An expert in geopolitics unveils harrowing details behind the ‘pandemic’
SEE:https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/05/video-covid-19-china-and-biological-weapons-frontpagemagcom; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
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This new episode of The Glazov Gang features J.R. Nyquist, an expert in geopolitics and the history of communism. He is author of many books, including his latest: The New Tactics of Global War. Visit his website at jrnyquist.blog.
Jeff discusses Covid-19, China and Biological Weapons Attacks, unveiling harrowing details behind the ‘pandemic.’
Don't miss it!
And make sure to watch Jack Posobiec, a One America News Correspondent and former Navy Intelligence Officer, focus on The Mandate of Xi. Jack tackles the question: Will Xi be able to hold on to power, and how can the US and our allies respond?
Follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.