Security guard jailed for indecent assault of girl, 3, at Sydney mall | Nine News Australia
PM to deport Sydney security guard who assaulted toddler | Nine News Australia
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Yesterday Jihad Watch reported on this story, and here is a new development: “Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his government will ‘boot out’ a convicted child sex offender all the way back to his homeland Iraq once his prison sentence has been finished. Iraqi-born refugee Mohammad Hassan Al Bayati, 30, was sentenced Tuesday for the sickening sexual assault of a three-year-old girl in December 2016.”Kudos to Morrison.Al Bayati worked as a security guard, and used his position of trust to lead a three-year-old toddler away and sexually assault her. He was caught on camera. Al Bayati then berated the toddler’s mother about leaving the child unattended. He subsequently denied the assault “despite being found guilty,” and reportedly boasted to detectives “to check his phone to ‘see how many girls I have.’” Although every culture has sex offenders, Islam is the only faith that sanctions sex abuse of infidels, even children.Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa permitting “sexual experiences” with girls of all ages. He stated:Anyone who has a wife less than nine years of age is not allowed to engage in sexual intercourse, whether she is his permanent or temporary wife. However, other forms of sexual pleasures are permitted, such as touching with lust, hugging, and rubbing penis between the buttocks and thighs; even if she is a nursing baby.“Australia to ‘Boot Out’ Iraqi-Born Convicted Child Sex Offender,” by Simon Kent, Breitbart, August 28, 2019:Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his government will “boot out” a convicted child sex offender all the way back to his homeland Iraq once his prison sentence has been finished. Iraqi-born refugee Mohammad Hassan Al Bayati, 30, was sentenced Tuesday for the sickening sexual assault of a three-year-old girl in December 2016.He was working as a security guard at at a Sydney shopping centre when he took the girl away from the centre’s playground while her mother was Christmas shopping.Security camera vision shows Al Bayati taking the girl into an area without surveillance, where he assaulted her. A jury found Al Bayati exposed his genitals and touched the girl’s underwear during the 11 minutes they spent in a stairwell.The New South Wales District Court sent Al Bayati to jail for four-and-a-half years’ jail, with a non-parole period of two-and-a-half years.He came to Australia by boat from Iraq in 2011, and was given a permanent protection visa to stay.“This bloke has no right being here, he’s abused the generosity of a country that gave him a new start, and it was absolutely appalling,” Mr Morrison told local news outlet Channel Seven.“And just because you’re on a permanent protection visa, it’s a warning to anyone. Once he’s been released from jail, he’ll go immediately into detention and we’ll deport him from there,” Morrison explained.“If you come here on a visa and you violate our laws, we will boot you out.”Mr Morrison previously noted laws he was responsible for as immigration minister, under then prime minister Tony Abbott, made it mandatory for non-Australian citizens to have their visas cancelled if they were convicted of a crime carrying a punishment of more than a year in jail….