor in Michigan as a Democrat Socialist.
El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim, but his political platform and talking points directly contradict Islamic law.
When Loomer attended one of Abdul's campaign events in Michigan, she asked him about his practice of Sharia Law and if he recognizes the conflict of being a devout Muslim while also campaigning on a Marxist political platform. The Democrats claim to be pro-women, pro-LGBTQ, and pro-equality, but each of those things are prohibited under Islamic law, which Abdul himself has said he practices.
While speaking to a group of Muslims at the 54th Annual ISNA Convention, Pro-Hamas activist and Democrat mouthpiece Linda Sarsour, who has been campaigning for Abdul El-Sayed in Michigan, expressed how much she admires her "mentor" Siraj Wahhaj, and asked him to financially support Abdul's campaign. Siraj Wahhaj is a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing.
Former Muslim Explains Abdul El-Sayed's Politics
Investigative journalist Laura Loomer traveled to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate running for Governor in Michigan as a Democrat Socialist. El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim, but his political platform and talking points directly contradict Islamic law.
Laura interviewed someone who has seen Sharia's impact and knows the Islamic tenets first hand. Because of that, she has asked to be disguised, including her voice for security reasons. She talks about how Islam promotes lying as a means to reach an end goal when it is required to convince non-muslims to follow a set target. Lying in Islam is called taqiya and every Muslim is required to use it to promote world domination, and it is clearly used in the 2018 campaign race for Michigan's Governor by Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed. Example of that is Abdul's platform and the use of the LBGTQ community when Islam has clear mandates for what should happen to that community.
Ex-Muslim Woman Warns: "Abdul El-Sayed Is Practicing Taqiya To Become Michigan Governor."
Investigative journalist Laura Loomer traveled to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdul El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate running for Governor in Michigan as a Democrat Socialist.
El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim, but his political platform and talking points directly contradict Islamic law.
Farrah Prudence is an ex-Muslim. Loomer sat down with her and asked her about El-Sayed. According to Farrah, El-Sayed is practicing Taqiya in order to become the next Governor of Michigan and advance Islam in the United States.
Ex-Muslim Woman Warns: "Do not vote for Abdul El-Sayed For Michigan Governor."
Investigative journalist Laura Loomer traveled to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdul El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate running for Governor in Michigan as a Democrat Socialist. El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim, but his political platform and talking points directly contradict Islamic law. Farrah Prudence is an ex-Muslim. Loomer sat down with her and asked her about El-Sayed. According to Farrah, El-Sayed is Sharia compliant and his policies pose a direct threat to women in America given his devout practice of Islamic law, which is inherently misogynistic.
Investigative journalist Laura Loomer traveled to Michigan with The United West to investigate Abdul El-Sayed, a Muslim candidate running for Governor in Michigan as a Democrat Socialist. El-Sayed is a Sharia compliant Muslim, but his political platform and talking points directly contradict Islamic law. Farrah Prudence is an ex-Muslim. Loomer sat down with her and asked her about El-Sayed. According to Farrah, El-Sayed is Sharia compliant and his policies pose a direct threat to women in America given his devout practice of Islamic law, which is inherently misogynistic.