
Tuesday, June 18, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
On Thursday, June 13, the Senate passed two resolutions on anti-Semitism by unanimous consent.
The two resolutions, passed back to back, offer an interesting contrast.
The first resolution, 189, sponsored by Ted Cruz is a brief summary and condemnation of anti-Semitism. The submitters lean Republican, but not that much so, they also include Senator Coons, Cortez Mateo and a few others.
Aside from a general summary, Resolution 189 zooms in on a number of areas. One of them obviously involves a reference to Rep. Omar.
Whereas, in the United States, Jews have faced, and continue to face, false accusations of divided loyalty between the United States and Israel, false claims that they purchase political power with money, and false accusations about control of the financial system, along with other negative stereotypes; and
Resolution 189 then concludes…
Whereas Jews are the targets of the majority of hate crimes committed in the United States against any religious group, including attacks on houses of worship and Jewish community centers: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the United States Senate condemns and commits to combatting all forms of antisemitism.
Resolution 189 was then followed by Senator Kamala Harris’ intersectional Resolution 231 on the attack on Chabad of Poway.
Unlike, Cruz’s mainstream resolution, the only names on this one are that of Harris and her fellow Californian, Senator Dianne Feinstein.
Resolution 231 is good when it’s specifically dealing with the attack, and does mention, “Oscar Stewart, a veteran of the Army, and Jonathan Morales, a border patrol agent, bravely fought back, running toward the perpetrator of the attack.”
But its real agenda becomes a rant about white supremacism.
Nazis are obviously bad. And they’ve been responsible for a number of the violent attacks against Jews in recent years. But they’re not the only form of anti-Semitism around.
Whereas Cruz’s resolution condemned a spectrum of anti-Semitism, across political lines, and condemned principles of anti-Semitism, Harris’ resolution follows the lefty party line of reducing anti-Semitism to an issue of white supremacism.
Resolution 231 quickly switches over from a condemnation of anti-Semitism to emphasizing white supremacism while ignoring other forms of anti-Semitism, and then sidelining Jews in the intersectional rainbow, claiming.
“Whereas growing White supremacy and White nationalism is—
(1) a threat to the security of the United States; and
(2) antithetical to the American values of dignity and respect of all people, including Jewish, Muslim, Black, Latino, Asian American, immigrant, and LGBTQ peoples; and…”
White supremacy, like Black supremacy, is obviously bad.) Or less obviously bad to lefties who celebrate hate groups like Black Lives Matter), but unlike Islamic Supremacism, I wouldn’t describe it as a threat to the security of the United States.
Not at this stage.
The pairing of Muslims and Jews isn’t coincidental. This becomes the agenda in the Harris resolution.
The Harris resolution then… “reaffirms the commitment of the United States to condemn—
(A) anti-Semitism;
(B) White supremacy;
(C) White nationalism; and
(D) all forms of hatred.”
Why not mention the Islamic plots against synagogues, including some recent ones? The answer is all too obvious.
Neither resolution actually mentions this major problem.
But where the Cruz resolution at least defined the motives behind anti-Semitism, Harris attempts to erase any acknowledgement of anti-Semitism that doesn’t proceed from white supremacism.
And that implictly gives Rep. Omar and her own leftist allies a pass.