American woman who died of measles was previously vaccinated against measles… total failure of vaccine covered up by quack vaccine propagandists
SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/american-woman-died-measles-previously-vaccinated-measles-total-failure-vaccine-covered-quack-vaccine-propagandists/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
(NaturalNews) Ever since a woman from Washington state sadly passed away last week from what was reported as “measles,” the vaccine zealots have been in a frenzy, declaring that everyone needs to be vaccinated against the measles or more people might die.
But now the Daily Mail in the UK has revealed this woman was already vaccinated against the measles!
“A woman who became the first person to die of the measles in the U.S. in 12 years had been vaccinated against the disease,” reports the Daily Mail.
Not only was she already vaccinated against the measles, it was other Big Pharma medications that ultimately killed her! As the Daily Mail reports, “Dr. Jeanette Stehr-Green, the Clallam County health officer, told KOMO-TV the woman had been vaccinated as a child, but because she had other health problems and was taking medications that interfered with her response to an infection ‘she was not protected.’”
Woman’s tragic death demonstrates the total failure of vaccines to offer the protection they claim
In other words, the woman’s immune system was compromised by pharmaceuticals, and the so-called “immunization” of a measles vaccine failed to work. But the vaccine-pushing U.S. media twisted the story around, withholding from the public the fact that this woman was already vaccinated and that her immune system was compromised by FDA-approved medications.
Even though this death clearly demonstrates the total failure of measles vaccines and immune-destroying medications, the vaccine-worshipping medical establishment can’t resist using this woman’s death as yet another reason to call for mass vaccination of the entire population. Every death is an “opportunity” for the vaccine industry to push yet more vaccines that will also fail in other people, contributing to yet more preventable deaths from infectious disease.
Yet the propaganda rolls on…
“This tragic situation illustrates the importance of immunizing as many people as possible to provide a high level of community protection against measles,” Washington State Department of Health spokesman Donn Moyer told the Daily Mail. “People with compromised immune systems cannot be vaccinated against measles. Even when vaccinated, they may not have a good immune response when exposed to disease; they may be especially vulnerable to disease outbreaks.”
In other words, Donn Moyer just admitted that vaccines don’t work on immunocompromised individuals.
And how do they get immunocompromised in the first place? By taking FDA-approved medications manufactured by the vaccine-producing drug companies.
Somehow this is all blamed on people who take no medications and no vaccines while living with healthy immune systems that naturally defend against infectious disease. Yep, every time a person vaccinated against measles dies of the measles, it’s the fault of people who protect their immune systems by intentionally avoiding dangerous drugs and injections of toxic vaccine ingredients.
Guess where she contracted the measles? At a hospital!
By the way, care to guess where this unfortunate woman actually contracted the measles? At a hospital, of course!
“The woman was hospitalized for several health conditions in the spring at a facility in Clallam County, which covers the northern part of the Olympic Peninsula. She was there at the same time as a person who later developed a rash and was contagious for measles, Moyer said. That’s when the woman most likely was exposed,” reports Komo News. “She was on medications that contributed to her weakened immune system,” Moyer told Komo News.
So let me get this straight: This woman is victimized by the medical establishment, infected in a hospital, immunocompromised by Big Pharma’s toxic medications, given a false sense of protection from a failed measles vaccine, but somehow her death isexploited by the vaccine industry to push for even more vaccines?
Vaccine quackery on parade
Now I’m absolutely sure the vaccine industry is even loonier than I suspected. Vaccine “quack logic” is on full parade, folks, when even the deaths of people who were already vaccinated against the disease are somehow blamed on everybody else.
Is it possible the woman would still be alive and well today if she wasn’t vaccinated, over-medicated and then infected at the hospital in the first place?
Sadly, this woman is yet another person who was KILLED by Western medicine!She’s not alone, either. There are 783,000 deaths each year in the U.S. alone that are caused by doctors, hospitals, and FDA-approved pharmaceuticals. See the Death By Medicine study and statistics.
