Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
Editors Note: Lunenburg County VA will vote on a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary resolution on Dec 12th, 2019.
Open Letter Supporting Lunenburg Virginia's Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
Lunenburg, Virginia – -( To whom it may concern,
I, Andrew Havens, a citizen of these United States for America and of the Commonwealth of Virginia, resident of Lunenburg County, Virginia, do hereby declare my full support for a resolution declaring Lunenburg Virginia a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.
While such action should not be necessary, I contend it is absolutely necessary for the following reasons:
A majority of politicians either currently in public office or slated to be sworn into public office on 8 January 2020 have made it known they fully intend to propose and pass unlawful legislation further restricting the rights of citizens of the commonwealth.
Said rights are God-given, guaranteed by both the Constitution for the United States of America and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia. These rights belong to the citizens by birth.
At no time has anyone elected, appointed or otherwise employed by the citizens of this commonwealth or this nation been granted authority to restrict or amend any of our God-given rights.
Such actions constitute a usurpation of authority and are therefore treasonous. Treasonous actions such as these are subject to immediate disqualification and removal from any public office and criminal charges filed.
Our constitutions – federal and state – were meant as limiting documents. The intent then and now is to limit what those selected are empowered to do in service to us citizens. In no way shape or manner were they ever intended to grant unlimited power and authority to any group or individual.
The resolution before the Lunenburg Board of Supervisors merely acknowledges our rights as citizens to stand up and claim what is rightfully ours – our birthrights.
I commend the Lunenburg Board of Supervisors for their brave stand against tyrannical politicians determined to run roughshod over our rights as citizens.
We citizens must also stand with the Board and other citizens in Virginia as well as our nation and demand not only such actions stop but the restoration of our birthright in the liberties intended by Almighty God and guaranteed by the founding documents of our nation and states.
In this informative video, Patriot Nurse discusses the gun sanctuary county movement in the news, highlighting the game of chicken being played by the Virginia Governor and Attorney General versus the people of Virginia. In times past, our forefathers recognized that their rights were not safeguarded by words on paper alone, but by their own ability to defend those rights against tyrants in every generation. From Bacon's Rebellion, to the American Revolution and the War for Southern Independence, Virginia has been the battleground and the bellwether for the people's tolerance of tyrannical oversteps.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
With his petition to the AG, Jones seems afraid that Second Amendment supporters are going to come down to Norfolk and “disproportionately harm” his constituents. At least that’s the excuse he’s using instead of coming flat out and admitting he doesn’t want you armed. (Jay Jones/Facebook)
U.S.A. – -(“A Democratic state delegate has asked Attorney General Mark Herring (D) for a formal opinion on the Second Amendment sanctuary declarations being passed in a growing number of conservative counties across the state,” the Virginia Mercury reported Dec. 2. “Del. Jay Jones, D-Norfolk, said a legal opinion could help clear up confusion on an issue that has ‘become a flashpoint across our state.’”
“The bills passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by the governor are binding for our entire Commonwealth and its citizens,” Jones complained in his letter to Herring. “The legal precedent we would set by allowing communities to selectively ignore those laws at will is alarming and indicative of the same mindset that nearly one hundred and fifty years ago led this country to dissolve into a civil war.”
See where he’s going with this? The people who want the Second Amendment upheld are the same people being painted as rightwing extremists, potential domestic terrorists and, the most damning smear of all, racists. And yes, of course, Jones played that card.
“Given the recurring incidents of gun violence in Norfolk and its surrounding areas, violence that has repeatedly been shown to disproportionately harm communities of color, it is my firm belief that it is incumbent on me as their elected representative to request action from your office on this matter,” Jones proselytized.
Just to be clear—rather than face up to the truth of who is doing the killings in his district, Jones is blaming the “disproportionate harm” committed by his Norfolk constituents on residents of counties like Tazewell, where the Board of Supervisors not only overwhelmingly passed a sanctuary resolution, but went a step further and passed a Militia resolution, both to overwhelming citizen approval. Who is kidding who?
But targeting them goes in hand with other proposed Intolerable Acts the Democrat majority is imposing. The prefiled anti-“paramilitary” edict is aimed squarely at that part of the population that believes in the Second Amendment as the ultimate check and balance retained by the people. So is the credit card gun purchase flagging bill, which postures to be about “homegrown violent extremists and other perpetrators of domestic terrorism.”
It’s curious that Jones, a politician virtually guaranteed his seat based on district demographics is complaining about Virginians in peaceable places like Tazewell County, rated “among the safest counties in the USA with 1.00 per 1,000 residents crime rate compared to national 4.69 per 1,000 average.” By comparison, Norfolk’s crime rate “was higher than in 85.2% of U.S. cities.”
