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Amazon is trying to ensure that as few people as possible see and read The Palestinian Delusion. Meanwhile, it remains by far the nation’s largest source for books, which makes its bias all the more insidious. 
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“It’s a great read, well researched, and very important for any student of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to consider the information being presented. Even for people who are well read on the subject, there are many new details to learn and absorb.” -- Dov Hikind, former Democratic New York State Assemblyman (1983-2018) representing Brooklyn’s Assembly district 48 “If you want to learn the whole unknown hidden truth of the Arab/Islamic war against Israel, read this book from cover to cover. Robert Spencer’s book teaches you how to answer virtually every propaganda lie about Israel and Arabs one is confronted with by Israel-haters, Jew-haters, and those simply ignorant of the facts. This comprehensive treatise will eliminate the ability of newspapers and TV and radio and social media to convince you of their Mideast distortions and falsehoods. A critically necessary work in this Orwellian era.” -- Morton Klein, National President, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) “This is eye-opening history with enormous implications for foreign policy today. Taking us through the sad history of the Middle East peace process, Robert Spencer is the one analyst of the situation with the courage to identify why these peace negotiations have all failed, and will always fail. This book should be the occasion for a major reset of our policies toward Israel and the Palestinians, and a handy guide for everyone who is tired of the media spin on this all-important issue.” -- Steven Emerson, Investigative Project on Terrorism “Spencer brings his formidable erudition and smooth keyboard to the knotty topic of the Palestinian assault on Israel. Deftly separating fact from fiction, he persuasively establishes the justice of Zionism and the barbarism of its opponents. Everyone should read this one-volume synthesis to understand the most complex conflict of our time.” -- Daniel Pipes, Middle East Forum “Robert Spencer’s indispensable book exposes the genocidal ambitions and lies of the Palestinian jihad against the Jews. Every brainwashed college student who thinks they are supporting a ‘Palestinian’ liberation when they are actually abetting this evil cause needs to have their noses rubbed in the facts that Spencer has assembled.” -- David Horowitz, author, Radical Son“Robert Spencer is one of the greatest historians of our time. His carefully researched and unflinching depiction of the facts, combined with his highly readable prose, makes absolutely invaluable this timely recounting of how the modern Jewish State was founded and the successive attempts – both violent and diplomatic – to destroy it.” -- Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy Order The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process here.