republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
LTRP Note: Many of our readers may know of Richard Bennett, a former Irish Catholic priest and the founder of the U.S. ministry Berean Beacon. This week, Richard passed away at the age of 81. The following is a tribute to Richard written by one of our readers.“A Tribute to Richard M. Bennett” By Darryl Eberhart, former editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics” and “Examining the Tough Issues” newslettersRichard M. (“Peter”) Bennett was born in Ireland on March 10, 1938. He passed peacefully in his sleep in Michigan on September 23, 2019. This writer knew Richard Bennett for almost two decades, from the time that his ministry (the Berean Beacon, which he founded) was located in Del Valle, Texas. He had been a Dominican priest for 22 (twenty-two) years before being wonderfully converted to a belief in salvation by God’s grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, based upon God’s Holy Word, with all glory going to God.We should honor Richard M. Bennett for his great courage, his dedication, and his hard work in exposing (and doing so in love) both the unbiblical doctrines and practices of Roman Catholicism (e.g., Purgatory, Transubstantiation, mandatory clerical celibacy, and indulgences, etc.), and also in exposing the bloody history of Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome (e.g., through his video, “The Inquisition”). This video is described in the next section and should be viewed by every person alive today because true history is so very important, since those who don’t learn the “lessons” of history often find themselves repeating the “mistakes” of history!Richard M. Bennett’s great love for the Holy Bible – and his great love for Roman Catholics – can clearly be seen in his videos and in his articles.There are many videos of Richard M. Bennett posted on the Internet, and I would urge the readers of this tribute to watch as many of these videos as they possibly can, while these videos are still available on the Internet.The following is a partial list of resources by Richard Bennett:“Catholicism: East of Eden: Insights into Catholicism for the 21st Century” by Richard M. Bennett (2005; ISBN 0-9774229-0-9): Examines both the history of the Papacy and the state/condition of Roman Catholicism today. Please do an Internet search for this book.Far from Rome, Near to God: The Testimonies of 50 Converted Catholic Priests (1994) by Richard M. Bennett and Martin Buckingham. [LTRP Note: This is a fascinating book with the testimonies of 50 former Catholic priests.]On the Wings of Grace Alone: The Testimonies of Thirty Converted Roman Catholics by Richard M. Bennett and Glenn R. Diehl (300-page paperback book; ISBN: 978-1-59925-349-7).The Inquisition by Richard M. Bennett and Michael de Semlyen (58 minutes; color): This video exposes much of the evil that occurred during the so-called “Holy” Inquisition and during the bloody Albigensian Crusades. It also exposes the genocide that occurred in Fascist Croatia during World War II – a religious genocide that was carried out by the Roman Catholic Fascist Ustashi, and which targeted hundreds of thousands of Serb Orthodox Christians (men, woman, elderly, and children) for extermination! When you type into your “search engine” the following: “The Inquisition Richard Bennett YouTube”, you should be able to quickly locate this outstanding, well-researched video. Then please view this video, and then please tell many others about it.“The Truth Set Us Free: Twenty Former Nuns Tell Their Stories” (Edited by Richard M. Bennett with Mary Hertel; 190-page paperback book; 1997; ISBN 1-57921-067-8)Below is a video of the life and testimony of Richard Bennett.The following is a write-up that appeared on September 26, 2019 on the Berean Beacon website: www.bereanbeacon.org:Richard M. Bennett
After the last few years of great physical suffering Richard passed peacefully in his sleep on Monday September 23, 2019. The precious life of Richard touched so many in so many ways and his spiritual legacy will continue well into the 21st Century.Richard will be laid to rest Friday October 4, 2019 at 10:30am. Burial will take place at Naches Cemetery, Kel Lowry Rd and Old Naches Hwy, Naches, WA 98937.A Memorial Service will follow at 11:30am at the Ahtanum Pioneer Church, 8500 Ahtanum Road, Yakima, WA 98902Richard is survived by his loving wife Lynn and three step children, Gunnar, Solveig, Knut and two grandchildren, Ahwyn and Adam. Gifts and cards can be sent to the family at:Lynn Bennett P.O. Box 13 Yakima, WA 98907-0013 lynnbennett@reagan.comBelow is the 58-minute color video documentary “The Inquisition” (hosted by Richard Bennett and Michael de Semlyen):God bless, guide, and protect you!Darryl (Eberhart)