Trump's Travel Ban Makes A Comeback As The Supreme Court Reinstates Executive Order
HISTORIC: Supreme Court Saves America,
Reinstates Trump Travel Ban
Supreme Court Reinstates Travel Ban;
9th Circus (Circuit Court) Overturned Again
Published on Jun 26, 2017
Supreme Court has reinstated Donald Trump’s travel ban that has been
heavily criticized by the public and of course, the mainstream media.
The ban is a temporary measure that will halt travel from six countries
in and around the middle east including Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen,
Syria, and Iran. It is being reported as a minor victory by the
aforementioned MSM because there is a caveat to the ban being allowed.
If a person has a sick or injured relative in the United States, then
they may have a bona fide reason for being able to skip past the travel
ban. Other than that, the ban is on. Before the Supreme Court’s
ruling, it was struck down by a temporary injunction coming from Federal
Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii then Theodore Chuang of Maryland and was
upheld by the 4th and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.Much of the opposition to the travel ban is politically motivated. Maybe even personal. Derrick Watson is a native Hawaiian who attended Harvard Law School with Barack Obama. He was appointed by Obama as well. 48 hours before Watson issued the injunction which halted Trump’s travel ban, Barack Obama just happened to take a trip to Hawaii. Could be a coincidence or it could be fishy as when Bill Clinton intercepted Loretta Lynch as soon as she landed in Phoenix Arizona while she was the Attorney General in charge of the Department of Justice’s investigation into Hillary alongside the FBI. And the 9th Circuit Court of appeals has a history of decisions based on liberal activism and 80% of them get overturned.
The travel ban is up for formal talks in the court in September of 2017 but for now, it is back in place thanks to the majority conservative Supreme Court. Neil Gorsuch is the first Supreme Court appointee by Donald Trump and may not be his last since Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer are now elderly. Also, conservative justice Anthony Kennedy may retire soon. This situation could mean that Trump has the opportunity to appoint in total, 4 new conservative justices which would tip the scales of balance 7-2 in favor of conservatives which would help shape the direction of the country into the foreseeable future.
Travel Ban Now Enforceable, Not A Muslim Ban
Published on Jun 27, 2017
Travel Ban has been heavily criticized by the left who claims that its a
muslim ban. However the entire Supreme Court Ruled in favor of Trumps
Travel Ban proving that it is constitutional and doesn't discriminate
against Muslims. It's interesting to note that the 6 countries on the
travel ban aren't even the countries with the highest populations of
Muslims which aren't included on the ban.