It’s doubly curious that the man he’s complaining to, Mark Herring, who admitted to wearing “blackface” in college. While it’s tempting to excuse that as mere cognitive dissonance, what’s really going on is cynical manipulation of emotions by professional political con artists intent on swindling citizens out of their birthright. If there's one thing they are sincere about, it's getting more power.
They're doing that here by tarring those adhering to “the supreme Law of the Land” as “lawless,” and smearing those who advocate for the right of all people to keep and bear arms as haters.
For his part, Herring says “These laws, when they get passed, they’re going to be followed.”
We shall see.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
Richmond, VA –-( Democrats in the Commonwealth of Virginia are threatening communities that declare themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries.
On Wednesday, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam said that localities could face “consequences” if law enforcement officers don't enforce the new proposed gun laws.
“There's not going to be retaliation. That's not what I'm about. I'm about making Virginia safer,” Northam told reporters. “If we have constitutional laws on the books and law enforcement officers are not enforcing those laws on the books, then there are going to be consequences, but I'll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.”
Since the November election, Democrats have been proposing sweeping new gun control legislation. The Democrats, backed by Bloomberg money, took control of the Virginia legislature. Most of the state remains pro-gun.
Over 80 counties that have been feeling the threat of the proposed gun control bills have declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries. These counties have stated that they will not enforce laws that infringe on their citizen's right to bear arms.
The overwhelming Second Amendment Sanctuary movement has shocked and angered Democrats in the Virginia Commonwealth because of the supporters' belief in the sanctity of our Bill of Rights and the real nature and size of this organic grassroots movement by everyday citizens.
Congressman Gerry Connolly went even further than Gov. Northam. He pushed for prosecution of police officers that refuse to enforce the proposed unconstitutional laws.
“I would hope they either resign in good conscience, because they cannot uphold the law which they are sworn to uphold, or they're prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath,” Connolly told the Washington Examiner. “The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don't have a choice, not if you're a sworn officer of the law.”
Democratic Virginia Rep. Donald McEachin proposed cutting off state funds to counties that pass Second Amendment sanctuary ordinance. He wants to do what is tantamount to blackmail to force these localities to enforce gun laws that violate their citizen's rights.
“They certainly risk funding, because if the sheriff's department is not going to enforce the law, they're going to lose money. The counties' attorneys’ offices are not going to have the money to prosecute because their prosecutions are going to go down,” McEachin said.
McEachin said that the Governor could call in the National Guard to enforce the new gun laws. He would turn Virginia into a police state to satisfy the anti-gun lobby's thirst for gun-control.
“And ultimately, I'm not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” McEachin said. “That's his call, because I don't know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that's obviously an option he has.”
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring doubled down on enforcing the new gun-control measures. He played off counties passing Second Amendment sanctuary ordinances as a stunt by gun-rights groups. He implied that what these counties do is inconsequential and will have no bearing on the enforcement of new state gun laws.
“So, when Virginia passes these gun safety laws that they will be followed, they will be enforced,” Herring said.
Groups like Gun Owners of America think that these Democrats are hypocrites. They point to the Governor's support of immigration sanctuaries. GOA Executive Vice President Erich Pratt thinks Northam is acting more like a dictator than a governor.
“Gun-grabbing Democrats like Gov. ‘Blackface' Northam crow about how gun owners need to follow the law. But it is Northam and his minions who violate the ‘Rule of Law' every day,” Pratt told AmmoLand. “Consider Northam’s support for bogus laws that would imprison Virginians for simply possessing common firearms that are still legal to own and possess in all 50 states. He is running roughshod over the rights protected in the Constitution.”
“And he despises the fact that county supervisors and sheriffs would be so impertinent as to declare their counties as Second Amendment sanctuaries. Meanwhile, he has vetoed legislation to dismantle immigration sanctuaries, thus protecting people who have broken the law to enter the country.”
“Northam can’t have it both ways. He’s either for sanctuary counties or he’s against them.”
“Is the Governor going to follow Rep. Gerry Connolly’s suggestion to arrest local sheriffs who don’t want to assist Northam in stealing private firearms without compensation and in violation of the Fifth Amendment? Or is he going to pursue Rep. Donald McEachin’s proposal to activate the National Guard to assist his ‘legal' theft of firearms from local citizens?”
“Governor Northam’s declaration of war against gun owners is really an attack upon the God-given rights of law-abiding Virginians and upon the state and federal Constitution that he swore to uphold.”
“Gun Owners of America has been mobilizing its activists to urge their supervisors and sheriffs to resist the Governor’s dictatorial actions. And we do not relent until the despotic threat from Richmond has abated.”
A showdown is brewing in Virginia. It could shape not only the future of gun rights in the commonwealth but the future of gun rights nationwide. The citizens of Virginia are standing up to what they see as tyrannical moves by the Democrat controlled state government.
These citizens encourage law enforcement officials to uphold their oath to defend the constitution of the United States and of Virginia.
About John Crump
John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%'ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methods and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at