republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Out at St. Paul (OASP), the gay and lesbian ministry group based at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in New York City, posted on its Facebook page Tuesday an article lauding the openly gay activist Milk as a saint. Milk is upheld by pro-LGBT activists as a martyr for their leftist cause.
What they hide is the known fact
Milk had a homosexual relationship with a mentally disturbed
16-year-old named Jack McKinley and was attracted to others like him.
Milk’s biographer Randy Shilts noted in his book The Mayor of Castro Street that the pederast was extremely attracted to “young waifs with substance abuse problems” and “men in their late teens.”
Joseph Sciambra, a Catholic advocate who
truly cares for the salvation of each individual that struggles
with same-sex attraction, also references Shilts’ work on Milk. Citing
Milk’s biography, Sciambra writes, “It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20s that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life.”
The homosexualist Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin has often praised Out at St. Paul. Last June, Fr. Martin tweeted,
“‘Out at St. Paul’ is one of the most vibrant Catholic #LGBT ministries
in the country, perhaps the world.” He added that the group is “a model
for many parishes.”
In 2017, the Jesuit called for Catholics to reverence so-called gay marriage.
Referring to an active homosexual friend in
a same-sex marriage, Martin said, “I have a hard time imagining how
even the most traditionalist, homophobic, closed-minded Catholic cannot
look at my friend and say, ‘That is a loving act, and that is a form of
love that I don’t understand but I have to reverence.'”
Martin’s favorite strawman is labeling
Catholics who morally object to the homosexual lifestyle as
“homophobic,” saying such Catholics “hate” people with same-sex
To continue reading, click here.[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Bradley Eli and first posted at Church Militant]