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Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (shown) on Friday extended the states’ stay-at-home order through May 15 even while the state legislature prepares for a special session in which lawmakers aim to launch a committee to review her coronavirus polices.
“Data shows that most Michiganders are doing their part by staying home and staying safe. That’s good, but we must keep it up. Social distancing is our best weapon to defeat this enemy,” Whitmer said in a statement. “With new COVID-19 cases leveling off, however, we are lifting some of the restrictions put in place in the previous order.”“I want to be crystal clear: the overarching message today is still the same. We must all do our part by staying home and staying safe as much as possible,” the governor added.Whitmer’s earlier order was set to expire next week and is now being replaced with one that will prolong COVID-19 restrictions on businesses and individuals halfway through May.The new order tightens some restrictions while loosening others. For example, some businesses, such as landscapers and bike repair shops will now be able to get back to work — so long as they follow social-distancing rules. Those that sell “nonessential” supplies will be allowed to reopen for pickup and delivery only.But Michiganders will now be required to wear face coverings in enclosed public spaces. Employers must provide coverings to their employees.While the order does not specifically address the auto industry, an important element of Michigan’s economy, it mentions “transportation and logistics” and “critical manufacturing” as areas in which some employees could resume work.Whitmer warned that there would be “many waves” of coronavirus in the future for which the state must prepare with restrictions like those in place.“This is one of what will be many waves,” Whitmer said. “My hope is that we can contemplate the next one. But it all depends on if people observe these best practices, if we can keep the COVID-19 trajectory headed downward and if we can keep people safe.”The governor’s detractors have accused her of exceeding her authority with measures such as a ban on garden centers selling garden supplies and on people visiting relatives.These heavy-handed policies have prompted protests by Michigan residents.One such demonstration on Thursday took place right outside Whitmer’s home. Dubbed “Operation Queen’s Castle,” the protest featured an image of the governor wearing a crown.“We wanted to send Gretchen Whitmer a message, we didn’t want to surrender our liberties just for a little temporary safety,” said one of the event’s organizers.Additionally, landscaping companies, anglers, and others whose livelihoods have been impacted by the lockdown have filed lawsuits against Whitmer’s order.The new order addresses some of these issues. Garden centers, along with stores selling paint and flooring, will no longer be closed off. But places such as dine-in restaurants, gyms, and movie theaters will remain closed. Travel between residences will be allowed but “strongly discouraged.”The Republican-controlled legislature scheduled a special session for creating an oversight committee to review the governor’s order and potentially even strip her of her powers.“It’s possible to be concerned about public health, the economy and personal liberty all at the same time. It’s a false narrative that you must choose between them. I choose all three,” argued House Speaker Lee Chatfield. “We can take COVID-19 seriously yet be reasonable in our fight. Michigan needs a change ASAP.”The Detroit Free Press reported that the state Senate will consider repealing the 1945 Emergency Powers of the Governors Act, which has empowered Whitmer to declare a state of emergency. Another bill in consideration would cut the total length of the state of emergency from 28 days to 14.But such actions on the part of the legislature would be met with opposition. Whitmer has already to vowed to veto such bills should they be sent to her desk.While Michigan looks poised to remain on lockdown for at least several more weeks, some states are already moving to open back up.Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is allowing several businesses to resume operations, including barber shops, gyms, and hair salons. Dine-in restaurants and theaters will be able to open back up on Monday. This has sparked backlash from those who believe the state should wait much longer.Kemp says businesses must follow social-distancing guidelines, maintain proper sanitation, and screen their employees for fever and respiratory illness. He also points to the state’s drive-thru testing and policy of testing all symptomatic people.Oklahoma, Tennessee, South Carolina, Colorado, Idaho, Pennsylvania, and Vermont have relaxed some of their measures or are in the process of doing so.