republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
(Friday Church News Notes, October 18, 2019,www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Scalfari: Pope ‘Francis Told Me That Jesus Incarnate Was ‘a Man,” CNSNews.com, Oct. 9, 2019: “In the latest edition of La Repubblica, Pope Francis’ longtime atheist friend and interviewer, Eugenio Scalfari, claims that the Pope told him that once Jesus Christ became incarnate, he was a man, a ‘man of exceptional virtues’ but ‘not at all a God.’ The teaching of the Catholic Church and most Christian churches is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was incarnated as fully man and fully God. ... According to the highly respected Catholic blog, Rorate Caeli, and Radio Spada in Italy, Scalfari states in the Oct. 9 edition of La Repubblica (behind paywall) the following: ‘Those who, as it has happened many times with me, have had the luck of meeting him and speaking to him with the greatest cultural intimacy, know that Pope Francis conceives Christ as Jesus of Nazareth, man, not God incarnate. Once incarnate, Jesus stops being a God and becomes a man until his death on the cross.’ ... In a March 2018 interview with Scalfari, Pope Francis reportedly said, ‘There is no Hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls.’ ... The Pope himself never denied what Scalfari reported and the article never ran a correction or removed the article from its website.”

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
(Friday Church News Notes, October 18, 2019, www.wayoflife.orgfbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - The following is excepted from “Baylor University Says They Are Committed,” reformationcharlotte, Sept. 3, 2019: “Baylor, a private Christian university located in Waco, Texas, is known as the largest Baptist university in the world with approximately 17,200 students on its 1,000-acre campus and is affiliated with the Texas Baptist Convention, which is subsequently connected to the Southern Baptist Convention. Baylor launched a website on sexuality last week which appears to take a softening stance on homosexuality. The website states that it is ‘committed to providing a caring, loving and supportive community for students in all aspects of their lives, including the development of their sexuality.’ ... ‘We acknowledge the complexity of issues surrounding human sexuality and desire to engage in this conversation with humility, prayerfulness and convicted civility.’ One can only ask, what is so complex about it? Homosexuality is a result of the fall and homosexual desire, identity, and activity is an abomination to God. Yet, the school is intent on offering support services to those who identify as LGBTQP+. The university president, Linda Livingstone, announced in a letter to students, faculty, and staff that students would not be disciplined for identifying as LGBTQ and that the university would provide resources for LGBTQ students through the Title IX Office, Bias Response Team, Chaplain’s Office and Spiritual Life, and the Counseling Center. ... In 2015, Baylor removed language from their code of conduct that characterized homosexual acts as ‘misuses of God’s gifts.’”