Supporting Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance for 76th District
Earlier this week, I issued a statement expressing my complete support for Clinton and Centre counties to enact a Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance to protect law-abiding 76th District residents against unconstitutional gun control laws imposed in Harrisburg or Washington, D.C.
Some of the “unlawful acts” nullified by this Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance would include Red Flag Gun Confiscation orders, taxation of firearms and ammunition; registration or tracking of guns or gun owners; and any bans or restrictions on legally purchased firearms, ammunition or accessories.
Additionally, this ordinance would prohibit the use of county funds in the enforcement of the defined “unlawful acts.”
I look forward to working with my sheriffs, commissioners and if need be supervisors across the 76th District to get this job done and safeguard our sacred right to bear arms.
On Tuesday, I met with Clinton County commissioners and the sheriff to discuss this Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance. I plan to meet with Centre County officials in the near future.
My resolve is strong on this matter. There is no freedom without the ability to defend that freedom.
Stand with me to secure the 76th District as a Second Amendment Sanctuary County in both Clinton and Centre counties.