Can you imagine the massive outcry from the medical community if a woman died from a disease after taking an herbal remedy that claimed to prevent that disease? Newspapers across the country would parlay that into a national frenzy and call for the FDA to ban all herbs, claiming they don’t work! But when a vaccine doesn’t work, somehow that’s proof that even more people need to get vaccinated. That’s some serious quack medicine logic for ya. Quackadoodledooooo!
(All fun aside, technically the faith-based belief in vaccines in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence is defined as a religion or cult. The “cult of scientism.”)
By the way, if we’re now being told that “vaccine don’t work when you combine them with other medications,” then holy smokes, that’s a whole new realization somebody needs to tell California Gov. Jerry Brown, because he just stripped away the medical freedom of all parents under the false assumption that vaccines work all the time for everyone… and he never mentioned vaccines don’t work when people are on other medications.
Maybe it’s time the vaccine propagandists started being held responsible for all the people they’ve killed, brain damaged and made autistic with their inhumane, quack-science vaccine idiocy. The real solution to preventing infectious disease is to promote healthy children with strong immune systems, not to keep destroying their immune systems with medications and toxic vaccine adjuvants that can cause brain damage, autism, seizures and even death.
Learn more truth about vaccines the U.S. media deliberately refuses to report:
Sources for this story include:
SEE: http://www.nvic.org/
HB 91
Allows the Division of Public Health to review and approve medical exemptions
Location: | DE |
Title: | Allows the Division of Public Health to review and approve medical exemptions |
Identifier: | HB 91 |
Stance: | OPPOSE |
Action Required: | Contact your State Senator and ask them to VOTE NO on HB 91 |
Status: | Passed the full senate on July 1, 2015 |
Description: | |
UPDATE: 7/2/2015 - HB 91 passed the full senate and will now go to the governor.
UPDATE: 6/30/2015 - HB 91 passed the full house on June 16 and the Senate Health and Social Services Committee on June 24, 2015.
UPDATE: HB 91 passed out of the Education Committee on May 13, 2015.
http://legis.delaware.gov/LIS/LIS148.NSF/d81ce478bd9ae572852568730079e2fe/928d5f993676f85085257e4400733569?OpenDocument - committee report
HB 91 was introduced on 4/16/2015 and referred to the House Education Committee. This bill is sponsored by Representative Sean Matthews.
This bill would make medical exemptions subject to review and approval by the Division of Public Health. By adding the following to existing law (underlined below): (5) Provision for exemption from any or all of the immunization program prescribed for a particular enrollee upon a written statement from a physician, i.e., medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy, stating that the enrollee should not receive the prescribed immunization or immunizations required in the basic series because of the reasonable certainty of a reaction detrimental to that person. The asserted cause of medical exemption may be subject to review and approval by the Division of Public Health.
The bill changes the definition of when a child can be excluded from school from when there is throughout the State or in a particular definable region of the State an epidemic to an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease or if in the estimation of the Division of Public Health any child has had or is at risk of having an exposure to a vaccine preventable disease
The bill also adds language to the religious belief affidavit that a parent must sign.
According to the summary for HB 91 - Currently, the Affidavit of Religious Belief does not expressly alert parents or guardians who file for the religious exemption from the program that the child will be temporarily excluded from school in the event of an epidemic of a vaccine preventable disease. This bill amends the required affidavit so parents or guardians are directly made aware of the possibility of the child’s temporary exclusion from school. The bill also adds that the asserted cause of a medical exemption may be subject to review and approval by the Division of Public Health. Additionally, the bill would require the Division of Public Health to declare an outbreak, rather than the current language of an epidemic throughout the State or a particular definable region thereof.
- text of HB 91
http://legis.delaware.gov/LIS/LIS148.NSF/vwLegislation/HB+91?Opendocument - status and history for HB 91
SEE: http://news.delaware.gov/2012/08/03/governor-signs-two-bills-helping-those-with-hearing-loss/"House Bill 384, sponsored by Rep. Quinn Johnson, updates the Universal Newborn and Infant Hearing Screening Act to require tracking and intervention protocol to address this critical issue. Currently, all hospitals are performing hearing screenings on all infants just after birth. Under the new law, hospitals and audiologists are required to report follow-up hearing evaluations of infants to the Division of Public Health within 10 days of the evaluation."
