republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) announced the “first ever” charter flight bringing migrants directly from Africa to Germany, with more to come.IOM Ethiopia enthusiastically shared video of 154 Somali ‘refugees’ arriving at the airport in Kassel, Germany, earlier this week.“It happened! In FIRST EVER UN Migration international chartered flight from Ethiopia, 154 refugees departed from Addis Ababa to Kassel Germany under the German Resettlement program,” the agency wrote. “A second flight is scheduled to depart mid-November with another 220 refugees.” It happened!🛫 In FIRST EVER @UNmigration international chartered flight from #Ethiopia, 154 #refugees departed from Addis Ababa to Kassel #Germany under the German #Resettlement program. A second flight is scheduled to depart mid-November with another 220 refugees. pic.twitter.com/OAIfEdypNh— IOM Ethiopia (@IOMEthiopia) October 15, 2019In an accompanying press release, the IOM explained that the migrants were all from Somalia.“IOM has supported the German Resettlement Programme in their efforts to resettle 500 refugees living in Ethiopia to Germany since March. These efforts are closely coordinated with the Ethiopian Government’s Agency for Refugees and Returnee Affairs (ARRA), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Federal Government of Germany,” the IOM wrote.“An additional 220 refugees will depart for Germany on a second IOM-chartered flight in mid-November. The majority of these people have already undergone the necessary interviews and health assessments.” In collaboration with the Agency for Refugees and Returnee Affairs (ARRA), UNHCR and the Federal Government of Germany, @unmigration organized its first international charter flight carrying 154 Somali #refugees to be resettled from 🇪🇹 to 🇩🇪 Read more👇https://t.co/rJK6qDASBApic.twitter.com/xjvXOEaOsn— IOM Ethiopia (@IOMEthiopia) October 18, 2019“It is important that we facilitate the smooth resettlement of refugees by providing safe transportation,” said IOM Ethiopia Operations Officer Milun Jovanovic. “We are happy that refugees enjoyed this facilitated charter flight from departure to destination, with no hassles faced.”In 2018, Infowars reported that Leif-Erik Holm, an economist serving in the Bundestag as a representative of the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) party, had discovered nearly one in three migrants were arriving to Germany by plane.Shortly after, the German government categorized information about migrants arriving by plane as “secret classified matter” in the interests of “state welfare.”Infowars also reported in 2018 that the UN was transporting ‘refugees’ from Africa to Italy by airplane.