SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/11/pope-denounces-epidemic-animosity-muslim-migrants.html/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
I am beginning to believe that somebody somewhere has something on this turncoat tool. He has abandoned his flock — the hundreds of thousands of Christians subjugated, oppressed and slaughtered under Islamic law are all but forgotten by their “fearless” leader.
Despicable. Related:
Pope to Christians: You’re Hypocrites, If You Don’t Want Refugees
Pope: welcoming refugees helps keeps us safe from terrorism
Pope Francis denies that Islam is violent
Pope: “The world is at war,” but “not a religious war,” “all religions teach peace”
Pope Francis: Muslim Terrorism is the West’s Fault
Pope Dropped Christian Refugees, Takes ONLY MUSLIMS To Vatican Instead
VIDEO: Pope says Quran is a book of peace and Islam is not a violent religion
Pope: welcoming refugees helps keeps us safe from terrorism
Pope Francis denies that Islam is violent
Pope: “The world is at war,” but “not a religious war,” “all religions teach peace”
Pope Francis: Muslim Terrorism is the West’s Fault
Pope Dropped Christian Refugees, Takes ONLY MUSLIMS To Vatican Instead
VIDEO: Pope says Quran is a book of peace and Islam is not a violent religion
This is now a vicious pattern — the Pope stands with the most anti-Christian retrograde force in the world.
Pope denounces “epidemic of animosity against Muslim migrants
“We see, for example, how quickly those among us with the status of a stranger, an immigrant, or a refugee, become a threat, take on the status of an enemy. An enemy because they come from a distant country or have different customs. An enemy because of the color of their skin, their language or their social class. An enemy because they think differently or even have a different faith.”This is outstandingly disingenuous, and simply reflects the talking points of the European and North American elites — that opposition to the Muslim migrant influx is a manifestation of “racism” and “xenophobia,” when it is really a concern about jihad terror. Pope Francis would apparently prefer that Europeans and North Americans be murdered in jihad attacks than that Muslim migration be slowed or halted in an attempt to prevent this.“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)“The pope has spoken out against an ‘epidemic of animosity’ against immigrants and other faiths,” by Philip Pullella, Reuters, November 19, 2016:VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Pope Francis on Saturday said an “epidemic of animosity” against people of other races or religions was hurting the weakest in society, as he struck a note of caution against the rise of populist nationalism.Little more than a week after Donald Trump was elected the next U.S. president, buoying anti-immigrant parties in Europe and elsewhere, the pope said people should not be seen as enemies just because they were different.“We see, for example, how quickly those among us with the status of a stranger, an immigrant, or a refugee, become a threat, take on the status of an enemy,” Francis said at a ceremony to induct new cardinals.“An enemy because they come from a distant country or have different customs. An enemy because of the color of their skin, their language or their social class. An enemy because they think differently or even have a different faith,” he said.While not naming any country, Francis appeared to refer to the anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attitudes that surfaced during the U.S. campaign and since the election.The U.S. Justice Department said on Friday it was investigating reports of intimidation and harassment, including in schools and churches since the election.“How many wounds grow deeper due to this epidemic of animosity and violence, which leaves its mark on the flesh of many of the defenseless, because their voice is weak and silenced by this pathology of indifference,” the pope said.The Church itself was not immune to “a virus of polarization and animosity,” he said, an apparent reference to a public challenge to the pope by four conservative cardinals, who accused him of sowing confusion on important moral issues…
Pope Grants Priests False Right
To Forgive Abortion
Published on Nov 21, 2016
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs breaks down how Pope Francis has granted powers to priests to forgive abortion and here I thought that was something only God could do.
Mark 2:10-"But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins"
“I henceforth grant to all priests, in virtue of their ministry, the faculty to absolve those who have committed the sin of procured abortion,” he wrote, extending the permission past the temporary Year of Mercy to an indefinite status. “I wish to restate as firmly as I can that abortion is a grave sin, since it puts an end to an innocent life,” Bergoglio continued. “In the same way, however, I can and must state that there is no sin that God’s mercy cannot reach and wipe away when it finds a repentant heart seeking to be reconciled with the Father. May every priest, therefore, be a guide, support and comfort to penitents on this journey of special reconciliation.”
Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries of Plano, Texas told Christian News Network. “No priest can forgive sins because the Bible declares only God can forgive sins (Mark 2:7). Even Peter instructed Simon the magician to go directly to God to have his sin forgiven (Acts 8:22-23).”
He said that Catholics need to know that they can go to God themselves through the blood of Christ, and expressed concern that Bergoglio is “deceiv[ing] people about life’s most critical issue: how can I be forgiven and be made right with God?”
“This declaration by pope continues to give Catholics a false hope,” Gendron stated. “Catholics need to know that divine forgiveness can only be received by repenting and believing the Gospel of grace (Luke 24:47; 1 John 1:9). Forgiveness cannot be obtained through sacraments and indulgences, only through faith in Christ alone.”