Welcome To Fascist California; Takes Away Informed Consent for Minor Outbreaks:
Published on Jul 2, 2015
David Knight breaks down how your right to informed consent is being stripped from you and how important it is that you fight for it.
David Knight breaks down how your right to informed consent is being stripped from you and how important it is that you fight for it.
Forced Vaccination Becomes Law in California
California Law Passes Turning Children into Bioweapons
Jim Carrey Slams California Governor Over Forced Vaccinations Law
Published on Jul 2, 2015
Actor Jim Carrey recently came out against California's fascist SB 277 bill which mandates vaccines which begs the question, what else is he right about?
Actor Jim Carrey recently came out against California's fascist SB 277 bill which mandates vaccines which begs the question, what else is he right about?
California Democrats Now Target Adults
For Forced Vaccinations
Published on Jul 3, 2015
The result is that the battle over state-mandated vaccines is erupting into an all-out political war. A recall effort has begun against state Sen. Richard Pan, a Democrat and pediatrician who sponsored S.B. 277, along with a referendum campaign to repeal the bill.http://www.infowars.com/california-va...
The result is that the battle over state-mandated vaccines is erupting into an all-out political war. A recall effort has begun against state Sen. Richard Pan, a Democrat and pediatrician who sponsored S.B. 277, along with a referendum campaign to repeal the bill.http://www.infowars.com/california-va...
The Coming Medical Dictatorship
Published on Jul 7, 2015
“Stakeholders” — Health & Human Services (HHS), CDC, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, AMA & others — are making plans on how they will manage their inventory, their livestock — YOU. Removing informed consent from parents for childhood vaccinations is just the beginning. HHS is now pushing “The Adult Immunization Plan”.
“Stakeholders” — Health & Human Services (HHS), CDC, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, AMA & others — are making plans on how they will manage their inventory, their livestock — YOU. Removing informed consent from parents for childhood vaccinations is just the beginning. HHS is now pushing “The Adult Immunization Plan”.
“All healthcare professionals must ensure that adult patients are fully immunized.”
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/adult-immunization-push-medical-dictatorship/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
It’s happening under the leadership of the US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS):“The Adult Immunization Plan.”
(See National Adult Immunization Plan National Vaccine Program Office DRAFT: National Vaccine Program Office February 5, 2015 and also Solicitation of Written Comments on the Draft National Adult Immunization Plan (HHS, 02/06/2015))
The HHS is a cabinet agency under the President.
The goal of the Plan? To vastly increase the number of adults in the US who are vaccinated against diseases in accordance with the CDC schedule of vaccines.
Here are key quotes from the Plan:
“The HHS Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities includes a measure to increase the percentage of the minority population who receive the seasonal influenza vaccination.”
Translation: The government cares about minorities, and to prove it these persons will be injected with a variety of germs and toxic chemicals.
“Increase the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and immunization information systems (IIS) to collect and track adult immunization data.”
Translation: expose confidential patient medical records to many doctors and government agencies, in order to discover all adults who aren’t up to speed on their vaccinations—and therefore must get the shots. Goodbye, privacy. Goodbye, unencumbered free choice.
“Educate and encourage other groups (e.g., community-
and faith-based groups) to promote the importance of adult immunization…A variety of networks can be leveraged, including faith-based and community organizations and individual trusted leaders.”
and faith-based groups) to promote the importance of adult immunization…A variety of networks can be leveraged, including faith-based and community organizations and individual trusted leaders.”
Translation: Step up government-initiated propaganda at all levels of society, in order to convince adults to come forward and receive their injections.
“All healthcare professionals must ensure that adult patients are fully immunized.”
Translation: During every office visit, doctors must check the vaccination status of their adult patients and pressure them to take their injections.
