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Wednesday, May 8, 2019
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
BELLEVUE, WA –-( Democrat presidential aspirant Cory Booker’s far-ranging gun control scheme that calls for five-year licensing, invasive background checks, bans on semiautomatic rifles and original capacity magazines and more amounts to an outrageous plan to turn the Second Amendment right into a government-regulated privilege, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
“With this proposal, Booker isn’t just one of those anti-gun politicians who claims to ‘support the Second Amendment…but’,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “he’s literally throwing a constitutionally-enumerated right into the trash, and he knows it. For a person hoping to be elected to the highest office in the land to advocate such an outrageous proposal isn’t just disappointing, it is disturbing.”
Booker’s plan calls for licensing gun owners on a five-year basis. He would repeal the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to expose firearms manufacturers to costly junk lawsuits and other legal harassment. He would resurrect the failed one-gun-a-month mandate that never prevented a single crime when it was tried, and later repealed, in South Carolina and Virginia. The Washington, D.C. law was struck down by a federal appeals court in 2015.
The scheme calls for Microstamping, a technology that has not prevented or solved any crime, and would make firearms prohibitively expensive for no discernable benefit. He would push for so-called “universal background checks” that criminals already ignore, and which might actually encourage more gun shop burglaries, thefts from private homes or police cars, and other illegal gun trafficking.
“Proposals like this underscore why American gun owners are increasingly distrustful of all Democrats,” Gottlieb observed. “Booker’s plan is demagoguery on steroids, and it once again targets the wrong people. He doesn’t want to crack down on criminals, he wants to create new ones with the stroke of a pen.
“Booker’s brainstorm is nothing more than a combination of every pie-in-the-sky idea on the gun control wish list,” Gottlieb said. “While his plan is disturbing, what is even more alarming is that not one other Democrat now in the race denounced the plan. If they all agree with Booker, they need to admit it now so voters realize they are all willing to trample on the Bill of Rights.”
With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) has just launched a plan to combat violent crime that essentially treats the right to keep and bear arms like a regulated privilege. (Screen snip, YouTube, CNN)
U.S.A. –-( Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey has released a plan to combat so-called “gun violence” by essentially relegating the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms to the level of a privilege that is strictly regulated by the government, including licensing every five years, fingerprinting, and limiting handgun purchases to one per month.
His plan would also repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) so the door would be opened for harassment lawsuits against firearms manufacturers, holding them responsible for crimes committed by third parties, and for illegal gun trafficking.
Under Booker’s plan, so-called “universal background checks” would be required for all firearms transfers. Microstamping would be mandated, even though the technology would be prohibitively expensive.
“Microstamping is technology that allows law enforcement to identify the source of ammunition used in crimes by making a shell casing traceable to the specific gun that fired the round. Unfortunately, in many cases, there is little evidence left behind at crime scenes, resulting in a homicide ‘clearance rate' of just 62 percent. Microstamping technology would allow law enforcement to trace crime guns as soon as a shell casing is found, helping to prevent future crimes from occurring.” —Cory Booker website “Cory’s Plan to end The Gun Violence Epidemic”
Firearms experts have already explained that this scheme would not work in cases where criminals use revolvers that do not leave spent shell casings at crime scenes.
Quoted by the New York Times, Booker promised, “I am going to come at this likefolks have never seen before.”
Except that “folks” have seen it before, every time an extremist gun control package is thrown at the wall to see what sticks.
(Snip, headline from Booker's website)
Reaction from gun owners on social media began almost immediately after Booker’s proposal was unveiled, and it is negative. One rights activist, responding to the licensing proposal, stated, “I already have one (a license). It’s called the Second Amendment.”