Muslims pray by Rome's Colosseum
in protest over mosque shortage
Italy: “Give us back our mosques or we will pray to Allah in the Vatican”
SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/11/italy-give-us-back-mosques-will-pray-allah-vatican.html/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
_____________________________________________________________ITALY: “GIVE US BACK OUR MOSQUES OR WE WILL PRAY TO ALLAH IN THE VATICAN”
The Pope should welcome them into the Vatican and give them a church to pray in. After all, he just said: “We see, for example, how quickly those among us with the status of a stranger, an immigrant, or a refugee, become a threat, take on the status of an enemy. An enemy because they come from a distant country or have different customs. An enemy because of the color of their skin, their language or their social class. An enemy because they think differently or even have a different faith.”The Pope doesn’t want to be thought of us one who thinks of Muslims as “an enemy because they think differently or even have a different faith,” does he? Open up the Vatican to Muslims, Pope Francis!“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)“Muslims in Italy: ‘Give Us Back Our Mosques or We Will Pray to Allah in the Vatican,’” by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, November 10, 2016:Despite a major Muslim protest at the Colosseum against the closure of illegal mosques, Rome police have continued shutting down so-called “garage mosques,” and now Muslims are threatening to invade Saint Peter’s Basilica to pray there.This week, authorities closed down another makeshift mosque in Rome for failure to meet building norms and for non-compliance with safety standards, the sixth such mosque-closing in the last months.In response, Muslims in Rome have threatened to invade the Vatican to pray in Saint Peter’s Basilica, which Italian media are calling Islamic “blackmail.”“As many as 300 people can pray here; where will we go if it’s closed?”, said a young Muslim man identified only as “Hussein,” who works in a hardware store not from one of the “Islamic centers” that police have closed.This center is located in the eastern suburbs, a district where half of the inhabitants are Muslims and the heart of the Islamic protest against the closure of Islamic places of worship.“We live here, we work here, we cannot go to pray in Parioli [the other side of town],” says Anwar, the president of a neighborhood prayer hall.“The problem must be solved at the social and political level,” said Bachcu, the organizer of the Coliseum protest. “Continuing with the closings will not solve anything. A prayer room cannot be closed due to a problem in urban planning. Prayer is our fundamental right and if they insist on shutting down the mosques, we will pray in the streets,” he said.A number in Rome’s Muslim community have suggested staging a more provocative protest in the form of a “flash mob.”“They wanted to go and pray ‘Allahu Akbar’ throughout the city, all the way to the Vatican,” said Bachcu. “In the end we managed to stop them, but if they start these initiatives, what do we do?”Last month, thousands of Muslims gathered outside the Roman Colosseum to protest the closures of a number of “garage mosques,” purportedly to avoid young people becoming radicalized.During the demonstration, an imam led the group in chanting “Allahu Akbar,” as they prostrated themselves on the ground….
Muslim Migrant crisis in Milan:
150 soldiers ordered into chaos-hit city
after horror knife fight
SEE: http://pamelageller.com/2016/11/muslim-migrant-chaos-milan-150-soldiers-ordered-chaos-hit-city-horror-knife-fight.html/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Europe is on the edge of a precipice. We will see more of this in the coming months and years as the West faces the consequences of Al-Hijrah — jihad by immigration.
Build the Trump Wall: we need a say in who comes in.
“We will send 150 more soldiers to Milan to support the police, who are already operating at the highest level,” — Angelino Alfano, Interior minister
Why? Why let them in?
_______________________________________________________________MIGRANT CRISIS IN MILAN: 150 SOLDIERS ORDERED INTO CHAOS-HIT CITY AFTER HORROR KNIFE FIGHT
By Rehema Figueiredo and Maria Ortega, The Express, Nov 21, 2016THE ITALIAN government is planning to send in 150 soldiers into Milan over claims the city is at breaking point because of an influx of migrantsGETTY Angelino Alfano, Italy’s Interior minister is sending in troops to deal with the migrants
Interior minister, Angelino Alfano, added he would double the number of officers in the army to handle the chaos.Mr Alfano said: “We will send 150 more soldiers to Milan to support the police, who are already operating at the highest level.“When I became minister there were 400 military officers. The goal is to double that number.” The minister was speaking at a security summit in Milan where the city’s mayor, Giuseppe Sala, said he begged the government to intervene after the city became overrun with migrants.Mayor Sala said: “We are working to prevent and take action where necessary, so we asked the government to increase the number of soldiers that are already in the city.”During the summit, which was held in the Palazzo Marino, it was also decided that military will be redirected from Rome to the city to deal with the crisis. GETTY Italian police are already stretched to capacity GETTY The city of Milan is reaching breaking point The mayor and government minister said the army will be in charge of “supervision of sensitive sites” while police will look after other key places such as the main train station where migrant gangs gather.Mayor Sala said: “We believe in the use of mixed patrols and more military officers will strengthen those forces in the most difficult routes and meeting places.”The announcement comes after a knife fight broke out between migrants from the Philippines in the city. GETTY The government says Milan has already had more than its quota of migrants
The mayor also announced he his halting all new arrivals of migrants in the city until the situation is under control.
Mr Alfano said the city had “already done its part” to help deal with the migrant crisis and Italy needed a more coordinated effort between cities to make sure all were pulling their weight.He added: “It has reached its quota. There will be a stop to migrant arrivals. The weight of immigration feels heavy because there are municipalities that do not accept migrants and others have to cope. We’ll try to get them to work together.” GETTYItaly’s Interior Minister has said no more migrants can enter the city
Mark Steyn - Europe could sink into chaos
due to Muslim immigration
'Stop Invasion!' Thousands protest
at anti-immigration rally in Italy
Published on Oct 19, 2014
Thousands of people took to the streets of Milan on Saturday as anti-immigration demonstrators from the right-wing Lega Nord party were confronted by an anti-racism rally.