“The Affordable Care Act [Obamacare]…will help make prevention [vaccination] affordable and accessible for all Americans by requiring health plans to cover preventive [vaccination] services…”
Translation: Increased taxes and the rabid printing of new money will ensure that many more Americans are injected with a variety of germs and toxic chemicals.
The Adult Immunization Plan doesn’t specify compulsory mandated vaccination, but it certainly moves in that direction. Tracking, surveillance, propaganda, doctor-applied pressure are its features.
Note the connection of the Adult Vaccination Plan to Obamacare. As I warned several years ago, one of the main features of Obamacare is the step-by-step evolution toward medical slavery.
As with any health insurance plan, there comes a complete list of diseases and disorders that are covered, as well as the permitted treatments for each condition.
Eventually, this list IS what medical diagnosis and treatment consist of—and nothing else.
No choice for patients, no choice for doctors.
Government makes all the decisions.
Universal coverage for both childhood and adult vaccinations is now on the Obamacare list.
Pressure to comply now, forced obedience later.
In military terms, this is a pincer movement. State legislatures are now considering new bills to limit or entirely cut off vaccine-exemptions.
Media are falling in line. “Experts” are virulently supporting mandated vaccines for all, under the banner of “protect the children.”
Public schools are overtly lying, telling parents their children must be fully vaccinated in order to enroll, when in fact the parents can opt out with exemptions that the states still allow.
Dumbed-down members of the public are responding to all this with: “What? Vaccines aren’t absolutely required for everybody already? I’m shocked. I thought they were.”
The freedom and the right to refuse medication is the last bastion. It must not fall.
Highly publicized lawsuits must be filed by honorable and relentless attorneys now. One basis for such suits is informed consent. By law, all patients must be informed, by their doctors, about the risks associated with any medicine, including vaccines, before such medications are taken. Vaccine manufacturers’ package inserts spell out some of the major risks and dangers.
Consider this: informed consent absolutely implies that the patient can refuse the medication. He has that freedom. Otherwise, “informed” means nothing and “consent” means nothing.
How can informed consent have any practical force if the patient must take the medicine?
That would be like saying, “I’m now going to tell you about the dangers of jumping out of this plane without a parachute. The law compels me to spell out the dangers. But when I’m through, you will jump out of the plane.”
This is a sword an attorney can hold and use.
Of course, the monolithic State will argue that protection of the population outweighs any consideration of individual freedom and informed consent. The State always and forever argues in that fashion, in all cases, in all matters.
That is why it is the State. It seeks, first and foremost, to expand its own power. It spreads like a fungus.
Children at Detention Center Given
Adult Doses of Hepatitis A Vaccine
SEE: http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-detention-center-hepatitis-20150704-story.html
Will this Make California Repeal SB277?
Rehabilitation of John Berchielli
What This Former Merck Salesman Knows About Vaccines That You Don’t
Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck & Co. Wouldn't Vaccinate His Son
Dr Brian Hooker "Richard Pan is full of it."
Medical Gestapo Asking About Guns, Transgender and More
Will this Make California Repeal SB277?
Published on Jul 8, 2015
By some bizarre coincidence, a former volunteer for California Senator Pan was seriously injured after receiving a vaccine. Film maker Telly Blackwood chronicles the struggle of his friend, John Berchielli, as he recovers from a dibilitating vaccine-related injury.
By some bizarre coincidence, a former volunteer for California Senator Pan was seriously injured after receiving a vaccine. Film maker Telly Blackwood chronicles the struggle of his friend, John Berchielli, as he recovers from a dibilitating vaccine-related injury.
Rehabilitation of John Berchielli
Published on Jul 7, 2015
A close friend of mine is struggling for his life after mysteriously coming down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and a stroke after receiving a 3 in 1 Vaccine! He is a former 7 year volunteer and Nemesis of Dr. Richard Pan. In this video we take venture to Sutter Roseville to hear what John has to say about Dr. Pan and #SB277 Please like comment and share and lets get some attention to the 20k plus people a year that are coming down with this syndrome!
