On the heels of NewsGuard, which blacklisted the Drudge Report and other conservative sites
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Not long after introducing the controversial browser plugin ‘NewsGuard,’ Microsoft is pushing voting software called ‘ElectionGuard’ which the company claims will “modernize” elections.Microsoft says the software is intended to “modernize all of the election infrastructure everywhere in the world,” with early prototypes ready for the United States’ 2020 elections.“One election official who has been in informal conversations with the ElectionGuard project leaders is Dean Logan, who runs elections for Los Angeles County, the nation’s most populous, and is building an open-source voting system for it,” reported the AP.The software is being offered as a stand-alone product that can also be plugged into existing election systems.“It can be used with a ballot-marking device. It can be used with an optical scanner, on hand-marked paper ballots,” said Microsoft’s senior cryptographer Josh Benaloh.The name ‘ElectionGuard’ is not lost on critics of ‘NewsGuard,’ Microsoft’s browser plug-in which blacklisted the Drudge Report and other conservative-leaning web sites while giving nearly every single establishment site a passing grade.“Moreover, what does it say when NewsGuard gives every single establishment media site (every single one!) a passing grade when those are the sites Drudge links most often?” Breitbart asked. “What this tells us is that NewsGuard is not interested in accuracy, but rather how terrified this latest establishment media weed is of a popular site that operates outside the establishment media’s filter.”NewsGuard is run by a stable of establishment news figures as well as former personnel of the Clinton, Obama and Bush administrations.
This is pure authoritarianism.