
Tuesday, September 24, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

Wycliffe, YWAM, & Other Evangelical Groups to Take Part in Roman Catholic-Endorsed Global Event in 2020

This week, we received a letter to the editor that alerted us to plans for a “2020 Global Year of the Bible.” As you read the information below, please keep in mind, Lighthouse Trails does not oppose the idea that “billions” of people in the world could potentially read the Bible. Of course not! The underlying and significant story here is the ecumenical, “let’s-all-come-together-no-matter-what” aspect and the unspoken but obvious objective ” to “engage in a global conversation” about the Bible in order to draw followers into specific belief systems.
The letter to the editor says:
To Lighthouse Trails:
I just read an article today on the Christian Post regarding a new initiative called “A.D. 2020 Global Year of the Bible.”
[LTRP Note: The CP article begins:
“Missionary leaders from over 34 countries convened at the Museum of the Bible on Monday morning to launch A.D. 2020 Global Year of the Bible, a first-of-its-kind evangelical initiative endorsed by Roman Catholic Pope Francis. . . . In a recorded video endorsement from the Vatican, Pope Francis praised the Global Year of the Bible initiative and told those leading it to ‘be encouraged.’”]
Promoters include over 500 leaders and organizations from 200 countries, YWAM, American Bible Society, Wycliffe Bible Translators, the World Evangelical Alliance and Call2All. Many other Bible translation and missionary groups from around the world are involved. One should read the entire article to get the full scope; it is staggering. And groups like PULSE and others who stage enormous gatherings of youth are also involved. The piece de resistance, however, comes at the end of the article which states that the entire endeavor is being heartily endorsed by Pope Francis in a recorded video from the Vatican.
We are seeing it folks, the one-world religion, not only forming, but gaining momentum and almost at the point of culmination. I do not know how any Bible-believing Christian can be in agreement with such a clearly ecumenical agenda. The Pope will very likely be the head of the false church described in Revelation. He is not “officially, visibly” that yet, but it is there, just waiting in the wings. Millions of evangelicals now eagerly agree with the Catholic Church and going along with what seem to be endless initiatives and efforts to “Christianize the world.” It is dominionism and the one-world religion—there is no other conclusion to come to.
The 2020 Global Year of the Bible website is registered with the University of the Nations in Hawaii. Loren Cunningham (YWAM’s leader) is the International Chancellor of that school. You may remember a 2018 article from Lighthouse Trails titled “YWAM—Wants Every YWAMer to Practice Contemplative Prayer!” YWAM has been a big promoter of contemplative prayer and emergent missiology for several years. A “natural” outcome of contemplative/emergent spirituality is a change in spiritual outlook that takes on ecumenism—with all faiths.
In a September 16, 2019 article from Religious News Service titled WEA launches curriculum for the AD 2020 global Year of the Bible,” it also discusses the “2020 Global Year of the Bible”:
Bishop Efraim Tendero, Secretary-General of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), today launched a global campaign to mark 2020 as the “Year of the Bible”. Founded in 1846, the WEA represents over 600 million Christians worldwide with national alliances in 130 nations.
Projected to be one of the most collaborative movements in Christian history, the Year of the Bible is also supported by His Holiness Pope Francis of the Catholic church, the global Lausanne network, Youth With A Mission, the United Bible Societies, The Seed Company, Biblica and many more.
The year-long initiative is expected to achieve the greatest global Bible engagement in history, as billions follow a call to read the Bible and engage in a global conversation on its message. (emphasis added)
Lighthouse Trails can’t help be nervous about this “global conversation” with which “billions” might be involved. If organizations like YWAM and the Roman Catholic Church are instigators of this global conversation with billions, then we can easily speculate what this conversation will look like given that YWAM and the Catholic Church are leaders in promoting the interspiritual, panentheistic contemplative prayer movement (not to mention YWAM’s “new missiology” views that often leaves the Gospel out of missions and the Catholic Church’s overwhelming emphasis on the Eucharist that re-crucifies Christ at every Mass). All the while, Christian leaders either stand by passively and silently or join in helping to bring about a global “revival.”
It’s ironic, to say the least, that the Roman Catholic Church would endorse the 2020 Year of the Bible when the RCC discourages their members in reading the Bible. Historically, the RCC leadership has not wanted Roman Catholics to read the Bible but has taught them to leave the reading and interpretation of the Bible up to the popes and priests. So why would the present Pope endorse such an initiative, unless his reasons are to use the occasion to “bring back the lost brethren” into the “Mother Church”? And tragically, evangelical leaders are helping to accomplish the task, whether they realize it or not.
See Related YouTube video below Related Articles.
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Related Video:
First Video: One year ago, the Vatican proposed that 2020 would be the Year of the Bible in honor of St. Jerome who first translated the Bible into Latin (for the Catholic Church). 2020 is the 1600th year anniversary of Jerome’s death.
(photo from; used with permission)