And their misdeeds track closely with
Islamic teachings
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Ari Lieberman on Wednesday here at FrontPage
told the appalling story of Lara Kollab, a Doctor of Osteopathic
Medicine who was employed at the Cleveland Clinic until quite recently,
when Canary Mission published a report
on her fiendishly hateful anti-Semitic tweets, including one in which
she declared that she would “purposely give all the yahood [Jews] the
wrong meds.” Kollab, unfortunately, is not the first, and will certainly
not be the last, Muslim doctor whose departures from the Hippocratic
Oath track closely with Islamic teachings.
The Qur’an tells Muslims that the Jews are the strongest of all people in enmity toward them (5:82), accursed by Allah (9:30), and always scheming against the Muslims (2:79; 3:75-3:78, 3:181, etc.). These and other Qur’anic passages likely provide some insight into Kollab’s mindset. They also may explain the actions of the Muslim doctor in Belgium who refused to come to the aid of a 90-year-old Jewish woman who had suffered a rib fracture, saying: “I will not come! Send her to Gaza for a few hours, then she will not feel pain anymore.”
A Muslim Doctors Without Borders nurse, Hani Mohammed Almajdalawi, outdid both Kollab and her Belgian colleague and took her Jew-hatred even farther, actually firing upon Israeli Defense Force troops at the Gaza border.
The Qur’an also tells Muslims that they can seize infidel women (“captives of the right hand”) and use them as sex slaves (4:3, 4:24, 23:16, 33:50, 70:30).
Those Qur’anic passages illuminate the likely mindset of the Muslim doctor, a migrant from Syria, who raped four patients while serving as an assistant doctor at a hospital in Bavaria.
Likewise Houston doctor Shafeeq Sheikh, who was convicted of raping one of his patients at Houston’s Ben Taub General Hospital, despite his insistence that she, though sedated and attached to machines, made advances upon him that he, the irresistible lug, couldn’t fend off. In Britain, the energetic Dr. Amirul Haque sexually assaulted five of his female patients over one ten-day period.
Also in Britain, another Muslim migrant physician, Imran Qureshi from Pakistan, demonstrated that the victims need not be non-Muslim women if a Muslim woman indicates that she may not be the niqab-wearing type: Qureshi, according to MailOnline, “said the 21-year-old woman was ‘sexually available’ because she had previous boyfriends.”
Then there are the jihadi doctors. A hadith has a Muslim asking Muhammad: “Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).” Muhammad replied, “I do not find such a deed.” (Bukhari 4.52.44) There is no shortage of doctors who have decided to do this greatest deed of all. Khurram Syed Sher may have been one of them. He was a doctor of pathology in London, Ontario, who was accused of taking part in jihad massacre plotting, although he was acquitted by a judge who determined that his involvement in the plotting was “naïve.”
Dr. Mirza Tariq Ali certainly was not naïve. He was a National Health Service doctor in Britain until he threw it all away to become a Taliban commander. His career change was ill-starred, however: he was killed in a drone strike.
Making a similar career choice was Dr. Mujahidah Bint Usama, also from Britain, who joined the Islamic State in Syria and in 2014 happily posted on her Twitter page a photo of herself holding a severed head, with the caption: “Dream Job.. A Terrorist Doc.” Always known for her human touch, the good doctor added a smiley face and two heart emojis.
Dr. Mohamed Maleeh Masha left a prosperous life in Flint, Michigan behind to join the Islamic State as well. Dr. Tareq Badawi Kamleh left Australia for the same goal, and boasted that the Islamic State’s health care system was better than Australia’s. And Shajul Islam, also from the United Kingdom, was considered by MI6 to be a “committed jihadist.”
And on and on. Certainly there are many Muslim doctors who uphold their Hippocratic Oath and would never harm their patients or anyone else. At the same time, Lara Kollab’s case shows that there needs to be a national conversation about the Islamic beliefs that could interfere with the fulfillment of that Oath. But there will, of course, be no such national discussion; if it were even attempted, it would be drowned out with insistent charges of “Islamophobia.”
The Qur’an tells Muslims that the Jews are the strongest of all people in enmity toward them (5:82), accursed by Allah (9:30), and always scheming against the Muslims (2:79; 3:75-3:78, 3:181, etc.). These and other Qur’anic passages likely provide some insight into Kollab’s mindset. They also may explain the actions of the Muslim doctor in Belgium who refused to come to the aid of a 90-year-old Jewish woman who had suffered a rib fracture, saying: “I will not come! Send her to Gaza for a few hours, then she will not feel pain anymore.”
A Muslim Doctors Without Borders nurse, Hani Mohammed Almajdalawi, outdid both Kollab and her Belgian colleague and took her Jew-hatred even farther, actually firing upon Israeli Defense Force troops at the Gaza border.
The Qur’an also tells Muslims that they can seize infidel women (“captives of the right hand”) and use them as sex slaves (4:3, 4:24, 23:16, 33:50, 70:30).
Those Qur’anic passages illuminate the likely mindset of the Muslim doctor, a migrant from Syria, who raped four patients while serving as an assistant doctor at a hospital in Bavaria.
Likewise Houston doctor Shafeeq Sheikh, who was convicted of raping one of his patients at Houston’s Ben Taub General Hospital, despite his insistence that she, though sedated and attached to machines, made advances upon him that he, the irresistible lug, couldn’t fend off. In Britain, the energetic Dr. Amirul Haque sexually assaulted five of his female patients over one ten-day period.
Also in Britain, another Muslim migrant physician, Imran Qureshi from Pakistan, demonstrated that the victims need not be non-Muslim women if a Muslim woman indicates that she may not be the niqab-wearing type: Qureshi, according to MailOnline, “said the 21-year-old woman was ‘sexually available’ because she had previous boyfriends.”
Then there are the jihadi doctors. A hadith has a Muslim asking Muhammad: “Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).” Muhammad replied, “I do not find such a deed.” (Bukhari 4.52.44) There is no shortage of doctors who have decided to do this greatest deed of all. Khurram Syed Sher may have been one of them. He was a doctor of pathology in London, Ontario, who was accused of taking part in jihad massacre plotting, although he was acquitted by a judge who determined that his involvement in the plotting was “naïve.”
Dr. Mirza Tariq Ali certainly was not naïve. He was a National Health Service doctor in Britain until he threw it all away to become a Taliban commander. His career change was ill-starred, however: he was killed in a drone strike.
Making a similar career choice was Dr. Mujahidah Bint Usama, also from Britain, who joined the Islamic State in Syria and in 2014 happily posted on her Twitter page a photo of herself holding a severed head, with the caption: “Dream Job.. A Terrorist Doc.” Always known for her human touch, the good doctor added a smiley face and two heart emojis.
Dr. Mohamed Maleeh Masha left a prosperous life in Flint, Michigan behind to join the Islamic State as well. Dr. Tareq Badawi Kamleh left Australia for the same goal, and boasted that the Islamic State’s health care system was better than Australia’s. And Shajul Islam, also from the United Kingdom, was considered by MI6 to be a “committed jihadist.”
And on and on. Certainly there are many Muslim doctors who uphold their Hippocratic Oath and would never harm their patients or anyone else. At the same time, Lara Kollab’s case shows that there needs to be a national conversation about the Islamic beliefs that could interfere with the fulfillment of that Oath. But there will, of course, be no such national discussion; if it were even attempted, it would be drowned out with insistent charges of “Islamophobia.”