Federal government teaming up with Big Tech to silence dissenting voices
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
There can be no hiding it now.Any and all views that go against the totalitarian left will be silenced, regardless of whether or not those views violated any policy.This movement that defies our First Amendment rights is led by a growing uptick in Marxism rotting America’s higher education.Back in 2016, Campus Reform wrote, “Professors Joshua Dunn of the University of Colorado and Jon A. Shields of Clermont McKenna College… (discovered) About 18 percent of social scientists in the United States self-identify as Marxists, compared to only about 5 percent who identify as conservatives…”And that was before the Trump administration.Recently, a team of George Washington University “researchers” released a paper which demands the mass bannings of conservatives on social media and the reconstruction of a COINTELPRO-esque infiltration of so-called “hate groups.”Hate groups have morphed into a definition of any group the ADL and Silicon Valley deem a threat to their globalist vision for the United States.“And now the Federal Election Committee, lead by liberal Chairwoman Ellen Weintraub, is summoning Facebook, Google and Twitter to a meeting on September 17th to address digital disinformation amid concerns that new forms of Russian-style social media manipulation will target the 2020 election,” according to Politico.The Politico article goes on to reveal, “The event will address growing concerns about home-grown disinformation, too.”Apparently its all hands on deck in a full-blown censorship rollout ahead of the 2020 election which is already being set up to be stolen by the Democrats.Why is this a problem you might ask? The FEC is supposed to simply stop foreign influence in our elections, not to censor America’s free speech.You may contact the FEC at 1-800-424-9530 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time to exercise what is left our your Bill Of Rights.Operators are standing by.