Student says teacher pulled off her
'Women For Trump' pin
SEE: https://www.fox47news.com/news/local-news/student-says-teacher-pulled-off-her-women-for-trump-pin;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
MASON, Mich. — A Mason High School student turns to the police claiming that a teacher assaulted her during school hours because she supports President Trump.Sadie Earegood told Fox 47 that she was assaulted when a teacher ripped her "Women For Trump" pin off of her shirt.Earegood is 16 and a junior at Mason High, she said the teacher, whose name has not been released, started off by saying he didn't like the pin she was wearing."I was just really shocked that a teacher would especially would do that," she said. "He's talking about the Women for Trump pin and I said, that's fine you don't have to like it, we can have our opinions."Earegood described a struggle between herself and the teacher where he tried to take the pin off her."He grabbed it and I pulled and I tried to push his hand away and he grabbed my shoulder, just kind of put his hand there, and then he started pulling more and more and I just started backing up."She said the teacher then put the pin, upside down on his shirt, and stated that it belonged that way.Mason Superintendent Ronald Drzewicki wouldn't talk to us on camera, but he did say, "Once we have a complete understanding of the situation, we will take appropriate action."The Earegoods filed a police report.“I made a criminal assault and larceny report against the teacher," said Capi Earegood, Sadie's mother. "He had no right to put his hands on my child over a pin or anything else. The first amendment gives everyone the right to express their freedom of speech. No one should get that upset about someone wearing a political pin.”Mason Police Chief Don Hanson confirmed his department is looking into a report of an alleged assault on Dec. 5.Earegood said that she won't be silenced and just wants people to know that she will continue to show her political views."I just want him to know that it's not okay to do that. I want this to be a learning experience for other teachers and I'm not going to stop wearing my political stuff."The Mason Board of Education meets Monday night and Fox 47 will be there to see if the incident comes up._____________________________________________________TEACHER IDENTIFIED: PAUL KATOBorn in Kwoi, Nigeria, Paul Kato attended primary school in Kwoi before moving around from Trinity Christian Academy in Dallas, Texas, to Rift Valley Academy in Nairobi, Kenya, and finally to Hillcrest Academy, back in Nigeria. Mr. Kato graduated from Spring Arbor University and pursued a few different paths before becoming a high school teacher. His background, love of soccer, and passion for education passed down from his parents inspired KITA. The power of education changed his life and he hopes the same to be true for every child who will attend KITA."KITA's mission is to train, educate, and mold talented youth to excel on the soccer field and the classroom by establishing an academy that develops future leaders who are compassionate, ethical, and disciplined.”Paul Kato, Founder & PresidentMom Files Police Report After Daughter Says Teacher Forcefully Removed
‘Women For Trump’ Pin
BY JERRY LAMBErepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
A Michigan high school student’s mom filed assault and larceny police report against a teacher after her daughter said he ripped a “Women for Trump” pin off of her shirt.Mason High School junior Sadie Earegood, 16, said the Dec. 5 incident began when her media technology teacher Paul Kato said he didn’t like the pin, but quickly escalated when the educator put his hands on her to remove the pin.“I was just really shocked that a teacher would especially do that,” Earegood told WILX on Tuesday. “He’s talking about the ‘Women for Trump’ pin and I said, ‘that’s fine you don’t have to like it, we can have our opinions.'”According to Earegood, Kato then grabbed her and pulled the pin off of her shirt before placing it on his own shirt upside-down.“He grabbed it and I pulled, I tried to push his hand away and he grabbed my shoulder – just kind of put his hand there – and then he started pulling more and more and I just started backing up,” Earegood said. “I just want him to know that it’s not OK to do that.”Mason School District’s dress code does not prohibit students from wearing political paraphernalia.Earegood’s mother said she filed a police report on behalf of her daughter following the incident.“I made a criminal assault and larceny report against the teacher,” said Capi Earegood.. “He had no right to put his hands on my child over a pin or anything else. The first amendment gives everyone the right to express their freedom of speech. No one should get that upset about someone wearing a political pin.”Mason Police Chief Don Hanson told WILX that his department is currently looking into reports of an alleged Dec. 5 assault.Kato, originally from Nigeria, helped build a residential soccer school. He has reportedly not been seen on campus since the incident.In the wake of the incident, students defended Kato, claiming this is being blown out of proportion.“[Earegood’s] perspective must have been totally different than what Kato’s perspective was, but from witnesses around it seemed as a jokingly matter,” senior Ina Aker said.“Everyone is just outraged. That’s just the best way I can put it. Everyone is just upset because they feel like there’s more to the story than what’s being said,” Kato’s former student Alexa Martin said.Kato has lawyered up, and an investigation is ongoing.____________________________________________________________EXCERPT FROM: https://www.wilx.com/content/news/Student-says-teacher-pulls-off-her-Women-For-Trump-pin-565990631.html;republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
"The dress code for Mason High School does not state anything about political paraphernalia not being allowed.NEWS 10 found this: Clothing that displays alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gang association, weapons, sexual or suggestive references, profanity, violence, intimidation or organizations promoting any of these are not appropriate.It also states that: the School recognizes the right of students to express themselves. With the right of expression comes the responsibility to do it appropriately. Students may distribute or display, at appropriate times, non-sponsored, non-commercial written material and petitions; buttons, badges, or other insignia; clothing, insignia, and banners; and audio and video materials. All items must meet the following school guidelines: A. A material cannot be displayed if it: 1. is obscene to minors, libelous, indecent and pervasively or vulgar, 2. advertises any product or service not permitted to minors by law, 3. intends to be insulting or harassing, 4. intends to incite fighting or presents a likelihood of disrupting school or a school event. 5. Presents a clear and present likelihood that, either because of its content or manner of distribution or display, it causes or is likely to cause a material and substantial disruption of school or school activities, a violation of school regulations, or the commission of an unlawful act. 17 B. Materials may not be displayed or distributed during class periods, or during passing times between classes. Permission may be granted for display or distribution during lunch periods and after school in designated locations, as long as exits are not blocked and there is proper access and egress to the building. In order to insure whether or not materials they wish to display meet school guidelines, students must present them to the principal twenty-four (24) hours prior to display.You can read the full Mason student handbook here."