Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Since many people have been asking, yes, Outreach 2020, the #LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference, is still on track. It will be held at Fordham University's Rose Hill Campus from June 18-20. We should have registration information up within a few days. Stay tuned!
Founded in 1841, Fordham is the Jesuit University of New York, offering exceptional education distinguished by the Jesuit tradition across nine schools. Fordham awards baccalaureate, graduate, and professional degrees to approximately 16,000 students from Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, the Gabelli School of Business (undergraduate and graduate), the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, the Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, Education, Religion and Religious Education, and Social Service, and the School of Law. The University has residential campuses in the Bronx and Manhattan, a campus in West Harrison, N.Y., the Louis Calder Center Biological Field Station in Armonk, N.Y., and the London Centre, Clerkenwell, in the United Kingdom.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
The Roman Catholic Church is on the fast track to a new identity when it comes to homosexual inclusion. Under the current pope, the church has made significant strides toward apostasy — and I use that term loosely since the Roman Catholic Church is not a true Church — in the realm of social doctrine.
One outspoken pro-gay Jesuit priest, James Martin, recently announced and confirmed a major pro-gay Catholic conference which is to be held at Fordham University in June 2020.
Since many people have been asking, yes, Outreach 2020, the #LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference, is still on track. It will be held at Fordham University's Rose Hill Campus from June 18-20. We should have registration information up within a few days. Stay tuned!
According to the event’s website, the gathering of sodomites will be hosted by the school’s department of Theology along with St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church and will be a “Global Conversation” in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and World Pride 2019.”
“The Catholic Church is undergoing a period of revolutionary change in its relationship to the LGBTQ+ community,” the website reads, “Parishes and dioceses around the world are discerning and implementing new forms of pastoral ministry and advocacy on behalf of the LGBTQ+ Catholic community. What does this movement look like outside of the U.S.? How can members of the LGBTQ+ community in the U.S. support activists around the world?”
While the vast majority of the professing Church is abandoning the faith altogether to remain culturally relevant, rest assured that God has a remnant that will not cave. That remnant, however, is a very small minority. Tough times are ahead for true believers. _______________________________________________________
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
On November 13, 2019, Fr. James Martin, S.J., "was delighted to announce" a 2020 outreach conference for LGBT at the Jesuit Fordham University in New York City.
Speakers will include Bishop John Stowe, O.F.M. of Lexington, Kentucky; Sr. Jeannine Gramick, S.L. of New Ways Ministry; Father Bryan Massingale of Fordham; Siva Subburaman of Georgetown University; and Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., former master general of the Dominican Order.
For more, read Lianne Laurence's article here.
We see that in the wake of Pope Francis, the Conciliar Church in the United States and, principally, the Jesuits are going full-steam into the pro-homosexual agenda.
In France also, last row below, the ex-Catholic Hierarchy is not far behind. On November 18, the Diocese of Poitiers officially promoted a gathering for homosexuals and transsexuals. The poster reads:
After Eight
Friday, October 18, 2019, at 19:00hs
Saint Porchaire Room (behind the church)
47, Gambetta Street, dowtown Poitiers
You have a homosexual or transsexual orientation
You live alone or as a couple...
You believe in heaven or not. You search for a place of sharing, of hope.
Christians will join you for a Happy Hour to build together.
Invite your friends.
Each one brings an idea, a project, a question, a longing...
Drinks will be offered.
Contact Isabelle Parmentier 06 62 14 93 41
Sister Marion Schobbens 06 72 46 71 62
Diocese of Poitiers