A close friend of mine is struggling for his life after mysteriously coming down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and a stroke after receiving a 3 in 1 Vaccine! He is a former 7 year volunteer and Nemesis of Dr. Richard Pan. In this video we take venture to Sutter Roseville to hear what John has to say about Dr. Pan and #SB277 Please like comment and share and lets get some attention to the 20k plus people a year that are coming down with this syndrome!
Poisoned by a Vaccination John Berchielli
What This Former Merck Salesman Knows About Vaccines That You Don’t
Published on Jul 7, 2015
People who have adverse reactions to vaccinations are marginalized, minimized and denied just compensation for their injuries. We take a look at the personal story of a man just injured from a vaccination, who had ironically worked for the California Senator who authored SB277 that removes parental informed consent for vaccinations.
And a former drug rep for Merck who sold vaccines tells why he would never vaccinate his children.
WOMAN WHO DIED OF MEASLES WAS VACCINATED - http://www.infowars.com/american-woma...
HOW TO FIGHT MANDATORY VACCINATION LAWS - http://www.infowars.com/how-to-fight-...
THOUSANDS OF UK GIRLS INJURED BY HPV VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/thousands-of-...
VOLUNTEER FOR PRO-SB277 SENATOR HOSPITALIZED AFTER VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/volunteer-for...
VACCINE ‘PIONEER’ ADMITS ADDING CANCER-CAUSING VIRUS TO VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/vaccine-pione...
NURSE REVEALS ROUTINE VACCINE-INDUCED INJURIES - http://www.infowars.com/nurse-reveals...
People who have adverse reactions to vaccinations are marginalized, minimized and denied just compensation for their injuries. We take a look at the personal story of a man just injured from a vaccination, who had ironically worked for the California Senator who authored SB277 that removes parental informed consent for vaccinations.
And a former drug rep for Merck who sold vaccines tells why he would never vaccinate his children.
WOMAN WHO DIED OF MEASLES WAS VACCINATED - http://www.infowars.com/american-woma...
HOW TO FIGHT MANDATORY VACCINATION LAWS - http://www.infowars.com/how-to-fight-...
THOUSANDS OF UK GIRLS INJURED BY HPV VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/thousands-of-...
VOLUNTEER FOR PRO-SB277 SENATOR HOSPITALIZED AFTER VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/volunteer-for...
VACCINE ‘PIONEER’ ADMITS ADDING CANCER-CAUSING VIRUS TO VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/vaccine-pione...
NURSE REVEALS ROUTINE VACCINE-INDUCED INJURIES - http://www.infowars.com/nurse-reveals...
And a former drug rep for Merck who sold vaccines tells why he would never vaccinate his children.
WOMAN WHO DIED OF MEASLES WAS VACCINATED - http://www.infowars.com/american-woma...
HOW TO FIGHT MANDATORY VACCINATION LAWS - http://www.infowars.com/how-to-fight-...
THOUSANDS OF UK GIRLS INJURED BY HPV VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/thousands-of-...
VOLUNTEER FOR PRO-SB277 SENATOR HOSPITALIZED AFTER VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/volunteer-for...
VACCINE ‘PIONEER’ ADMITS ADDING CANCER-CAUSING VIRUS TO VACCINE - http://www.infowars.com/vaccine-pione...
NURSE REVEALS ROUTINE VACCINE-INDUCED INJURIES - http://www.infowars.com/nurse-reveals...
Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck & Co. Wouldn't Vaccinate His Son
Published on May 28, 2015
http://www.StopMandatoryVaccination.com - “If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and your doctor, you’re not doing enough research.” In 1991 Scott Cooper and his wife researched vaccine safety and efficacy, determined vaccines are NOT safe or effective, and refused to vaccinate their son. Interestingly, their son was much healthier than his vaccinated peers throughout childhood. At the time, Scott worked as a sales rep for Merck & Co., a large vaccine manufacturer, and he had dived deep into researching vaccines and the risk associated with vaccination. His Pediatrician was befuddled that Scott would not vaccinate, especially because he worked for a large vaccine manufacturer! His son continues to be healthy, and Scott and his wife have no regrets about not vaccinating their son.
