Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Letter to the AmmoLand Editor
What WOULD help is the Press not giving the killers glory. Don't state their names; don't run continuous coverage. Let the killers die with a whimper, not resonate with a bang. But that doesn't drive readership or the TV ratings, so it isn't going to happen.
USA – -( I read the Aug 4th, 2019 New York Post article calling for a Gun Ban by the President. It was, as expected, based on emotion and would have no effect on terror; it would only make millions of normally law-abiding Americans into criminals.
It said, “America is terrified.” Well, after the news running 24/7 stories on shootings and raising the killers to star status, it is no wonder. One of them even explained that it is the status that he was enthralled by and sought. That isn't news to anyone. The press recognized that and agreed not to publicize the names of shooters long ago. That didn't even last until the next shooting. They are complicit in all the shootings because they aggrandize the shooters.
The NYP said, “They just want the killings to stop.” Everybody does. Banning commonly owned rifles won't do it. Even if every gun, of all types, suddenly disappeared, the killings wouldn't stop. The Brits and French are learning that trucks, knives, and fires are now their preferred means of terror. EVIL doesn't care about laws.
The NYP said, “But the Second Amendment leaves ample room for regulating gun rights, just as every other constitutional right has its limits.” This shows that they slept through Civics class, as did a large part of our Judicial system. The Bill of Rights is supposed to be an inviolate constraint on the government. Justice Storey started attacking that when Hamilton complained about how it hindered him. You DO have the Right to shout “FIRE” in a crowded theater if there is a fire. You have the Right to do it if there isn't one, you have to suffer the legal consequences of your actions, though. Something that is in less regard these days.
The NYP made fun of the President for listening to the NRA when it comes to passing common-sense gun laws. They said that it would be, “Far wiser to appeal now to the (much more numerous) Americans who hunt or keep guns for self-defense but are appalled by the endless string of mass shootings.” and that he should, “Come up with answers. Now. Beginning with the return of an assault-weapons ban.” The NRA is only respected by its enemies and politicians. People who actually know anything about it call it Negotiating Rights Away. It has, since its inception, backed all the major violations of the Second Amendment and helped to write most of the laws destroying it. Luckily for the people who are anti-gun, it works well with the ignorant as a paper tiger. The Assault Weapons Ban has been shown, by the FBI, to have had NO effect. That is rarely reported. Furthermore, the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting and is only peripherally involved in self-defense, something that is NEVER addressed.
Letters to the AmmoLand Editor: Got something on your mind? Let us know, and you can see it here.
The NYP stated, “The Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment protects the right to own “guns in common use.” That doesn’t cover the semiautomatic weapons regularly used only in mass shootings.” The reality is that semi-automatic weapons ARE in common usage and have been for 100 years and more, and are used in self-defense and hunting. It is only recently that they have made the news and been glorified as “killing machines” or “weapons of war.” That happened when people moved into cities and became ignorant of guns. At that point, they became easy to lie to and manipulate, which is exactly what happened.
The place in the article where they finally make sense is near the end, but it too has flaws. The NYP says, “This ban would only be part of the response: Keep improving background checks, find wiser approaches to mental health, get every state to pass a red-flag law (do a federal one, too, even if issuing these restraining orders is mainly the job of state courts). And by all means, do as Sen. Elizabeth Warren suggested in last week’s Democratic debate and “double down on the research and find out what really works.”
Most of the killers passed a NICS check, that has proven to be a waste of time, money, and police resources, much like the TSA. Improving mental health resources might help with the problem, but it is unlikely. Red Flag orders are a constitutional disaster and are used as weapons by angry neighbors, political rivals and spouses during divorce proceedings, they are just another form of SWATting rather than a useful method of deterring crime. If REAL research could be done to find an answer to the problem, as opposed to funding the anti-gun forces, that would be very helpful.
What WOULD help is the Press not giving the killers glory. Don't state their names; don't run continuous coverage. Let the killers die with a whimper, not resonate with a bang. But that doesn't drive readership or the TV ratings, so it isn't going to happen.
As a result, law-abiding people will continue to be blamed for the actions of criminals as abetted by the Press, and cheered by the Left.
The NYP is disingenuous at the end where it states, “One of the big reasons that crime has fallen so far in New York City is a crackdown on guns. Their ownership is restricted, and the NYPD is focused on getting illegal ones off the street. Gun control works.” The crime rates have been falling for 40 years. If tough anti-gun laws worked, Baltimore and Chicago would be crime-free, California wouldn't have a gang left in it. It doesn't take much intelligence to see that the truth is elsewhere, but even that seems beyond the Democrats. Antifa, their public service arm, makes it clear that it isn't one of their concerns, especially when some of the killers are Antifa members. They've graduated from repressing Freedom of Speech and attacking lawful demonstrators to attacking ICE and anyone who dares to disagree with them, or even look different. THEY are the true racists.
Neill DeGrasse just got in trouble for stating the truth, something the Left only has a passing acquaintance with. He pointed out things that kill far more people every day but are condoned without thought. That tells us where the reality is, not about saving lives, but about disarming the populace, EXACTLY the point of the Second Amendment.
Do not bow to the heat of the moment or the pressuring and posturing of either cowards or those who betray their Oaths of Office. Your Duty is to defend not just the people of this country, but the Constitution itself. Without the Law of the Land, all our laws and country will fall.