republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
President Trump knows better than to pander to the LGBTQ crowd, but listening to advisors, he has chosen to throw the homosexual lobby a bone not realizing that they will never be satisfied. They are not interested in a “bone”; they want to chomp on the hand that threw it. Anyone, with his ear to the ground, his eye on the ball, and with half his brain tied behind his back knows the LGBTQ crowd consists primarily of national bullies, brutes, and bigots. Trump will never be able to satisfy that crowd since they will only be satisfied when the debate is shut down, and no one has the courage or opportunity or legal right to question them about their unhealthy, unnatural, and unwise practices.
Yet, in light of the above facts, President Trump, surely with fingers crossed and his tongue placed firmly in cheek declared, “As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!”
Therefore, we now have national acceptance of perversion as well as popular support and “people of good will” are attempting to make perversion universally accepted!
Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in their 1989 book, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s gave specific instructions how homosexuality could be mainstreamed. “Gays must be cast as victims in need of protection” Even if they are not the victim, they should pretend to be the victim. They were told to keep talking about “gayness” and make themselves look good and critics very bad. Stupid people have complied and a sea change has taken place. Wrong is now right, bad is now good, and corrupt is now correct.
Trump is listening to the wrong advisors. Isaiah will serve him better than any of his staff. He had better remember Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” Trump and others can promote evil but they will all be held to an account. Modern man does not want to hear a difficult truth but it is better to be disturbed by the truth than deceived by error. Those who defend perversion are out of step with God, decency, history, and common sense.
Christians and informed Conservatives are aghast at Trump’s support of the homosexual lobby who hates him with a white heat. Moreover, he does not need that vote to win in 2020. All he has to do is continue to keep his promises and build a substantial part of the wall.
No reporter had the courage to ask, “Mr. President, will you please provide three of the ‘outstanding contributions’ the LGBTQ (caution: very offensive video) crowd has made to America? That question will not be asked and I’m considered a bigot for stressing that failure of all mainstream journalists.
Even in light of the incredible public acceptance of homosexuality, the pro-family Conservatives have won the intellectual battle dealing with the LGBTQ crowd, but are losing the public relations battle. The homosexual lobby has been deficient, dishonest, and defeated in the major disputes in this quagmire. Informed people know that homosexuals were not “born that way”; that they can be converted to normal living; that many of them do recruit; that they are disease carriers; they are illegal drug users; they die much younger than normal people do; and are adding to the destruction of our health care system.
There is no argument that Conservative Christians have won the intellectual battle: homosexuality is abnormal, aberrational, and abominable. The battle is over (but the war is not won) and homosexuals are left with one arrow in their quiver: anyone who criticizes them or even questions their lifestyle is a bigot and hater. In that, the homosexual lobby has been very successful. They have made the issue one of “hate,” not of science, health, and morality. And the media and public are too uninformed to know they have been conned by the LGBTQ crowd.
Anyone familiar with logic or philosophy understands that a person’s motives have nothing to do with the reality of his assertions. However, homosexuals refuse to deal with the issue, and they are left standing with open mouth without any answers; and they concentrate on vilifying their opponents. That way, they are less embarrassed by their inability to speak to the issue.
It is my unsupported, unprovable but not unlikely opinion that Trump probably thinks sodomy is a disgusting, deviate, dangerous, even deadly practice; however, the LGBTQ crowd, while small, is powerful and has a large crowd of useful idiots who will jump when ordered, march when told to do so, throw a purse or shoe, cry on camera, and scream on cue.
Furthermore, Trump has a sordid past of disgusting, degrading, and debasing affairs (I hope they are all in the past) so he cannot legitimately discuss sexual turpitude without inviting deserved accusations of hypocrisy.
I suggest that there is an administration plan to deal with the homosexual lobby and limit their influence on the next election: Trump will support homosexual rights around the world while Vice-President Pence will speak out for pro-family positions even being lightly critical of perversion. In taking that approach, Trump throws a bone (again) to everyone. This ploy is convincing because Trump has a despicable past, yet individual Evangelicals justified their vote for him by claiming Mike Pence is a conservative, Evangelical Christian.
I know that’s true because that’s how I justified my vote for Trump along with my revulsion of voting for Hillary.
Trump is hoping that homosexuals will say, “Well, he is the most friendly President to the LGBTQ crowd so maybe he will come along with time.” No, they will not say that because they detest Republicans, Conservatives, free enterprise, family values, and an America-first agenda.
A nation’s ruling government has the primary responsibility of keeping citizens safe from aggressors and terrorists abroad and anarchist, traitors, and fifth columns within. These dangerous people are assisted in their treason by the very constitution they seek to destroy. Added to the above there is now the threat of our nation being destroyed by open borders. Open borders encourage terrorists, invite devastating diseases, increase Democrat voters, and will financially destroy America.
Homosexuality should not be encouraged for many devastating reasons. They are the most diseased group in the world and their continued repulsive practices may be as debilitating, dangerous, and devastating in the long run as an atomic bomb.
Previous US presidents have all been abject failures in this area. Beginning with and including Reagan, no president or his Surgeon General has been willing to go on record about the dangers of perversion. All have said, “Stop gaining weight!” “Stop using illegal drugs!” “Stop smoking!” But no one has been willing to say, “Stop your fornication and anal sodomy!” Had they done so we might not have a population of disease carriers.
The Centers for Disease Control reported in August of 2018, “New CDC analysis shows steep and sustained increases in STDs in recent years!” The report revealed almost 2.3 million new cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were diagnosed in the United States in 2017, marking the fourth consecutive year of sharp increases in these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)! Gonorrhea diagnoses increased 67 percent overall from 333,004 to 555,608 cases. That’s in one year.
Obviously, there is a high cost to low living and President Trump is promoting such activity by supporting homosexuality! Sexual permissiveness has spread across America and the world like a malignant cancer leaving in its wake blasted lives, broken hearts, and blighted bodies and the official US government position is to encourage perversion worldwide.
At the rate America is decaying morally, the next president may have to change our national symbol from eagle to buzzard and if God does not judge America, some impertinent people will assume He will apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Trump, in supporting the LGBTQ crowd, has climbed out on a high limb and handed his enemies a saw. I hope they are too stupid to use it.