Democrat presidential hopeful calls AR-15 ‘instrument of terror’
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Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke pushed for gun confiscation while at Kent State University, Ohio, the location where government agents shot and killed four unarmed students in 1970.The irony of advocating to disarm Americans while at the site where the Ohio National Guard opened fire on anti-war protestors was lost on Robert Francis as he continued to call AR-15s, the choice target of government buybacks, ‘instruments of terror.’ Yesterday, people brought assault weapons to our rally at Kent State—where 4 students were shot dead in 1970.I told them nobody should show up with an AK-47 or an AR-15 to seek to intimidate us in our own democracy.We need to buy back every single one of them. pic.twitter.com/U7N5fWUlvv— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) September 26, 2019Reporter Kaitlin Bennett, who famously open-carried a rifle on the same campus in a graduation photo to advocate arming students, called out Beto’s comments. Those 4 students were shot by people like yourself – government agents that didn't want American citizens to have freedom. You are no different than the guardsmen pulling the trigger. https://t.co/357hLebcEJ— Kaitlin Bennett (@KaitMarieox) September 27, 2019“We should be able to protect ourselves against a tyrannical government,” said Bennett to the Washington Post last year. “To make sure the government can’t go against the citizens.” Now that I graduated from @KentState, I can finally arm myself on campus. I should have been able to do so as a student- especially since 4 unarmed students were shot and killed by the government on this campus. #CampusCarryNowpic.twitter.com/a91fQH44cq— Kaitlin Bennett (@KaitMarieox) May 13, 2018Additionally, commenters on Twitter were quick to point out how inappropriate it was for Beto to advocate gun-grabbing at Kent State of all places. — Libertas (@liberty_deity) September 26, 2019 Imagine using Kent State as an example for why civilians shouldn't own weapons.— Plàya Manhattan (@PlayaManhattan) September 26, 2019“Thanks to all who have sent me death threats for taking a picture,” said Bennett responding to the progressive backlash. “You’re the biggest advocates for gun rights. You proved exactly why people carry.Can Beto Take It?