republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Hungary remains resolute in its determination to protect its borders
from the hijrah, despite threats of EU sanctions against it.Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared last year that Europe is not free, because “freedom begins with speaking the truth.” He also declared: “What we want is a Hungarian Hungary and a European Europe.” He told Angela Merkel: “We won’t pay for your error.”
Hungary has been leading Central European countries in resistance to mass migration. Recently, however, Hungary opened its doors to an Iranian actress who converted from Islam to Christianity; Sweden was about to deport her back to Iran to face almost certain death for the crime of apostasy from Islam. This despite the fact that Sweden has been reported to be on the verge of civil war due to its wide open immigration policy in favor of unvetted Muslims.
“Poland and Hungary are two of the most restrictive countries in Europe when it comes to accepting overwhelmingly Muslim migrants – and neither have seen a major terror attack in years.”
Six months ago, Hungary built a new high-tech border fence to keep out migrants.
“Hungary Extends State of Emergency Due to Migrant Crisis”, Breitbart, August 30, 2017:
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — The Hungarian government has decided to extend by six months, until March 2018, the state of emergency declared early last year because of the migrant crisis.
Government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said Wednesday that strict border controls were still needed because the “threat of terrorism in Europe has increased” recently.
Hungary’s razor-wire fences, built on its borders with Serbia and Croatia in late 2015, have practically stopped the flow of migrants through the country…..
About 400,000 migrants passed through Hungary in 2015 before the fences were erected.