republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Openly gay “Bishop of Stockholm Eva Brunne revealed that she not only has a distaste for right-wing Christians, but claims to have more in common with Muslims.”Brunne is so nearsighted and egocentric that she cannot see beyond the end of her own nose. She is only capable of judging others and holding a world view in accordance with whatever negative experience she may have had with “right-wing Christians” in her own personal life; and she condemns others in the public square based on this experience as a bishop–a position that she is unfit for.Brunne needs a lesson in Islamic doctrine to establish how much more she has in common with Muslims than “right wing Christians”. She can start by visiting Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan (uncovered), declare her lesbianism and speak her mind openly there. She’ll find out rather speedily about the rights of women and gays in Islam. Afterward, she can then compare it to “right wing Christians”. Unfortunately, she’d be murdered under the sharia and so, she will not be able to publicly correct her absurd commentary against “right-wing Christians”.She also goes on to lambaste Christians for historic wrongs while ignoring the 1400 year history of jihad; the current Christian and minority persecution, murder of gays and apostates and black slavery in Algeria, Sudan, and Mauritania.The mere fact that wretched ‘leaders’ like Brunne exist in the Church is a contributing factor to the ‘tolerance’ of Islamization of the West.“Bishop Has More in Common with Muslims than Right-Wing Christians”, by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, June 5, 2019:___________________________________________________________Controversial Bishop of Stockholm Eva Brunne revealed that she not only has a distaste for right-wing Christians, but claims to have more in common with Muslims. The Church of Sweden bishop made her comments this week on the People and Faith programme broadcast on Sveriges Radio, stating that she believes that the subject of Christian values has been largely taken over by right-wing populists.“We all have to think about which people we are and who we are living with. And in fact, we all have the same value. Although we do not speak the same language or pray to God in the same way or look the same, we have the same value, and we shall live in a country together and have the same rights,” she said, in comments reported by Nyheter Idag. “I say that I sometimes have more in common with Muslims, those I meet, than with the right-wing Christians,” she said and went on to add that Christians have their own extremists, mentioning the Crusades and the witch burnings that took place hundreds of years ago.“We hear a lot about terrorism and think that it is Muslims who practice this, which it is, but it is nevertheless a small, small minority of all the Muslims we know,” she added.The first openly lesbian bishop in Sweden, Brunne has caused controversy in the past when she allocated Muslim prayer spaces in Swedish churches in 2015, demanding that crosses and other Christian symbols be removed as well. Brunne defended her decision comparing the spaces to multi-faith prayer rooms found in airports or hospitals. The Stockholm bishop is not the only member of the church of Sweden to have expressed a fondness for Islam. Last year, Muslims in the city of Växjö lobbied the local government to allow for the public broadcast of the Islamic call to prayer.While many rejected the idea, Bishop Fredrik Modeus announced his support for it saying: “I welcome the application and look forward to hearing both church bells and prayer announcements in our city.”….
Bishop Eva Brunne has pushed for Muslim prayers rooms and removal of crosses in Swedish churches.
Rather than stand for Biblical truth, many churches like the Church of Sweden have gone after the praise and adoration of the world. The Church of Sweden’s continued descent into apostasy and one world religion is also seen in their effort to raise funds for “God’s House” a construction project which will add a mosque to an already-existing Church of Sweden building. The goal is to physically connect the church, mosque and a Catholic chapel via a glass-walled courtyard and promote “…peace and coexistence between religions.”
Pray for Sweden
Church of Sweden Archbishop Antje Jackelén has led the push to stop referring to God as “He.”In a sign of the growing apostasy in the historic state churches across the world, the Church of Sweden has decided to adopt “gender neutral” language when referencing God and their leader even referred to the Holy Spirit as a “she.”