'Acid attack was a hate crime': London victim speaks out
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“Three people had acid thrown on them in two separate incidents… in London, including a market stall vendor targeted by people wearing burqas.”Despite the crime and chaos in London, Sadiq Khan still stands proud as ever as mayor, along with his Member of Parliament supporter Naz Shah who recently slammed the UK government for its silence over Donald Trump’s twitter attack on Sadiq Khan. Trump, who referenced Khan as a “stone cold loser“, stated that “London needs a new mayor,” and that “Khan is a disaster – will only get worse!”Naz Shah has gotten away with retweeting that the victims of the Muslim rape gangs should “shut up for the good of diversity”, while Sadiq Khan got away with defending Islamic supremacists, 9/11 jihadists and was endorsed as mayor by antisemites. Khan still gets away with the mess he has made of London. Khan and Shah’s deeds are tolerated while criticism of them is deemed to be “racist”. To criticize Islam renders one a blasphemer and to criticize Muslims defines one as a “racist” and “Islamophobe” automatically. It is astonishing that the West has accepted this sharia tenet. Any other religion or its adherents can be criticized but not Islam or its adherents. It is an undue strain on Western society that is increasing and needs to stop.Just over a week ago, Jihad Watch reported about the state of London…..A knife crime epidemic has struck London and has seen over 51 murders this year. A Muslim migrant “acid gang” was sentenced four months ago following violent, unprovoked attacks on gays. London gangs also include “the Mali Boys,” which are becoming “more ‘organised, ruthless and driven by drugs profits.” Mali is a Muslim country plagued by Islamic rebel groups aiming to impose strict Islamic law across the country. The groups include: Ansar Dine, Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the Signed-in-Blood Battalion and the Islamic Movement for Azawad. Somali rape gangs have also victimized girls in London.London has become a cesspool of crime where jihad preachers speak and recruit freely. An Islamic State jihadist “tried to create jihadist child army in east London,” and now, Somalian parents are sending their children back home to save them from knife attacks in Sadiq Khan’s London.It is not “racist” to call out Sadiq Khan and Naz Shah for their role in shielding perpetrators who are piling up victims.An important revelation to note about this latest London acid attack: the attackers were wearing burqas.“It is alleged that the victim had been approached by two suspects, both wearing burkhas, and had the substance thrown at him before they fled in a waiting car.”While Westerners continue to be battered about disrespect for Muslim religious rights whenever proposals to ban face coverings come up, face coverings pose an undeniable threat and always did. While there are those who have argued that the balaclava is worn in winter which covers the face and therefore Muslim women should be allowed to wear face coverings, no one wears a balaclava indoors and while communicating with others indoors. Unfortunately, Westerners seem to be waiting for more victims to pile up to allow themselves permission to ban face coverings. It should be banned everywhere in the West in the interest of public safety. Banning them has nothing to do with “Islamophobia”.Sri Lanka banned the burqa after the deadly Easter bombing, while Muslim clerics cried foul (as usual). “Police found several women suspected of having aided the Easter terror attacks were wearing burqas, making finding and arresting them more difficult.” There was also concern that the use of the burqa would “hinder operations to arrest individuals believed to be involved in the attacks.”In 2015 in Chad, two Boko Haram jihad suicide bomb attacks that killed 23 people, led the country’s Prime Minister to condemn the use of the burqa as “camouflage,” and a ruling that all burqas on sale in markets must be burned. The burqa has also been banned in China, Tajikistan, Morocco, Latvia, Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon, Chad, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Bulgaria, France and Algeria.The province of Quebec in Canada has just passed a new law which bans religious symbols for public sector workers. This includes face coverings but it is unfortunate that only face coverings were not banned for security purposes.“Khan’s London: Attackers ‘Dressed in Burkas’ Throw Acid in Man’s Face”, by Jack Montgomery, Breitbart, June 24, 2019:Three people had acid thrown on them in two separate incidents over just a few hours in London, including a market stall vendor targeted by people “wearing burqas”.Djamil Mogdad was preparing his clothes stall around at 6.40am on Friday morning at Walthamstow Market when he was “assaulted with a corrosive substance”, according to a Metropolitan Police spokesman.“Officers and the London Fire Brigade attended. The man was taken to an east London hospital for treatment; his injuries are not believed to be life-threatening,” the spokesman added.“It is alleged that the victim had been approached by two suspects, both wearing burkhas, and had the substance thrown at him before they fled in a waiting car.“There have been no arrests and enquiries continue.”A binman who was at the scene and gave chase to the attackers said that he was “in the cafe having a cup of tea with the boys when Djamil ran in”.He added: “He was shouting: ‘I have been attacked by acid.’ He knew it was acid straight away. I jumped up and… [went] out and I see two people running so I ran after them. They were covered in black burqas. All I could see is the back of them so I couldn’t tell if they were men or women.“I got to the top of the road and I see them get in a car. They knew where the car was.”“I managed to get the first three registration numbers but it was all so quick, and they sped off and that was it… The whole thing lasted around 30 seconds. Where the acid hit the pavement it was bubbling on the floor,” he added.A fellow trader who said he has “spoken to [the victim’s] nephew who is in the hospital with him” appeared to confirm the burqa story, suggesting that “the way [the attackers] ran he said it was not like the way a lady runs it was like the way a man runs. So it was two people wearing ladies clothes.”