
Wednesday, August 10, 2016


NWO Pope Plus President Hillary Equals Hell On Earth

Published on Aug 9, 2016
New Age Author Alice Bailey, the woman behind the new age religion found in the United Nations said "There is no question, therefore, that the work to be done in familiarizing the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity ... When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have ... the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation."

What appears to be a simple prayer is actually echoed by NWO Pope Francis calling for “a new humanity” and insisting Christians and Muslims both “worship the one God…”

Michael Snyder writes “ Pope Francis told hundreds of thousands of young people gathered for World Youth Day in Poland that they need to “believe in a new humanity” and that they should refuse “to see borders as barriers”.

In May 2016: Pope Francis welcomed one of the top Sunni clerics in the world to the Vatican, and he reportedly told the cleric that “our meeting is the message“.

In September 2015: Pope Francis traveled to New York City to deliver a speech that kicked off a conference during which the United Nations unveiled a “new universal agenda” for humanity.

In November 2015: Pope Francis declared that fundamentalism, even Christian fundamentalism, is a “sickness” during remarks in which he stressed the similarity of the major religions.

In July 2015: During a trip to Ecuador, Pope Francis spoke of the need for “a new economic and ecological world order” in which the wealth of the planet is “shared by everyone”. Pope Francis also denounced global capitalism and refers to its excesses as the “dung of the devil“.

In June 2015: Pope Francis called for “a new global political authority” that would have the resources necessary “to deal with the world’s economic problems and injustices”.

In June 2014: For the first time in the history of Catholicism, Pope Francis authorized “Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran” at the Vatican. In ancient times, this would have been considered blasphemy, but today nobody really even notices when something like this happens.


Steve Quayle: The Pope's Secret Alliance With Islam Is Out

Published on Aug 11, 2016
Guest Steve Quayle talks with Alex Jones about the attempt by the global elite to re-shape the world and turn it into 3rd World Status.