SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/12/enraged-at-trump-nazareths-muslim-mayor-bans-traditional-christmas-celebrations;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Now that President Trump has shown that he will not submit to
intimidation over Jerusalem, Islamic supremacists are trying a new
tactic to bring him to heel: intimidation.
“Christmas Is Canceled: Nazareth’s Muslim Mayor Bans Traditional Christmas Celebrations in Christ’s Childhood Home,” by Jack Montgomery, Breitbart, December 16, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
The Muslim mayor of Nazareth has cancelled traditional outdoor songs and plays celebrating Christmas in the city where Jesus spent his childhood._______________________________________________________
Mayor Ali Salam, who once made the curious boast that U.S. President Donald Trump “learned everything from me” about how to win elections, indicated that he was punishing local and visiting Christians as revenge for the President’s decision to officially recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
“Our message is we love Jerusalem, we’ll never abandon you under any circumstances,” Salam declared.
“Our identity and faith aren’t up for debate … The decision [by Donald Trump about Jerusalem] has taken away the joy of the holiday, and we will thus cancel the festivities this year.”
While Nazareth is located within Israel proper rather than Palestinian Authority territory in Gaza and the West Bank, a majority of its inhabitants are Arabs with Israeli citizenship.
At a little over 30 per cent of the population, Christians are a significant minority — but are dominated by the Muslim majority which voted Salam into power.
Nevertheless, the local administration has already walked back his aggressive position somewhat, conceding “there are commercial interests of the city and we are used to hundreds of thousands [of Christians] coming for this season.”
Some elements of the traditional celebrations will therefore go ahead, such as the Christmas market and a parade on December 23rd — but the singing performances and outdoor plays which usually mark the season will be prohibited.
According to the Bible, the city of Nazareth is where the archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary she would bear the Saviour, making it one Christianity’s holiest sites….
Nazareth Cancels Official Christmas Activities
to Protest Trump’s Jerusalem Move
They’re not celebrating Christmas this year in the town Christians
believe to be the childhood hometown of Jesus.
Ali Salam, the mayor of Nazareth who is a Muslim, ordered that all
celebrations of the Christian holiday be called off, the city council
announced Thursday, according to the Times of Israel...
Learn more: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/natio...
Nazareth Mayor cancels Christmas
Trumps decision to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel's capital is proven
to be the correct move by Nazareth's Mayor Ali Salam, Mayor Ali Salam
has cancelled city sponsored Christmas celebrations in Nazareth. the
excuse being President Trumps acknowledgment that Jerusalem is Israel's
capital city .
Already previously a capital city for the Jewish people, and now again
since the re-establishment of Israel, That Israel has freedom of
religion and respect for all faiths, further qualifies Israel to have
dominion over Jerusalem, where all faiths free of persecution, have
access to their holy sites under Israeli control.
Already the Jewish people have experienced total denial of access to
their holy places,when East Jerusalem was under Arab control between
1948 and 1967, a point often overlooked in that Jordan allowed only
very limited access to Christian holy sites, and restrictions were
imposed on the Christian population that led many to leave the
This intolerance towards other faiths is still apparent today,
highlighted by Nazareth's Mayor Ali Salam and a city who cancelled
Christmas where Jesus spent his childhood. elsewhere such as Bethlehem,
once a majority 60% population of Christians now only 20%
When the Palestinian leadership speak of unity with their Christian
brothers against the false claim of Jewish oppression, who, with even
just a small amount of rational thought, can not see the deception ?