republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
August 7, 2018
Dinesh D'Souza's latest film, "Death of a Nation," is another home run. We saw it this past Saturday in its opening weekend. It is outstanding and current, as all of his films are. In it, Mr. D'Souza presents the truth behind the Big Lies of the commie/fascist/Nazi/Ku Klux Klan/Democrat/"Progressive" collective with his in-depth research, interviews, and high-quality historical reenactments by actors who look impressively like the people they're portraying.
Although I had heard radio audio of many of them, I had not seen most of the video clips he showed of insane Hell's Media in their vicious reactions to Donald Trump winning the 2016 presidential election. They're quite sobering to watch. The deranged hate from these people is stunning.
During much of the Obama administration, I wrote one or two columns a week, and in many of them I called for prayers that God would give our nation undeserved mercy, a reprieve from the inevitably despotic consequences of our nation's broad embrace of all kinds of wickedness and corruption.
The Lord answered our prayers in a mighty way by preventing all the scheming and fraud of the communist Democrats to shove the criminal harpy, Hillary Clinton, into the presidency. I thank God He did not allow her to win! He gave us President Trump, and all the forces of Hell and its human servants are of one mind, unified in pure, lunatic hatred for him. We have not seen anything like it in our nation's history.
Just as Islam is the photo-negative of Christianity, so was the treatment of Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) by Hell's Media compared to their treatment of President Trump. The entire Left – politicians, media, Hollywood, academia – were all drooling dogs worshiping at Obama's treacherous feet, giving cover to his every lie and lawless, anti-American scandal.
Those same people are now doing their worst to destroy President Trump, a man who has done none of what they falsely accuse him of doing, and certainly none of the corrupt, power-mad things Obama and others in his administration did. The breathtaking depth of corruption and criminality in the Obama intelligence agencies and the ensuing hoax of this seemingly interminable "Russia collusion" investigation are beyond measure. It's clear that this Mueller guy is hell-bent on making a Donald Trump "crime" out of thin air.
In "Death of a Nation," Mr. D'Souza lays bare not only the lies of these people who are baselessly, viciously attacking President Trump, but also the related lies of their comrades in history, including the Third Reich. And he wonders if America will again be saved as it was during the Civil War era.
The film's presentation, its cinematography, sound, all of it, are excellent, and the music is glorious. It's real, and it's uplifting, but also a warning to those with eyes to see. Our nation is in a battle for its freedom and soul, and Mr. D'Souza is trying to impart the critical nature of our situation and the need that we all stand firmly for truth and righteousness in the United States, no matter how dear the cost of standing for what's right and true. As with all of his pictures, you'll applaud at the end. Go see it while it's still on the big screen.
‘Death of a Nation’ Movie Is a Masterful Win for Conservatism