Radical left launches scorched earth policy against free speech
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/leaked-docs-brock-conspires-with-facebook-google-to-shut-down-conservative-media/;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Hard-left political activist David Brock,
founder of Media Matters – the father of “Fake News” – is working with
co-conspirators Google and Facebook to implement a strategy designed to
ban conservative and libertarian websites, including Infowars.com.This is especially a problem given attempts being made by Eric Schmidt, the founder of the multinational conglomerate Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, to cozy up to the Trump administration.
On Dec. 14, 2016, Schmidt was included in a group of prominent tech industry executives that met with then President-elect Donald Trump in a much-publicized meeting.
On Jan. 17, 2017, Politico reported that Schmidt was sited at an unannounced visit to Trump Tower, where he lunched privately with Jared Kushner, Trump’s real estate magnate son-in-law married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka in 2009, who has emerged to be named a Senior Advisor to his father-in-law in the White House
In briefing book entitled “Media Matters, The Top Watchdog Against Fake News and Propaganda: Transforming the Media Landscape” (obtained by the Free Beacon) that Brock published privately in January to solicit donors, Brock asserts in the first sentence, “The onslaught of well-funded right-wing media brings with it significant challenges.”
This first sentence telegraphs that by creating and advancing the narrative of “Fake News,” Brock is trying to launch what the hard-left calls “a meme.”
That “meme” or theme is designed to discredit news media that dare publish conservative views differing from the hard-left news reported by CNN and MSNBC, as well as increasingly by the New York Times – the object of several recent President Trump tweet attacks.
On the first page, Brock targets Breitbart.com as having received “millions in funding from extremist billionaires close to the Trump administration,” while providing “a nexus point for the so-called alt-right (the newest branding for white nationalism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny) to exploit vulnerabilities through the media landscape.”
Note here that Brock is also creating a narrative – adding to the meme – that the “alt-right” (another term created by Brock and the hard-left to attack conservatives) are haters – characterized as “white nationalists, anti-Semites, and misogynists” – the new hate tags Brock and his co-conspirators on the hard-left intend to apply (along with the accusation of being “racists”) on any news agency that refuses to uncritically parrot a hard-left ideological interpretation of current events.
Brock leaves no doubt that Google and Facebook are his co-conspirators in advancing the “Fake News” meme against news organizations like Infowars.com. Consider Media Matter’s clearly articulated strategy that Brock lays out on page two of his briefing book:
“Over the next four years, Media Matters will focus on achieving the following outcomes:
“Serial misinformers and right-wing propagandists inhabiting everything from social media to the highest levels of government will be exposed.
“Internet and social media platforms, like Google and Facebook, will no longer uncritically and without consequence host and enrich fake news sites and propagandists.
“Toxic alt-right social media-fueled harassment campaigns that silence dissent and poison our national discourse will be punished and halted.” (Bold type in the original document)
Clearly, Brock intends to continue directing Media Matters as a hard-left attack machine with no respect for the First Amendment that will inevitably target news organizations like Infowars.com not only to shut Infowars.com down, but also to punish Alex Jones and all others associated with Infowars.com
On Nov. 14, 2016, six days after Donald J. Trump was elected president, the New York Times reported Google announced a policy that would ban websites “that peddle fake news” from using its online advertising service. Hours later, Facebook updated the language in its Facebook Audience Network policy amending the policy to specify that Facebook “will not display ads in sites that show misleading or legal content, to include fake news sites.”
On Jan. 25, 2007, Recode.com reported that Google, since declaring the policy against “fake news,” has banned 200 publishers from using its AdSense network, an ad placement service that automatically places text and display ads on participating sites based on audience characteristics. Recode further reported Google declined to provide a listing of the banned sites.
On Jan. 26, 2017, Lachan Markay reported in the Washington Free Beacon that Media Matters had launched a petition campaign during the 2016 presidential campaign aimed at pressuring Facebook into prohibiting “Fake News” website to accept Media Matters goal of getting Facebook to “adjust its model to stem the flow of damaging fake news from its platform pages.”
In his briefing book, Brock acknowledged that while Google was a relatively easy sale on “fake news,” Facebook was a much harder sale, with Mark Zuckerberg initially calling the notion that “fake news is a problem” is “crazy.”
So what did Media Matters do?
“In November, we launched a campaign pressuring Facebook to: 1) acknowledge the problem of the proliferation of fake news on Facebook and its consequences for our democracy and 2) commit to taking action to fix the problem.”
Brock reported that “as a result of our push for accountability,” Facebook was responsive to both requests.
David Brock, "Killing the Messenger"
Published on Dec 14, 2015
David Brock discusses his book, "Killing the Messenger: The Right-Wing
Plot to Derail Hillary and Hijack Your Government" which chronicles his
evolution from the right to the left. Mr. Brock talks about the battle
between the left and the right to control story lines and political
messages for the 2016 election.
Apple/Google Censor Joe Rogan And Alex Jones
Published on Feb 9, 2017
The two tech giants are doing their best to suppress the powerful Alex Jones and Joe Rogan podcast where Alex revealed their master plans
Published on Feb 9, 2017
The two tech giants are doing their best to suppress the powerful Alex Jones and Joe Rogan podcast where Alex revealed their master plans