
Saturday, July 13, 2019



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

The leader of Hamas-linked CAIR in Los Angeles, Hussam Ayloush, flew to Turkey for a “spiritual social media travelogue,” and as expected, he didn’t say a word about the jihadist state of Turkey nor its erratic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Instead, he trashed America with a tirade of propaganda — the truly free country that upholds human rights and the rule of law. But being the Islamic supremacist that he is, Ayloush apparently hates America and wants to see it weakened and dismantled.

Ayloush preaches that it’s perfectly fine to break the law and enter America illegally. But it’s likely that he doesn’t really believe that personally, as he wouldn’t expect Turkey to allow such a breach. But he expects America to allow it, as it would mean a further erosion of America as a strong and free nation.
Ayloush published this on his Facebook page: As someone who grew up through wars, occupation, loss of loved ones, being displaced, and enduring bloody dictators, I truly appreciate freedom. But how can I celebrate our Independence Day when migrants and their children are abused in our US concentration camps and denied freedom? Or when our tax money funds the denial of freedom to Palestinians and Egyptians? Or when our weapons wage the UAE/Saudi war on Yemeni lives and freedom? My freedom is not complete until everyone else is free.
Double take: “until everyone else is free?” Guaranteed that you won’t hear Ayloush spewing condemnation at human rights-abusing Sharia states on behalf of victims of jihad, sex abuse, persecution, child’s marriage, beheadings, stonings and the like. Nor will you hear him pontificating against Turkey for its denial of the Armenian genocide, oppression of the Kurds, and support of the Islamic State.
Ayloush also made a mockery of the Holocaust in his reference to non-existent “concentration camps” in America, and he promoted the Palestinian cause, just as a representative of a Hamas-linked organization should be expected to do. But Westerners should know better.
When Ayloush arrived in Turkey, he “played tour guide, streaming live on Facebook outside at “‘Istanbul’s newest and one of its most beautiful mosques, Camlica Camii.’”
Islamic supremacists know well how to fool and manipulate useful idiots and spread their hate, while calling anyone who knows what they’re up to “Islamophobic.” It’s a tired tactic that has worked well in the propaganda war and should have been extinct by now, but dhimmitude is alive and well, as are the hucksters who benefit from the so-called “anti-racism” industry and claim that Islam is a race.
“CAIR-L.A. Leader Trashes American Freedom Before Visiting Authoritarian Turkey,” by David Swindle, Daily Wire, July 10, 2019:
Hussam Ayloush, the longstanding leader of the Greater Los Angeles chapter for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-GLA), wrote a blistering attack against the American government on Friday, a day after Independence Day, before flying to Turkey to begin a whitewashed spiritual social media travelogue.
Ayloush published to his Facebook page, “As someone who grew up through wars, occupation, loss of loved ones, being displaced, and enduring bloody dictators, I truly appreciate freedom. But how can I celebrate our Independence Day when migrants and their children are abused in our US concentration camps and denied freedom? Or when our tax money funds the denial of freedom to Palestinians and Egyptians? Or when our weapons wage the UAE/Saudi war on Yemeni lives and freedom? My freedom is not complete until everyone else is free.”
Ayloush curiously did not mention Turkey among the list of repressive Middle Eastern states, despite Ankara’s growing reputation for jailing journalists and political prisoners.
Two days later on July 7, Ayloush played tour guide, streaming live on Facebook for just over two-and-a-half minutes outside at “Istanbul’s newest and one of its most beautiful mosques, Camlica Camii.”
Ayloush then streamed another minute-and-a-half once inside the mosque, declaring, “The inside of the new Camlica Masjid in Istanbul is just breathtaking. Masha Allah. May Allah bless everyone involved in making that amazing project possible.”
Ayloush would later report that one of his taxi drivers claimed to love an American leader. He reports, “I cringed, thinking: Please don’t make it be Trump.” The driver then supposedly said, “Malcolm X, A brave and principled leader.”
On July 8, Ayloush streamed inside and outside the Eyüpsultan masjid, which he described as “possibly the most spiritual place to visit in Istanbul.”…..