But under Booker’s proposal, the right to keep and bear arms would be subject to a five-year renewable license. The plan would require the following, according to a Booker website:
“Individuals could seek a gun license at a designated local office, widely available in urban and rural areas, similar to applying for or renewing a passport. They would submit fingerprints, provide basic background information, and demonstrate completion of a certified gun safety course.”—Cory Booker website “Cory’s Plan to end The Gun Violence Epidemic”
Booker’s plan smacks of the same extremism that inspired Washington State Initiative 1639 last fall, and legislation introduced in the state earlier this year by anti-gun Seattle-area Democrats in the State Legislature. The training requirement was likened to an unconstitutional literacy test by the Washington State Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association, which opposed the gun control initiative last year. I-1639 passed, but the training requirement for getting a state concealed pistol license died in the Legislature with proponents suggesting they would be back again in 2020.
His plan supports “Extreme Risk Protection Order” (ERPO) laws, generically called “red flag” laws that allow authorities to seize someone’s firearms without due process.
His plan supports “Extreme Risk Protection Order” (ERPO) laws, generically called “red flag” laws that allow authorities to seize someone’s firearms without due process. Increasingly, gun owners and rights activists are voicing opposition to such laws because, in order for someone to recover his/her guns, they must go to court, essentially to prove they are innocent of a crime.
Booker would ban so-called “assault weapons” and original capacity magazines. He’s talking about turning millions of gun owners into instant criminals by classifying their legal semi-auto firearms and cartridge magazines as contraband.
The one-handgun-a-month scheme has been tried before. It’s just another way of regulating gun ownership for law-abiding citizens, but didn’t prevent criminals from obtaining firearms.
“Limiting bulk purchases of firearms is essential to combating gun trafficking. Under current federal law, which contains no limit on the number of firearms one can purchase, traffickers will make bulk purchases in states with weak gun laws and then resell in states with stricter rules.”—Cory Booker website “Cory’s Plan to end The Gun Violence Epidemic”
As if to underscore the fallacy Booker’s scheme, the Associated Press and KTUU Newsreported on two different gun store thefts in Washington State in recent days that netted more than 100 firearms. Ninety-eight of those guns were taken from a shop in Gorst, and another 30 were stolen from a shop in Sequim. Rewards of up to $11,000 are being offered, but the proverbial bottom line is that these guns are now in circulation, or soon will be, and not a single one of them will be transferred with a background check, license requirement or any of the other things Booker’s plan demands.
The fatal flaw in Booker’s proposal is that criminals don’t follow the law, and passing another package of laws will not bring a change.
About Dave Workman
Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
After announcing a radical gun control proposal as part of his Presidential campaign, Democrat Cory Booker expressed agreement with the notion that lawful gun owners should be ‘thrown in prison’ if they refuse to comply with “an assault weapons ban.”
Booker appeared on CNN to discuss his proposed national gun licensing program, which would require every gun owner to have a 5-year license issued at the federal level.
Cory Booker announces new gun plan that would require every firearm owner to be licensed by the federal government.
Booker’s plan would also limit individual purchases of firearms to one per month, and legislate for an all out ban on so called ‘assault weapons’ and high-capacity magazines.
“My plan to address gun violence is simple – we will make it harder for people who should not have a gun to get one,” Booker said.
“The process would include fingerprinting, an interview, gun safety courses, and a federal background check,” Booker also said in a statement announcing the proposal.
Booker’s campaign called the proposal “the most sweeping gun violence prevention plan ever put forth by a presidential candidate.”
When asked by CNN host Poppy Harlow if he also supports Congressman Eric Swalwell’s proposed ‘assault weapons’ ban, Booker intimated that he would not have a problem with Americans being jailed if they refused to comply.
“[Swalwell’s} proposing a buyback program where Americans who currently have those guns could sell them essentially to the government, but if they don’t, within a certain period of time, they would be prosecuted … thrown in jail, perhaps. Are you supportive of the same?” Harlow asked Booker.
“Again, we should have a law that bans these weapons, and we should have a reasonable period in which people can turn in these weapons. Right now we have a nation that allows in streets and communities like mine these weapons that should not exist,” Booker replied.
“The critical thing is, I think most Americans agree, that these weapons of war should not be on our streets.” Booker also noted.