A STOP Mandatory Vaccination Production
Produced by Larry Cook
Founder and Director of http://www.StopMandatoryVaccination.com
Contribute here: http://www.gofundme.com/ohwupg
http://www.StopMandatoryVaccination.com - “If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and your doctor, you’re not doing enough research.” In 1991 Scott Cooper and his wife researched vaccine safety and efficacy, determined vaccines are NOT safe or effective, and refused to vaccinate their son. Interestingly, their son was much healthier than his vaccinated peers throughout childhood. At the time, Scott worked as a sales rep for Merck & Co., a large vaccine manufacturer, and he had dived deep into researching vaccines and the risk associated with vaccination. His Pediatrician was befuddled that Scott would not vaccinate, especially because he worked for a large vaccine manufacturer! His son continues to be healthy, and Scott and his wife have no regrets about not vaccinating their son.
A STOP Mandatory Vaccination Production
Produced by Larry Cook
Founder and Director of http://www.StopMandatoryVaccination.com
Contribute here: http://www.gofundme.com/ohwupg
A STOP Mandatory Vaccination Production
Produced by Larry Cook
Founder and Director of http://www.StopMandatoryVaccination.com
Contribute here: http://www.gofundme.com/ohwupg
Dr Brian Hooker "Richard Pan is full of it."
Published on Jun 12, 2015
Dr Brian Hooker lays out a case against the vaccine industry and it's profit over people business model.
Mr. Hooker illustrates the nonsensical reasoning behind a one size fits all vaccine policy.
Citing the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System Hooker said, "There have been 500,000 adverse reactions reported since 1990. 3311 children have had their lives cut short due to a vaccine induced reaction. 1288 Adults and children have been permanently disabled or disfigured as a result of vaccines."
He goes on to point out that the momentum behind a nationwide push for stricter policy regarding medical freedom was spurred from an incident at Disneyland involving 159 individuals who have all since recovered. During that same period over 300 people have lost their lives due to vaccine reactions.
So what is the real health crisis? Measles and other childhood illnesses that humans have lived with and overcome for a millennia or a political system that is being manipulated by large corporations like Merck who profit regardless of whether or not people die and are maimed by their product?
Dr Brian Hooker lays out a case against the vaccine industry and it's profit over people business model.
Mr. Hooker illustrates the nonsensical reasoning behind a one size fits all vaccine policy.
Citing the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System Hooker said, "There have been 500,000 adverse reactions reported since 1990. 3311 children have had their lives cut short due to a vaccine induced reaction. 1288 Adults and children have been permanently disabled or disfigured as a result of vaccines."
He goes on to point out that the momentum behind a nationwide push for stricter policy regarding medical freedom was spurred from an incident at Disneyland involving 159 individuals who have all since recovered. During that same period over 300 people have lost their lives due to vaccine reactions.
So what is the real health crisis? Measles and other childhood illnesses that humans have lived with and overcome for a millennia or a political system that is being manipulated by large corporations like Merck who profit regardless of whether or not people die and are maimed by their product?
Mr. Hooker illustrates the nonsensical reasoning behind a one size fits all vaccine policy.
Citing the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System Hooker said, "There have been 500,000 adverse reactions reported since 1990. 3311 children have had their lives cut short due to a vaccine induced reaction. 1288 Adults and children have been permanently disabled or disfigured as a result of vaccines."
He goes on to point out that the momentum behind a nationwide push for stricter policy regarding medical freedom was spurred from an incident at Disneyland involving 159 individuals who have all since recovered. During that same period over 300 people have lost their lives due to vaccine reactions.
So what is the real health crisis? Measles and other childhood illnesses that humans have lived with and overcome for a millennia or a political system that is being manipulated by large corporations like Merck who profit regardless of whether or not people die and are maimed by their product?